When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included


New Member
So this is my first grow and I want to harvest a few buds as soon as possible . But I am wondering when is the earliest u can harvest ? ( I do understand I must cure it before smoking )
I was thinking another week and I will take her for a test drive?

Also is there any downsides to harvesting to early?

She is about 19 days into flowering right now.


re: When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included

Haven't done it yet, but w8 4 the smell to come in, n the bud to fatten... or anytime after the first half of the flowering cycle...
re: When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included

If you wanted to you could pull some off now.

Personally I would wait for harvest and just be patient.
re: When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included

If you wanted to you could pull some off now.

Personally I would wait for harvest and just be patient.

I am gonna harvest her mostly in one shot but i need some buds to hold me over for the next 2 weeks while i wait it out . Thanks for ur input once i run out of my supply im gonna cut a bud off cure it for a few days and give it a try.
re: When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included

2 weeks? that plant looks like it still has 2 months to go.

If you pull them off now the THC would probably at best be 5% but probably much less then that.

As a reference point, quality chronic is like 15-30% THC
re: When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included

2 weeks? that plant looks like it still has 2 months to go.

If you pull them off now the THC would probably at best be 5% but probably much less then that.

As a reference point, quality chronic is like 15-30% THC

2 Months Whooa. so meaning a total of 3 months for flowering? Why do seed sites say majority of strains flowering time is 50-65 days? the max im gonna let any of my plants flower is like a month n half . which is the minimum Id think for flowering a good yield n thc content. Reason be 1. I dont have the space to grow them for a total of 4-5months. 2.Im never in the country for more than 3 months at a time. Meaning 1 month veggie 1 half month flowering 1-2weeks for curing and drying. So whenever i come back home i got some nice buds waiting on me .

This strain was a random find which i know nothing of , i was just smoking some kush one day and found it planted it and now u see the results .
re: When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included

Listen to JimmyC, you will be hurting the yield and final product. Take a few nugs as needed from the bottom but let as much you can go until ripe. Seed breeders times given are for perfect conditions start to finish. There are numerous strains that finish 48 to 55 days from the start of flowering but takes time to find the right phenotypes to finish under 50 days, in my experience most have been ripe 56 to 65 days. A wise grower once said "When it looks ready wait one more week", and he was right.

In your situation I would look into Auto-flowering strains or just run the seeds straight 12/12 with no veg time. Either way they would finish around the same time.

Patience is key for the best finished product.
re: When is the earliest I can harvest? Pics included

Listen to JimmyC, you will be hurting the yield and final product. Take a few nugs as needed from the bottom but let as much you can go until ripe. Seed breeders times given are for perfect conditions start to finish. There are numerous strains that finish 48 to 55 days from the start of flowering but takes time to find the right phenotypes to finish under 50 days, in my experience most have been ripe 56 to 65 days. An wise grower once said "When it looks ready to you wait one more week", and he was right.

In your situation I would look into Auto-flowering strains or just run the seeds straight 12/12 with no veg time. Either way they would finish around the same time.

Patience is key for the best finished product.

Well i tried auto flowering and they just suck and r way too small for my taste. I think auto flowers r harder to take care of than the normal fem strains. But i dont need a big yield but i would like a nice high. I got 2 other girls growing at the moment that just started to flower i will leave them for a little under 2 months before i harvest them . Main reason I started this post was to just know if it was possible to take a few buds from the bottom and smoke on them until harvest time. And by what u guys r saying its possible just wont be the best but it will do the job.
Hey if CAN'T wait, be our guest and take a sample.
Theres nothing wrong the only downfall is...

Ur "sample" wil probably not get u high!!!

Plus rep for ur efforts :)
Get a Magnifying glass loupe or microscope and zoom in on the buds to see if you have any Trich's yet. If you do, You will surely get buzzed from your sample. Once, I had an emerency and had to harvest a White Widow early. She had small popcorn buds. She blew me away every time.
You dont need a magnifying glass to see it has a few trichs. But they are just clear premature ones.

