
I'm assuming I saw the same article, not too many with basements flooded by a butcher.

I don't think it's on a sewer, the mainline to the septic blew out saturating the ground area with everything from the floor drain. It's gotta find a place to go and a basement is just a whole in the ground. If they got all that blood in there wouldn't the basement routinely flood anyways? Not a plumber, I just know shit rolls downhill and paydays on Friday, don't bite your nails. Haha

What a nightmare, the butcher basically told them too bad, fix it yourself. Hopefully he gets shut down over it, treating your neighbor like that is uncalled for.
Yes, it does sound like they both tied into the same drainage line. It used to be common practice to use tile lines for your septic tank's leaching field around here and some just did not bother with the septic tanks when hooking up drains. Whoops!
Years ago my parents refinanced their house and the guy inspecting the house poured dye into the toilet and flushed it. They were making sure we weren't hooked into a drainage line (if we were that would have to be fixed prior to the loan) it sucked using the neighbor's toilet and showering under a garden hose for a week.
While I love to smoke. I was a rec. smoker way before I ever needed it for meds. While I don't know how well strains do for pain. Some do some don't. The one thing medical weed does for me is to keep my mind form concentrating on the pain. It don't go away. Weed keeps me distracted just enough the pain does not grate on my nerves all day. Constant pain makes me grouchy. With weed it can't be constant because I keep forgetting what happened 20 minutes before LMAO.

With that said. If I found the perfect strain, which I have. The "what's next" part of growing kicks in and I will only grow that strain on accusation. That's what gets to where I am out now. Growing more to see what happens next. More than growing for meds.
While I love to smoke. I was a rec. smoker way before I ever needed it for meds. While I don't know how well strains do for pain. Some do some don't. The one thing medical weed does for me is to keep my mind form concentrating on the pain. It don't go away. Weed keeps me distracted just enough the pain does not grate on my nerves all day. Constant pain makes me grouchy. With weed it can't be constant because I keep forgetting what happened 20 minutes before LMAO.

With that said. If I found the perfect strain, which I have. The "what's next" part of growing kicks in and I will only grow that strain on accusation. That's what gets to where I am out now. Growing more to see what happens next. More than growing for meds.

What strain do you use for pain? I use island sweet skunk but only at night. My wife has constant back pain but doesn't complain much.
I really don't grow for pain. Some work and some don't. I shoot more for distracted or for sleep. I try lots of strains LOL. I constantly grow different genetics so it is always hit and miss. My favorite is called Purple Betty. It is a souped up Purps hybrid a friend of mine made. I really like the berry indicas for pain and sleep. I find similar things in Blueberry hybrids. For me The Purps hybrids seem to have a little more warmth to the high if that makes any sense.
some great questions get asked here.lol
I grow because I love the ganja.simple. been a lifetime smoker and half of it a grower and I fucking love it. I dont drink normally and did have so e great times raving and doing the party scene with lots of acid , MDMA, amphetamine and 48 hour weekends .After all that madness and crazy memories I am left with Ganja. Old faithful has kept me sane and happy without a glitch through marriage breakdowns , family bereavement and a myriad of lifes ass kickers.
. If I could afford to buy every g I smoked , I would still grow these amazing brilliant plants. To have the pleasure choosing strains, flavours ect is a bonus now .
On another front , I get to share the load and negate the costs of growing but more importantly, in a time that is very financially difficult here in the uk , and both parents working still only scrapes a family by , I chose to say fuck it and now am a stay at home Dad with my youngest girls. I get to see their growing up and be an active daily part with some energy to enjoy it. The income yielded is never greed or luxury and i supply a great ethical product to informed adults that keeps us above water while Mrs GG trains to teach. No guilt , no rebellion , just plain old enjoyment. just my 10p worth.
The Purps I grow is made from BCBD. The guy that made my hybrid tried a ton of different purple strains trying to find the right genetics. From what he said BCBD Purps is the best one on the market.
I got into it to try and deal with an eye problem, and...hey i'm older with type II diabetes and just dont process alcohol well any more. :(

Didn't help the eye problem, that dealt with by laser and coming good slowly. :) However, my old mum has nerve based back pain she has tried lots of drugs for and a cannabis tincture helps with that. She does have to rotate the drugs for her pain management, but cannabis is one of the rotations. Wife of a friend at work has a cracked vertebrae and she finds the tincture helps with that.

Most of my grow goes into tincture. Have a standard recipe for bud, and leaves i defoliate all go into the freezer. I make up a tincture out of those and the stems chopped up fine which is quite good. 4-6 drops of the bud tincture in a bucket of black coffee and i'm nicely mildly buzzed for 2 hours or so and sleep well. Half a dropper of the leaf/stem tincture same same. Some i make butter with for scones, but not so much now. Lol! i actually wind up using everything but the roots.

I dont smoke it much unless its a social situation where passing around a scoob is appropriate. I have a big tin of buds in the cupboard (dark, room temp) that has been "curing" for nearly 18 months. That is a good smoke.

