Why Not's Platinum Kush Grow

One idea from that grower buddy. If you have time, as I will in the early spring or late winter. Indoors, start a feminized seed and grow it to almost flower. Cut this down and create many clones. The clone will generally give more buds partially because it will not be the standard Christmas tree shape. One seed, many plants and more bud.
You can take the cuttings in early flower and when they grow they throw off even more branches. It's a technique called monstercropping.
When I go out to the shed again, I will take note of the name. He liked one of the contents.
Oh cool! Whenever you have a chance. Curious at to what growers use for bugs. It's a constant topic here!
He also advised preditor bugs. Only one plant is being affected. The cold of the winter will kill everything here, as I am weeks away from closing up for the winter, I will not get any now but that is the way to go I think.
You can take the cuttings in early flower and when they grow they throw off even more branches. It's a technique called monstercropping.

Oh cool! Whenever you have a chance. Curious at to what growers use for bugs. It's a constant topic here!
Safer's End.All Miticide insecticide acaricide Seems he knew the ingredients, I can't see it on the bottle
I looked online and it says that has neem and pyrethrins in it. I don't think either of those things should be used for flowering buds.

I found this on pyrethrins:
Pyrethrins: A challenging cannabis contaminant

And neem oil has been reported to add a bad taste to buds as well as turning pistils brown. I stick with a 1:9 mix of 70% isolated to water mix alternating with spinosad (which I stop 2 weeks before harvest). I also wash my plants after I chop.

Bug killers, even organic ones, aren't tested for inhalation, only ingestion.
The first Early Miss AF has been harvested. My fingers got covered in this sticky stuff, so I smoked it.
It is hanging now for a week. Then with two weeks minimal curing, just days before my hospitalization for total hip replacement, I get to sample it.
Smells absolutely great!
I re arranged the plants so the lights are maximized for the remaining plants. All is well. Temperature in the shed is now 17 for their night time temp, it was 23 for their light time. The Photo Period plants inside the tent are going along well, just so slow.
You’ve come a long way with your setup and environment during your time here at 420 doo! Good job bud! Can’t wait to see how much you get off this round of girls! And Shed is definitely right about the neem during flower....that’s a no no. Lol. I’ve heard about the taste difference in your final product if you do. Much more harsh. But also....I sprayed mine once in early flower before I knew better and the pistols it hit turned brown within a couple days. I don’t think they are supposed to that fast. Lol. I started using spinosad and alternating that with the isopropyl alcohol mix that Shed was talking about. Neem worked great in Veg stage though.

It’s good you have a grow buddy close by to help you. I would also recommend exploring more on this site. There are some great growers here with knowledge coming out the wazoo. Lol. @InTheShed is one of them. Do you follow any grow journals on here?
The tent plants are doing well. The buds are firming up nicely. The cookies hairs are mostly laying down and some have changed to red. The Pineapple on the other hand, their buds look like white porcupines.
The remaining AF plants are getting close so I will judge if they get just water again for the flush or fed. The one closest to the door and the colder air is a bit behind. The Purple Kush is not purple at all, yet
I checked and no spider mites left. I am keeping a close eye.
Yes, Mr. Magoo I do some reading here and follow a few. Never stops really.
The bending has worked out really well on the Purple Kush, must be 10 top looking buds. I will get a picture of it.

