What's your cotton mouth cure?

Water, sweet tea hits the spot. As well as vitamin water or gatorade. Pretty much any liquid. Drink more before, during, and after. Also a popsicle afterwards always dank.
I don't think anything cures my cottonmouth :(

Though sucking on a candy/mint will help for a few minutes..the dryness always comes back though, no matter how much water i drink
i rarely get cotton mouth.. doesnt happen almost at all :ganjamon:
Ya my cotton mouth doesn't really go away, even after I loose my buzz! I always have a glass of water handy if I'm going to light up. If it's bothering me though, I typically get stoned until it doesn't :bong:
lol I thought so too at first, but it gets rid of my cottonmouth and keeps me peppy, but i'm still stoned off my ass !!!! smoke weed every day!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i know you all get cotton mouth when you smoke lol... and everyone Im sure trys to do something to try and get rid of the horrible dry effects of cotton mouth.. so my question is.. What is your cure for cotton mouth??

Mine is STARBURSTS!! my favorite ones are the red and pink ones! lol :peace:

A couple of cold beers works for me,then I'm ready to fire up again. My wife says I'm being greedy as iced tea works for her.
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