1, 3 paper scoob 2/3 mull and 1/3 tobacco out of that and i'm well stoned...need to be careful to avoid unsociable couch lock. Its also very smooth as i discovered on a camp mid this year. A couple of the others there had recently harvested buds and everyone remarked how rough that was compared to what i had. Maybe stronger, but rough to smoke. Taking the time to cure (which you can when you grow your own and have plenty) is well worth the time.

Growing can be fun too. :)

I have thought of making tincture's. Good chance I will be fat before long if I keep making my THC oil infused chocolate cake LMAO. Chocolate cake is always a winner. Chocolate cake that tastes great is wonderful. That same cake that gets you baked is a whole different thing.

Having a tincture to drop in a drink would be simple. Do you soak/wash your weed before making it? I have heard that that improves the flavor a lot.
I got into it to try and deal with an eye problem, and...hey i'm older with type II diabetes and just dont process alcohol well any more. :(

Didn't help the eye problem, that dealt with by laser and coming good slowly. :) However, my old mum has nerve based back pain she has tried lots of drugs for and a cannabis tincture helps with that. She does have to rotate the drugs for her pain management, but cannabis is one of the rotations. Wife of a friend at work has a cracked vertebrae and she finds the tincture helps with that.

Most of my grow goes into tincture. Have a standard recipe for bud, and leaves i defoliate all go into the freezer. I make up a tincture out of those and the stems chopped up fine which is quite good. 4-6 drops of the bud tincture in a bucket of black coffee and i'm nicely mildly buzzed for 2 hours or so and sleep well. Half a dropper of the leaf/stem tincture same same. Some i make butter with for scones, but not so much now. Lol! i actually wind up using everything but the roots.

I dont smoke it much unless its a social situation where passing around a scoob is appropriate. I have a big tin of buds in the cupboard (dark, room temp) that has been "curing" for nearly 18 months. That is a good smoke.

1, 3 paper scoob 2/3 mull and 1/3 tobacco out of that and i'm well stoned...need to be careful to avoid unsociable couch lock. Its also very smooth as i discovered on a camp mid this year. A couple of the others there had recently harvested buds and everyone remarked how rough that was compared to what i had. Maybe stronger, but rough to smoke. Taking the time to cure (which you can when you grow your own and have plenty) is well worth the time.

Growing can be fun too. :)

weed infused devonshire cream... goood idea bro...
I grow gardens, have planted hundreds of trees, eat my own vegetables, can tomatoes and salsa. I've raised chickens and peacocks and exotic pheasants. I've planned and planted others' gardens. I've gotten Master Gardener and a Nurseryman degrees. But what couldn't I do my entire adult life? Grow cannabis.
In the past forty years I've had basically zero access to weed, living up here in the middle of nowhere.
When the laws changed here it took me a few months to realize and get comfortable with the fact that yes, I can grow now. What a revelation!
The gods have granted us this miraculous plant, it should never have been in mans' hands to control.
I have thought of making tincture's. Good chance I will be fat before long if I keep making my THC oil infused chocolate cake LMAO. Chocolate cake is always a winner. Chocolate cake that tastes great is wonderful. That same cake that gets you baked is a whole different thing.

Having a tincture to drop in a drink would be simple. Do you soak/wash your weed before making it? I have heard that that improves the flavor a lot.

Dont soak or wash it. I go with bottom up watering and add any top down nutes carefully under the foliage. Never had to spray insecticides. Only thing i has had to use is Neem as a soil drench. Worst i have had so far is a low level of fungus gnat that i can easily live with, and the odd spider i tolerate as they are predators.

I grow in hot conditions mostly and am a bit paranoid about fungus, particularly during flower when the buds are filling out so try and keep the foliage dry.

One thing i like about tinctures is that it can be a very discrete way to get bent. :) No smoke means not smelling like a weed plantation that has had a bushfire through it. :)

Buds dried, then in an oven bag into a convection oven for 60-70 mins to decarb. Crushed and then into AR grade Ethanol for a few hours, that poured off and a second extraction in ethanol. Evaporate that down (carefully) and into dark dropper bottles to end up with 4g bud to 25ml ethanol. Those i keep in the fridge.

Dos me and not as fattening as cake or brownies. :)
I squeeze out the rosin, decarb it, mix it with coconut oil to get the proper strength, then put it into capsules. It takes longer to hit, but no smoke to irritate my wife.
I was forced into it. I've had constant lower back pain & sciatica for over forty years. My family physician refuses to prescribe controlled substances anymore for anyone or any condition. This is due to the draconian enforcement of Health Canada guidelines by our Provincial Health Authority. I'd have to go to a different walk in clinic every week just to get Tylenol 3s whenever the pain flares up. Cannabis was the only option I had left to get pain relief. Insurance won't cover a prescription for cannabis, and I cant afford to buy it, so I'm growing it. I was in constant pain at NPIC levels of 5-6, with spikes in the range of 8-9 for over a year until I was able to get a prescription, and finish my first grow.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy growing, and solving the problems that came with the setup and expansion of my grow op. If I had the option I'd have put that money into wood working. I've got the tools, just no materials to work with.

