Win Original Sensible Seeds For Free At The Vault!

haven't tried these, would love some free seeds to pamper in my garden. love growing houseplants, want to give weed a try; I'm 60 yrs old and remember in the 70's I could buy a "four finger" bag (thats an ounce) for $40.00 bucks. didn't smoke at all for over 15 years cause I got paranoid so bad. Then I got a chance to smoke the good stuff and it helps with my aches and pains typical at my age. But the price here for an oz. runs $400., killing my budget.

Got my first grow (white widow) started inside, plants are looking great. Gonna move outside as soon as chance of frost is gone, about 6 weeks. Wish me luck! thanks for the chance at the free seeds!
I have not had the pleasure of trying Sensible seeds yet but would love to! :thanks: for the opportunity.
To enter just leave a comment below. Let us know about your experiences with Original Sensible Seeds or these strains in the comments section.
Dear Diary:
Today was a special day. George from The Vault tried to woo me with his special promotion of Original Seeds. Oh how I wish he picks me for the big dance on the 24th. I don't have the heart to tell him I have never tried Original Seeds but if I did I'm sure he would understand.
Until next time... Sauga out.
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