White Widow & Money Maker LED Perlite Hempy Manifold

Ya i would probably let em run a week more or so, make sure you give em some calmag here and there. O and you might find a ph of 5.5-5.6 will suit you better in hempys i always ran into issues when i ph'd at 5.8-6.0 if you ph to 5.5-5.6 it allows the plant to uptake each nutrient as the ph drifts up.

I often wondered if I started with a slightly lower PH, what effect it would have. Thanks for the advice, I will test it out. Makes perfect sense though. As the nutrients are consumed the PH slowly rises. Peace!!
Will update later, been having issues uploading pictures. Peace!!

Alright, here we go lol.

They are looking better now. Looks like it may only be 9 this run. The really damaged one has very slowly started to recover. Peace!!

They are looking way better than the last update. I pulled everything off except for the growing tips. Will get a pic up, later. Runt is still slowly recovering but alive and well. Broke a branch on one, did a repair op. Should recover over the next few days. Peace!!
Alright so this is where we're at. I only did a couple to start as I still need to drill the pots to anchor the soft garden ties. Will update when completed tomorrow or next day. Peace!!


Sorry had a stoner moment saw your journal title again and now i know why it reminds me of fluxing lol its basically the same as manifold lol
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