Why ain't my Tricom changing need help

If she is still eating, draining her pot she is still alive and flowing.
She has white pistils. :Namaste:
When flowering is finished they will turn red and crinkle in.
2 weeks minimum.
Then start checking trics.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
She only has white pastels on the bottom part of her where the newer growth started

Will letting them go to long
Ruin my yield this is all personal. I just wanna know if it will still be smokable if I let it go.
It will improve greatly the last 2 weeks of flower.
That's the whole point of letting them finish.
More thc and terps.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It's not just farming that changing . Vibration of planet went up also. Sun is alot hotter and brighter too. Going to be different. I was raised as a kid farming and when year 7 comes. Boy it comes in strange sht.
Least that be my guess every 7 years you suppose to give land a break. If not mother nature not good to us. We abused it to much.
Pray to smoke gods bros. It helps.
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