When to Flush

Flush is a more of a hydro or coco thing, it can flush chemical salts, nutes or fine sediment out of your media but it does not improve the taste of your produce. Here is an article that shows the test results of flushed vs unflushed weed. . InTheShed No flush club Also most folks here think it’s important to feed up to the end, it doesn’t make sense to starve a plant that’s trying to finish up.

Go open up all those bottles of nutes and take a huge whiff of each, or do the same for all that soil, ewc and bat guano in your mix. This is what your plant ate, drank, was foliar sprayed with and bathed in for X number of days, weeks or months. It was taken up by the roots into the cell walls. How is a quick bath gonna undo all that? It can’t.

Flush if you like but the testing says it has no impact.
If you’re in soil you won’t need to. The plant will take what it needs and leave the rest.
Not only does flushing not help, I think it starves your plant in its most crucial (and hungry) time.
Taste is born in drying and curing, not in starving a plant that wants to get fat.
It’s old bro theory, not even science, and there’s still nothing to prove it helps.
Flush the toilet and put down the seat for the women.

Flushing soil with water is at best a rainy day.

If nutrients were able to be removed from soil with plain water, weed have all staved by now and the planet wood very likely be covered in a green algal slime.
my weed taste way better when i flush .. i grow in coco .. i flush a week before harvest.. flush run 10 gallons of flush
though my 7 gallon coco pots twice in .. much smoother smoke .. run off should be very translucent when done clear..

Hi @Tarek N and welcome to the forum! :welcome:

A lot of misinformation here...

Giving only water instead of feeding, is not flushing... it is called giving only water. Please do not confuse this normal procedure with that of flushing your soil of all the accumulated salts and debris and left over nutes by running 3x the container size in fresh water, through that soil in one session.

A real flush, washing out the soil, is oftentimes necessary. When you are getting dramatic yellowing and dropping leaves for no reason, as you are, oftentimes the reason is built up salts in the soil that are restricting access to nutes even though you are giving them in the right amounts.

Do not believe everything you read, even on this thread. There are those who confuse the term and there are those who will side on one side or the other, telling you that it is necessary or that it is a waste of time to flush. Flushing is a thing, for a reason... be careful who you believe.

I believe that you do need to do a proper flush of your soil in order to clear your problem, and at the very least, this is usually a good first step to take in trying to figure out what is wrong with your plants. Flushing is actually called for by several nutrient lines, regularly throughout the grow... Fox Farm recommends at least 3 3x flushes during the grow. No flush clubs and all the rest simply confuse the issue and make people believe that mid flower fading is normal, and even desirable. It is not.

I would never "flush" to clear tastes from my pot. I know that is impossible. I give plain water every other time, feed/water/feed/water when I am using synthetic nutes, also for a very good reason. I would never starve my plants at the end of the grow by giving them only water, especially in the last 2 weeks, because that is when they need the MOST nutes, not gardener imposed starvation. A very effective time to do a regular 3x flush is as you enter the last 2 weeks of the grow and the buds are beginning to finish out. Given the proper nutrition, they can double in size and weight in this last two weeks. It makes good sense to clean the soil prior to going into this end push, by flushing 3x the container size through it. This clears the salt and any leftover nutes, and allows free and unfettered water and nutrient flow into the roots, right at the end when they need it the most.

The bastardizing of this old term, Flushing, is the single worst thing the internet has contributed to marijuana growing technology and I am on a one woman campaign to right this wrong and re-educate the ever expanding growing public as to the truth. At least now, you have heard this side of the debate and can decide for yourself.
I run mostly DWC, but am starting to dabble with soil just because I can only fit so many 5g bucket setups lol, but a couple 3x flushes through the cycle seems like a good idea, kinda like a reset so u kno exactly whats in and going in the soil, especially during transition times
Whatever they say probably won't include a word about how their Bush Doctor Sledgehammer product is a profitable product for them ;).
Whatever they say probably won't include a word about how their Bush Doctor Sledgehammer product is a profitable product for them ;).
never used it... and still they insist that we should do a flush, even with just plain water. Their product simply makes it go faster. Profit is not the reason behind flushing. The real reasons why it is recommended must actually be buried in that science we all seem to be looking for. Fox Farms is not the only nutrient company that recommend a flush either... I just used them as an example to show that these recommendations apply equally to both soil and hydro grows.
Yeah, I know. It's just difficult to fully trust any for-profit entity that makes statements that just happen to be good for sales of their products. You are smart enough - and educated enough - to know about the possibility of cherry-picking one's data to suit one's own agenda, so you undoubtedly understand where I'm coming from here.

BtW, I wish you success in your goal of straightening out terms, as it were. And (I assume) in getting people to understand that they should do a thing for a reason. It'll be an uphill journey on a path fraught with avalanches, I expect.
Yeah, I know. It's just difficult to fully trust any for-profit entity that makes statements that just happen to be good for sales of their products. You are smart enough - and educated enough - to know about the possibility of cherry-picking one's data to suit one's own agenda, so you undoubtedly understand where I'm coming from here.

BtW, I wish you success in your goal of straightening out terms, as it were. And (I assume) in getting people to understand that they should do a thing for a reason. It'll be an uphill journey on a path fraught with avalanches, I expect.
These people are funny they was all giving me shit for asking about a flush now there experts
a plant only need 1 week flush ( think about this - you are starving the plant for 2 weeks) if you want to increase thc by 12% ans also cbd's - put your plant in the dark for that time ( this starts a "second metabolism" with the plant therefore increasing thc, ect) some strains can't take a 7-14 days dar, each strain different - some tgo to "wilt" stage too much for me 4-5 days works well and have gotten very good results. reference: Cannabis Business times April 2020
Flush is a more of a hydro or coco thing, it can flush chemical salts, nutes or fine sediment out of your media but it does not improve the taste of your produce. Here is an article that shows the test results of flushed vs unflushed weed. . InTheShed No flush club Also most folks here think it’s important to feed up to the end, it doesn’t make sense to starve a plant that’s trying to finish up.

Go open up all those bottles of nutes and take a huge whiff of each, or do the same for all that soil, ewc and bat guano in your mix. This is what your plant ate, drank, was foliar sprayed with and bathed in for X number of days, weeks or months. It was taken up by the roots into the cell walls. How is a quick bath gonna undo all that? It can’t.

Flush if you like but the testing says it has no impact.
im flushing my hp pro mix grow..

i did two 5 gallon flushes of each plant over the last week ... if 80% 1st flush 80% 2nd flush tonns of ferts left .. no starve plant
clean it up and taste better ..
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