Will these ever fatten up?

Training dosent stunt plants my plants a trained and there huge.

i disagree , plants topped and bent have to recover from the snip or bent stem , they also have to send hormones to the nodes below to send the new tops to become the dominate colas , when i say stunt i dont mean it makes the plant smaller it stunts growth until the signals and healing is done , it will also stunt flower growth for a while , the plant in question has been bent and has been stressed so its stunted slowed down

Stunted = to stop, slow down, or hinder the growth or development of; dwarf: A harsh climatestunted the trees. Brutal treatment in childhood stunted his personality.

these are mine i topped twice so they are in flush near a month after their due date lol because i stunted them one is now hanging "auto ultimate dutch passion"
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