When's the earliest I can flip a plant to check sex then flip back?

The earliest I have ever had a plant throw pistils was 2 weeks old doing 12/12 from seed. That is from an early flowering strain though. Most people on here would say they can't flower until at least 3 weeks old.
I top most of my plants as the strains I usually grow do well with it, so anytime I'm using reg seeds I pop the top into a glass of water and give it the 12/12 schedule. Gets it to show sex without the stress of shifting to flower then reveg.
The earliest I have ever had a plant throw pistils was 2 weeks old doing 12/12 from seed. That is from an early flowering strain though. Most people on here would say they can't flower until at least 3 weeks old.
I top most of my plants as the strains I usually grow do well with it, so anytime I'm using reg seeds I pop the top into a glass of water and give it the 12/12 schedule. Gets it to show sex without the stress of shifting to flower then reveg.

Now thats some quality advice i will give that a go for sure. Need to try topping on my next strain anyways, bought a bulk amount of same strain so itll be good to know early.
The correct answer is, as soon as the plant has reached maturity. How do you know when that has happened? When the new nodes stop coming in symmetrically and begin to alternate.... and this typically happens around 4-5 weeks into the grow.

My better answer to you is that all of this is not necessary. Male plants mature faster, and you should be able to spot and isolate all the males before the females even reach maturity. By carefully watching each plant you should be able to determine sex without any special effort, and before it becomes an issue in your grow room.
I have had clones that started to flower as they’re rooting, That sucks. But you know it’s female. If you take a cutting of a plant that has a bud and put it under 18-24 hrs light it will start to re-veg, and spit out branches like crazy. Accidentally found monster cropped clones! Too cool. Awesome learning experience.
You can flower a plant as soon as it sprouts. I knew a guy years ago who would never changed his 12/12 cycle....ever. The end result was just as if you'd planted a clone and flipped right away...sog style. Many debated his method but none could deny its results. Mind you this was well before auto flowering plants. He was ahead of his time. So, to answer the question you can flower immediately without issue at any stage of growth.
I have had clones that started to flower as they’re rooting, That sucks. But you know it’s female. If you take a cutting of a plant that has a bud and put it under 18-24 hrs light it will start to re-veg, and spit out branches like crazy. Accidentally found monster cropped clones! Too cool. Awesome learning experience.
I've always called those flowering clones and they work excellent for scrog grows. If a clone is taken around 21 days into flowering it seems to be the right timing to get the effect but I've taken clones all throughout flowering and even flipped seedlings to get the effect.
Clones are a totally different thing... and yes, a clone will start flowering as soon as it has roots if it is in 12/12 light, because genetically it IS the mother plant and its age is that of the original plant... it is already mature. If we are talking about a plant grown from seed, this is NOT the case, and that plant needs to mature before it can flower.
Don’t some people try to do 12 12 from seed. I’ve never tried it but I’ve seen buds and that’s what they said they did. Idk the answer probably changes with strains and if it’s got any “auto” genes in it.
Don’t some people try to do 12 12 from seed. I’ve never tried it but I’ve seen buds and that’s what they said they did. Idk the answer probably changes with strains and if it’s got any “auto” genes in it.
Some people do indeed, as people are likely to do any number of silly things. If you try to grow using 12/12 all the way through with a photoperiod plant, ignoring all the advice not to do so, but trusting someone on the internet instead, you deserve what you get. If you want a stunted out very tiny Auto that barely produces enough to get a heavy user through a day, then by all means... neglect the chance to give that plant 18-24 hours of light all through the grow... again, anyone doing this deserves what they get.
Trust nothing you see on the internet, even my words. Verify what you can.
Some people do indeed, as people are likely to do any number of silly things. If you try to grow using 12/12 all the way through with a photoperiod plant, ignoring all the advice not to do so, but trusting someone on the internet instead, you deserve what you get. If you want a stunted out very tiny Auto that barely produces enough to get a heavy user through a day, then by all means... neglect the chance to give that plant 18-24 hours of light all through the grow... again, anyone doing this deserves what they get.
Trust nothing you see on the internet, even my words. Verify what you can.
I had a sneaking hunch you'd bite on this. Your debate rings true of the same I read years ago. The man's name is SpeesCees and he owns No Mercy Seed. His 12/12 from seed is a valid method and it works.
The methods you have been taught and the many articles you posted are good decent advice but there are others that work as well. It's is your choice to take a stand on what you believe to be true but not a good idea to tell others they are foolish for researching new and old ideas. Research and experiments have fueled this hobby to what it is today.

12/12 from seed...this is typical plant size. Not a mere stick. Add a harvest schedule of 7x a year and we're talking a lot of bud. Enough to keep a heavy smoker for longer than a day. SOG anyone?
I had a sneaking hunch you'd bite on this. Your debate rings true of the same I read years ago. The man's name is SpeesCees and he owns No Mercy Seed. His 12/12 from seed is a valid method and it works.
The methods you have been taught and the many articles you posted are good decent advice but there are others that work as well. It's is your choice to take a stand on what you believe to be true but not a good idea to tell others they are foolish for researching new and old ideas. Research and experiments have fueled this hobby to what it is today.

12/12 from seed...this is typical plant size. Not a mere stick. Add a harvest schedule of 7x a year and we're talking a lot of bud. Enough to keep a heavy smoker for longer than a day. SOG anyone?

Those are the funniest lookin plants i have seen yet lol! They do look nice and crystaly thats for sure.
Does he create his own seeds? for the price of a seed today i want a heck of a lot more than that lol.
I agree that you should question pretty much everything...within reason.
I have done 12/12 from seed, and anyone who says it can't be done without trying it themselves or looking at the results of those who do is essentially plugging their ears and yelling "I can't hear you". It's also their right to do so, and they shouldn't be attacked for it.
Usually you'll get small buds, yielding only a couple of grams. Some exceptional people will get a couple of ounces. It's like those people who bring a plant all the way through to harvest in a solo cup. There really isn't much reason to do it. The only reason I did was to get an idea of the terpene profile of an accidental cross to see if it was worth growing (it is).
Stoner moment of the year??? He owns a seed company... yea im baked.
Yes, he's started a seed company but yrs ago he just bred his own reg seed and kept rolling with it.
Those are the funniest lookin plants i have seen yet lol! They do look nice and crystaly thats for sure.
Does he create his own seeds? for the price of a seed today i want a heck of a lot more than that lol.
It looks nothing different from a clone immediately flipped after rooting. If you've made seed before you know you get a load of regular beans. That's basically what he did. These aren't magic beans...simple cannabis...lol. Back in the day this dude did all his grows with CFLs. Yeah, those things...lol.
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