White Widow clones

11/17/19 day 12 flower
Things are looking pretty good, no major issues, but seems like some minor deficiencies (if anyone knows what it is, please speak up) overall not bad. Started adding the z7and hydrogaurd, some of my capillary valves got clogged and also using the floranova series which is pretty thick stuff, so next time i run my gogrow system i will use gh trio. Making up new feed, 6 gal ro
6mls armor is
18mls calimagic
14mls floranova bloom
3mls pt1 pt2 z7
12mls hydrogaurd
Total ppm 570 ph 5.8
Temp 78°f
Rh 23%
11/26/19 day 21 flower
Having some issues, looking like N and calcium deficiency, hopefully i can get it under control, i have not had issues in flower before. making up new feed 5 gal ro
5mls armor si
20mls calimagic
6mls floranova bloom
3mls floranova grow
2.5mls flying skull pt1 pt2
10mls hydrogaurd
Total ppm 650 ph 5.7
Rh 36%
Temp 74°f
11/26/19 day 21 flower
Having some issues, looking like N and calcium deficiency, hopefully i can get it under control, i have not had issues in flower before. making up new feed 5 gal ro
5mls armor si
20mls calimagic
6mls floranova bloom
3mls floranova grow
2.5mls flying skull pt1 pt2
10mls hydrogaurd
Total ppm 650 ph 5.7
Rh 36%
Temp 74°f
Yea I was thinking they look a little yellow but wasn’t sure if it was the lights. Probably best not to overdo it, though. I have limited experience with indoor — and then only for seed — so can’t offer you much in the way of advice, though. Let us know how it turns out. How many weeks since flip?
8/13/19 took cuttings and dipped in rooting hormone and placed i rockwool cubes feeding rapid start and superthrive

Clones took root, transplanted into solo cups with coco making up 1st feed using gh floranova with some additives
Make up a half gal
.5mls armor si
1.25mls calimagic
.5mls gh fn grow
Was to strong 480ppm diluted to 280ppm
Ph 5.9


4 of 6 survived (just what i needed) they have roots and i transplanted them into solo cups 4 days ago feeding with a LIGHT nutrient feed. Using gh floranova for this, so the feed only consists of floranova grow at 300ppm phd to 5.7
Making up new batch of feed 1gal
1ml armor si
2.5mls calimagic
.5mls floranova grow
Total ppm 290 ph 5.9


The ends of the leafs are a little crispy, was my 1st time doing clones, but they are all showing signs of new growth
8/13/19 took cuttings and dipped in rooting hormone and placed i rockwool cubes feeding rapid start and superthrive

Clones took root, transplanted into solo cups with coco making up 1st feed using gh floranova with some additives
Make up a half gal
.5mls armor si
1.25mls calimagic
.5mls gh fn grow
Was to strong 480ppm diluted to 280ppm
Ph 5.9


4 of 6 survived (just what i needed) they have roots and i transplanted them into solo cups 4 days ago feeding with a LIGHT nutrient feed. Using gh floranova for this, so the feed only consists of floranova grow at 300ppm phd to 5.7
Making up new batch of feed 1gal
1ml armor si
2.5mls calimagic
.5mls floranova grow
Total ppm 290 ph 5.9


The ends of the leafs are a little crispy, was my 1st time doing clones, but they are all showing signs of new growth
Growing white widow as I type flipped them on the 10th. Already nice small tippy tops. I use clone king and it works great
Yea I was thinking they look a little yellow but wasn’t sure if it was the lights. Probably best not to overdo it, though. I have limited experience with indoor — and then only for seed — so can’t offer you much in the way of advice, though. Let us know how it turns out. How many weeks since flip?
3 weeks sense flip
Still looking mighty yellow, if i dont see signs of improvement by this weekend, im going back to gh flora trio instead of gh floranova. I upped the ppm to 650 and threw some floranova grow back in to the mix instead of just bloom. Hopefully this gives it what it needs. Will the plants recover?
Still looking mighty yellow, if i dont see signs of improvement by this weekend, im going back to gh flora trio instead of gh floranova. I upped the ppm to 650 and threw some floranova grow back in to the mix instead of just bloom. Hopefully this gives it what it needs. Will the plants recover?
Marijuana is a tough fucking plant — if you don’t believe me, check out my thread on stress testing, LOL.
They do look like they need nitrogen but if you’re feeding them according to the label, it might be an issue with the pH of your water or something else that’s preventing them from accessing the nutrients.
I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful but I’m an outdoor guy and it’s just apples and oranges. I fertilize with manure and shit. I don’t calculate parts per million, I just feed the soil instead of the plant, based off like eyeballing stuff.
That said, your plants will survive and do fine. Marijuana is a tough fucking plant. Don’t worry about it too much — your plants are producing flower and even if you don’t figure out exactly what’s wrong, they will produce enough to get you high.
Keep in mind, I’m a hillbilly who isn’t picky about quality. If the quality is subpar, I just smoke another joint and that does the trick. Other guys on this forum know more about quality and such.
Yea those look fine, I never worry about damage to older leaves. Old leaves get beat up, but as long as the new leaves look good, I don’t stress. I’ve never tried rock wool but it kind of trips me out — is the main advantage that it’s well drained? I just sprout my seed in potting soil but if there’s a compelling reason for rock wool, I’ll try it. Not criticizing rock wool, but I’m just honestly trying to to figure out why people dig it so much, LOL.
Yea those look fine, I never worry about damage to older leaves. Old leaves get beat up, but as long as the new leaves look good, I don’t stress. I’ve never tried rock wool but it kind of trips me out — is the main advantage that it’s well drained? I just sprout my seed in potting soil but if there’s a compelling reason for rock wool, I’ll try it. Not criticizing rock wool, but I’m just honestly trying to to figure out why people dig it so much, LOL.
Im using rockwool cuz i have it and im doing dwc with my seedlings and using hydoton in my net pots, the seed itself wont get good traction in just the hydroton so i use rockwool to get them started. Rockwool has always worked good for me so im not gonna change it
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