Pulling buds now or anytime in the next 5 weeks in just a complete and total waste.
TK86 it wont do the job... my 5% THC was EXTREMELY optimistic. You would basically be smoking hemp right now.

If you really need some weed go out n get a bag. Some dirt weed from Mexico would get you much higher then that would right now.
It needs atleast another month, it would probably swell a lot in that time if taken care of correctly. Jimmy is right, if you pulled any off now it would unlikely get you high, lower your yield, and would be a waste. Be patient and let her fill out and it will be more rewarding.
Hey if CAN'T wait, be our guest and take a sample.
Theres nothing wrong the only downfall is...

Ur "sample" wil probably not get u high!!!

Plus rep for ur efforts :)
Dont see why it wouldnt get me high as there is already crystals all over the plant . If quick dry it over a day or 2 time , example hang it up in my grow tent the whole day , like this it gets heat but not too much , and it gets lots of air from the fans id think doing that for a day or 2 would make the buds pretty smoke-able. Ill let u know how it turns out as im gonna do it here in a few days.
TK86 it wont do the job... my 5% THC was EXTREMELY optimistic. You would basically be smoking hemp right now.

If you really need some weed go out n get a bag. Some dirt weed from Mexico would get you much higher then that would right now.

Well im gonna cut a bud off in a few days and dry it in my tent for 2 days . Ill let u know how the high works out , im pretty sure im gonna get a nice buzz as ive read many other people doing the same thing and said the taste wasnt the best but the high was good.

JimmyC , have u ever tried it before , taking off a few buds waiting a couple of days to dry them and than smoking it ?
Just curious as you are very against it , granted Im a strong believer in science and by the rules of science I should wait until its completely done, not trying to down that part.
Well like 2 or 3 days ago I accidently hit a nug off my OG Kush. It is roughly as far along as your plant. They both have a fair bit of white hairs, a little start on the crystals. Its probably dry by now and Ill give it a test to see if it even gives a small buzz lol. There should be like 4 or so bong hits from it.

As for why I am so against it. We can both agree itll be more potent in a month or two. But the main thing is if you pull off a half gram bud right now. It would probably be like a 3 or 4 gram bud come harvest time. So not only iis it atleast 6 times bigger, but its at least 5 times as potent too. Therefore you are just short changing yourself by like 25-30 times minimum!!!

In other words whatever you pull off right now would have at least 25 times thats 2500% more THC if you had just waited.

I am a very patient guy though, and not a big pothead like I once was. So to me waiting isnt as big an issue. If I still was a hardcore bong hitting pothead like I was a few years ago I too would probably have a near uncontrollable urge to pluck buds. Now instead id rather just be patient and get the highest quality smoke that can be grown.
No doubt. I can respect the fact that it should be only harvest when completely ready due to many factors.
I do have 2 other girls growing that just started to flower a few days back , so Im not really worried about this girl . She was a random find that i didnt even think would grow. Im not really inpatient but I do need weed for my medical reasons.
I live in Germany and to get medical weed it would cost me 3-4x the street price and its rare they issue weed to people here though it is legal for medical needs (just recently though 2010 they passed it into law hint why its so rare to get issued it)

And after spending over $800 on my grow setup seeds etc.. I dont want to spend anymore money on grass . So its either pick some of mine or go and spend another $50 on 3G's That would only last around 2 weeks max with me anyhow.

Let me know how urs turns out , if the smoke was hard and if there was a nice high effect or not. As id love to know first hand from somebody .
take the sample from mid-flower-- it'd just make 4 a better sample is all... & ur not too far from the middle of the cycle anyway, then it'd look sumfin like this instead... which is a lot yummier!

YMMV... just bcuz i haven't pulled a premie sample don't mean i ain't smoked premie weed-- it ain't to MY liking (harsh/3min buzz), n I think most peeps2...
Just for you TK86 Imma pop it in the bubbler and take a few hits.

BTW for reference I knocked it off on the same day I took this pic.
about 8 or 9 days into flower at the time

It was a dinky bud in the center of the plant though.
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