Why do you think it's illegal?

Rastoner said:
and they are all illegal to the general public.
Yeah, without a prescription. Just like any other prescribed drug.

j842p said:
Why don't you site this...?
And what exactly is young?
How old are you Breathless?
Cause guess what... if you are younger than 25, your brain is still developing, same as if you were 15.
15 like you. ;)

Anyway, I thought it stopped developing about 30? That's when your brain actually starts to shrink I guess you could call it.

I think you guys have sited it enough. Anybody have trouble remembering things? Short term memory loss, brain growth hindrance.

I'll answer how old I am in 5 days. :cool:
Rastoner said:
name an opiate thts available with prescription?? that isnt from a vet...

im serious i know none...im not saying they're not out there...im just saying i dont no of any.
I'm gonna pull an TOG :p .

Do you know what Google is. The world is at your fingertips. LEARN, LEARN, LEARN!!!!!!!!!!!

Here you go.
Prescription Drug Abuse: FDA and SAMHSA Join Forces said:
The highest increases were seen with oxycodone, methadone, morphine, and hydrocodone. Narcotic pain relievers, also known as opiates, are the most commonly abused prescription drugs.
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