Same reason but in America.
Whats the best way to preserve all the terpenese while reducing to oil or tinctures?

Terpines boil off at a lower temperature. Keep the temperature as low as possible, for as short a time as possible.

This can be a problem. If you use a solvent solution for extraction such as Everclear 190 proof, five percent by volume is water. The temperature must be brought above 212°F / 100°C to boil off the remaining water. The water must be boiled off to reach the 110°C / 230°F required for decarboxylation, Usually two or more hours is required.

If a rosin press is used, keeping the temperature below 190°F / 88°C and the press time below five minutes is about the best you can do. You will need to decarboxylate at 110°C / 230°F for 10 - 20 minutes. The time at high temperatures is much reduced from extractions using solvent solutions, helping with terpine preservation.
I grow because it improves my quality of life and those around me.
I for some reason have a very over active mind and I often find myself pondering over something that upsets me, angers me, or depresses me. Why? I have no idea. I can't help it...
Once I get home from work I smoke before I do anything else. If not I would be a cranky asshole due to all the built up crap from the day. I dwell on stupid stuff and worry way, way too much what others think of me. When I'm high I escape all that nonsense. It's like a huge weight is lifted off me immediately upon my first few hits. If not for cannabis I would be miserable and my poor attitude, and bad temper would be unleashed upon those around me. I'm not violent or abusive... don't get me wrong. I have anxiety and that is all related to the above explanation.
I used to smoke for recreation when I was in my late teens / early twenties but then I stopped for a long time.
Once I was prescribed meds from a doctor for my anxiety I quickly realized how these meds changed me. Not for the good... more of a numbing lack in spirit. I didn't like it. I was then given two pre rolled joints from a friend. I kept them in my freezer until one day our son was gone for the night and my wife and I decided to smoke them for recreation. We forgot how great it was lol. I have been a daily smoker now for just over two years. Things that have changed since would be my short term memory... or lack there of lol. I get by but sometimes I loose my train of thought mid conversation. I don't like that but it's a small price to pay in my world.
I developed a bad back, shoulders, etc... from construction work when I was younger so it helps me deal with that now. Also I don't sleep through the night anymore at all. Cannabis helps with this as well.
In a nut shell I smoked recreationally in the beginning but it has developed into a medicinal requirement for my wife and I both. She developed Aurora Migraines over a year ago and some strains really help her with that. She actually has less migraines when she smokes more often.
On the other side of the fence... I grow because I love it. It has become a hobby for me. I used to love Salt Water fish, and coral keeping but that became very expensive. This hobby can be expensive as well but you will get the return if you put in the work. Our cannabis pays for itself at this point and I have a great hobby to keep me occupied. A few posts back someone mentioned how they used to play video games after work but now can't find the time. lol. I am the same way. Video games used to be my disconnect form the real world but now with growing cannabis and smoking it I have all the disconnect I need.
I used to drink beer and rum for recreation. I almost never drink anymore. I actually can't remember the last time I had an alcohol buzz on. I don't miss drinking at all. In the summer I would have a cold beer while cutting the grass maybe but nothing crazy.
Oh and by the way... There are smiles and laughter at our dinner table most evenings. I believe it has created a happier home for my son and that's what's really important IMO.
I got into it to try and deal with an eye problem, and...hey i'm older with type II diabetes and just dont process alcohol well any more. :(

Didn't help the eye problem, that dealt with by laser and coming good slowly. :) However, my old mum has nerve based back pain she has tried lots of drugs for and a cannabis tincture helps with that. She does have to rotate the drugs for her pain management, but cannabis is one of the rotations. Wife of a friend at work has a cracked vertebrae and she finds the tincture helps with that.

Most of my grow goes into tincture. Have a standard recipe for bud, and leaves i defoliate all go into the freezer. I make up a tincture out of those and the stems chopped up fine which is quite good. 4-6 drops of the bud tincture in a bucket of black coffee and i'm nicely mildly buzzed for 2 hours or so and sleep well. Half a dropper of the leaf/stem tincture same same. Some i make butter with for scones, but not so much now. Lol! i actually wind up using everything but the roots.

I dont smoke it much unless its a social situation where passing around a scoob is appropriate. I have a big tin of buds in the cupboard (dark, room temp) that has been "curing" for nearly 18 months. That is a good smoke.

1, 3 paper scoob 2/3 mull and 1/3 tobacco out of that and i'm well stoned...need to be careful to avoid unsociable couch lock. Its also very smooth as i discovered on a camp mid this year. A couple of the others there had recently harvested buds and everyone remarked how rough that was compared to what i had. Maybe stronger, but rough to smoke. Taking the time to cure (which you can when you grow your own and have plenty) is well worth the time.

Growing can be fun too. :)

Good on you mate. those roots dried make brilliant rooting hormones too , not too mention great mulch for the pots.
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