Why Have I Never Experienced pH Issues?


Well-Known Member
As life continues with growing as a big bobbie, I want to improve my methods as needed. BUT, I don't believe I've ever experienced an issue stemming from the PH being off.

I ask this because somebody told me that adding a small amount of garden lime and upping your perlite % to 25 you will see some great results, but that it could alter the PH.

I don't have a digital tester.. I know.. shame shame. But I plan on picking one up in the next day or so. :D

I currently have a very basic soil / nutrient regiment - Fertilome potting mix & General Hydroponics Flora Trio at half strength. I haven't seen any major nute burn in past grows, which I love!.. I guess I'm just getting curious as to ways to increase resin production, yield, just by adjusting my soil / nutrients. I believe most other aspects of the grow are A1, at least to my likings :blunt: Just feel like upping my soil game!

What are your favorite nutrients & or soil mixes? I'd love to hear what's worked for the greats out there! :hippy:

One last thing - Are there nutrients you can add to the top of the soil of already-potted plants successfully, and see results?

P.S. Sorry if I seem all over the place writing this. I'm pretty medicated on some my last crop, the Holy Grail 69. :token:
Well there are lots of people who believe that pH'ing is a waste of time with soil. Soil had a way of self-adjusting pH basically. I think if you made the soil pH too high it would have an effect though.

Not necessarily nutrients, but OG Tea veganic special sauce. Sprinkle a fine top dust on and then water with plain water after you've fed nutrients. Growth will skyrocket as if you'd fed twice the nutrients and without the burn. Probiotics help break down the nutrient and help the plant up take them better.
No PH problems then you are doing just fine & why change some thing which is not broken :thumb:

Perlite will improve drainage & aeration of the soil/compost to some degree basically is PH inert to which will not alter soil PH etc.

Lime is a PH buffer more to the neutral range of PH & more likely used with acidic soils/compost to buffer etc.

You can check your soil brand website for info, i just did showed PH range including nutrients with in the soil/compost mix with EC rating & was pretty good info i thought that was pretty impressive myself as i don't really see such good detail with some brands :thumb:

I grow in soil/compost which states the PH is 6.9 by the brand bag name & i do believe in the self buffering nature of soil PH which can be observed with a cheap soil Ph probe or a fancy digital one at cost, depends on far you want to go ?

Yup used organic & synthetic/salt nutrients with out PH buffering with PH up or down with out problems doing just fine...

Lots of stuff to mention... feel free to ask questions :thumb:
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