This is the Auto Flower Purple Kush as promised. Still two to three weeks out I figure? The first shot gives you an idea of what happened after I drastically bent the top arms of the plant. I used magnetic wire then twisted it shorter. Look at all the tops now! I am religiously feeding every other day, dropping the temperature by 5 degrees for their night time. It sits directly under a 1.5 K LED. I have removed a few of the large leaves blocking light getting to the lower buds. This last week the buds have firmed up nicely. I am thinking two ounces out of this plant?
Good Morning All, Raining and cool. I just adjusted the temperature in the shed for dark time. I lower it to 17 or 18 then during light time I bring it up to 22. Attempting some fine tuning here.
The Auto Flower Early Miss are at their 95 days from seed on Friday (two days). The harvested one is hanging, the rain obviously will bring up the moisture in the air. Day three of hanging. The four other EM appear two weeks away, many of the hairs are standing upright and not many darkened as of yet. The AF Purple Kush looks incredible, the aggressive bending of the arms was successful and many side buds are converting to top buds. I have bent over the taller arms of the Early Miss too. The Purple Kush has not taken on any Purple colour yet but the buds are still milky white. The top leaves of the Early Miss plants appear more purple under the lights than the Purple Kush buds - as of yet.
In the tent, I bent over the taller bits of the two Triangle Cookies clones. They appear to be taking over the tent. One arm I was attempting to tie off fell over because of the weight of he bud (aww). Tied off a couple of arms on the Gorilla Glue #4 clone too. Could not get to the Pineapple Rush at the back. Need to rotate them somehow. Need a new back first.
I had thought I might get 7 Photo Period plants in the shed, but now I have done one grow in the 4x4 tent, Four plants is good, but with removal of the divider therefore increasing the size by a foot to 5x4, six plants could fit but I would like another light in there. This is very good to learn before I go whole hog next year. Maybe get another 4x4 tent? With two tents in a 10x10 shed, that would leave 10x5 clear and I could have two AF areas of five plants each. Makes 20 plants of my allowed 25. This would cost three to five lights and one tent, maybe $550 to $700. I will grow two Photo Period plants from feminized seed to almost flower, destroy the mother and create all clones. These clones are what I will tent grow. So one tent of Green Crack and one of Crown Royal (both 8 or 9 weeks flower) then two areas of AF, all from seed, they do not clone. The two clones I will start, using four seeds, indoors just after New Years, then in March they will go out to the shed to bloom. February I will start the Auto Flower from a choice of White Widow, Northern Lights and Purple Kush. Mid June I can begin Period Plant Grow 2. My choice will depend on how Grow 1 went but I also have Purple Kush Photo Period seeds too. I will begin these with the experience of how it went the first time. Probably late April, I will start to make the clones for Grow 2 and plant another round of Auto Flower.
Fed the girls yesterday, having to bend over to get to the back two, my face got planted in a big bunch of buds. The smell is amazing.
Today is Early Miss harvest day or so the documentation states. Still a week or two away, I think.
The last dramatic bending of long branches has worked out very well, especially on the Photo Period plants. Will do more bending and some trimming today. Might harvest a branch or two that appear ready. That will open up the lower buds to more light.
I will also make cana butter from the sugar leaves I have collected. I use a simple coffee maker with out the marijuana logo on the side (they call that Easy Butter Maker at $90.00) my cost under $18.00. Fast and seems to work, I run it through twice.
Some vapor barrier in the shed has to be re installed.
My grower friend that caught the spider mites came over to examine my crop. Only good things came out of his mouth. He liked the deep green of the leaves and the smell on his hand after touching the buds. Even got a few "Oh wow" moments. I should keep up on the tying off branches and harvest branches turning colour. He thinks I am going to be impressed with the Cookies. He thought the 25 degrees in the shed was perfect. I had just watered so the smell was strong.
I got a Gold Star. Will try to get some shots after my doctors appointment tomorrow morning.
I went over the plants taking off the leaves blocking the light from the lower buds. I examined the plants to asses what arms are ripened and can be removed. The bud might look ripe but the bud just below it on the same arm is not. I could find no full arms I would remove. I did find a broken part of an arm that I will remove tomorrow. I was interrupted in my work, a neighbour actually knocked on the shed door. A first for everything.
The buds are extremely sticky. Fed them tonight and turned up the heat a bit.
My sister in law has extra insulation, vapor barrier and even some drywall for me. Enough to finish insulating the last wall in the shed and start drywalling as I can. Like around the AF area then paint it white.
Only one more corner to insulate, then finish off vapor barrier. Bill is coming over to pick up his stuff Thursday. This will free up the corner that needs doing. Then I need to move the tent to fix around the vent and tighten up the vapor barrier over the tent. I can't believe that is done, big chore.
Completing this will make the final weeks nice and toasty for the crop.
I harvested one of the triangle cookies clones. Very sticky. Hanging now. The other cookies clone is about a week away. The other two photo period need more time.
Next year I either add another tent or drywall the whole shed making it completely dark when required. Comments?
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