Which nutrients should I buy?

Why is it my burden to prove your statements?
"I'm an engineer with 20 years growing experience, I bred seed" isn't an informative argument. It's asking us to take your word as evidence of truth. Most other people could easily back up their opinion with personal experiences that led them to believe what they say. You seem like you're just repeating what you've read or seen work for others. I know you don't care, but I can't trust what you say simply because someone else said it. That doesn't show true knowledge or even experience of a subject.

But you're right, this topic is not about philosophy. I concede.
Well Thanks for Trying to help Guys !! Kinda Confused now hahah ! Still not sure what to do haha !! But i guess the nutrients is a thing you have to find out yourself lol .... I was Kinda looking for someone who uses Advanced Nutrients and can tell me which works for them so i can buy that ... But seems like everybody is using special Nutrients/selfmade lol
Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice worked for me. I used foxfarm happy frog soil which gave the plants nutrients for 3 weeks, then I started feeding with 2ml per liter Iguana Juice. After a couple weeks you can step it up to 3ml and 4ml per liter.

If you're growing indoor you'll probably also want a calcium and magnesium supplement. General Organics brand calmag worked well for me. The amount you feed is the same, 2ml per liter, stepping up to 4.

1 quart Iguana Juice (Grow) - $20
1 quart Iguana Juice (Bloom) - $20
General Organics CalMag - $15

You should still check the pH of the nutrient mix and adjust it to between 6.0-6.5 for soil.
pH UP - $10
pH Down - $10

Check the grow in my sig for more details or pictures of results with those nutrients. But that's pretty much all there is to it. Can use all the saved time bottled nutrients grant you to start researching your own special mix.

Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice worked for me. I used foxfarm happy frog soil which gave the plants nutrients for 3 weeks, then I started feeding with 2ml per liter Iguana Juice. After a couple weeks you can step it up to 3ml and 4ml per liter.

If you're growing indoor you'll probably also want a calcium and magnesium supplement. General Organics brand calmag worked well for me. The amount you feed is the same, 2ml per liter, stepping up to 4.

1 quart Iguana Juice (Grow) - $20
1 quart Iguana Juice (Bloom) - $20
General Organics CalMag - $15

You should still check the pH of the nutrient mix and adjust it to between 6.0-6.5 for soil.
pH UP - $10
pH Down - $10

Check the grow in my sig for more details or pictures of results with those nutrients. But that's pretty much all there is to it. Can use all the saved time bottled nutrients grant you to start researching your own special mix.


Awesome !! Thank you Very much !! This is what i was hoping for haha :)
You can also try the jungle juice or sensi line both work well cal mag is a must get some bud igniter big bud and overdrive and that is a basic advanced nutrients line up
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