Whats wrong with this plant


Well-Known Member
i'm growing this plant in coco and giving it 1/4 strength fox farm big bloom.


It's in veg so you should be using foxfarm grow big. 1/4 strength is good. I switched to General Hydroponics MaxiGrow because it has more calcium and magnesium in it.

I don't know what deficiency that is, I don't grow in coco. If you are using 1/4 strength you probably are not over-fertilizing. Might be ph lockout issue.
i did an epsom salt flush 2 waterings ago.someone said that it needed to be flushed. i wish i would of just grew in soil cause its less work. i doubt ill be using it again. i just might transfer it over to soil and leave it in the coco root ball. might be easier for me to maintain.
well i just decided to transplant it to a bigger pot and use soil. i put soil in the pot took the root ball out with the coco and put it in and covered the rest with soil. hopefully it goes good. I'm not using coco again it takes to much work. ill let the soil do the feeding for me. I'm not advanced enough to use coco i guess
Joedaddy, I feel the same way, for me it seems like non-soil growing takes so much micromanagement to get everything exactly right. It might be worth it due to shortened grow time and increase of yield but for me, I'd rather use what nature has provided us with and let the soil do the micromanaging for me.
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