What is wrong with these buds

I always water to about 10-15% runoff. I never flush, unless there’s a lockout from salts. I feed every other watering. IMHO, most problems in growing cannabis are a result of either too much water or
Should have read “or too much fertilizer”.
Should have read “or too much fertilizer”.
If I may, Indoors I like to water daily. If any dangers exist I don't like for water saturating for more then a day. Recovery means delay. I just grow 3' in 3gal pots. FF (qtr used) with amendments. I use their feeding chart. I start Big Bloom at turn. If it needs help early I start Grow Big early. Feeding is every other day and water in between. At daily I go for a single drip run off. And follow the schedule flush.

Amnesia Haze Auto

I've learned to build the environment and medium for the specific strain/s. I have waves of humidity in the pacific and I try to stay away from low RH strains for now. A pv system is going up next year...until then.

A humid molty White widow

Stay lit my friends... Indi

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