Whats the most high u ever been

The highest i've ever been was when me and my buddy picked up thsi killer ass bud for about $105 an eigth.... oh man we smoked a few bowls and after a few minutes I felt like I was in a different world. We tried to play Halo 2 and I was so baked.... I felt like I was watching a movie of someones life or something... it didn't feel like me. I felt like I was dreaming.
the highest ive ever been is when me and my cousin loaded up some valcanno vapor bowls we put alittle weed in the bottom of the bowl we filled the bowl all the way to the top with kief and packed alittle weed on top of that. we turned it up to 8 and let it rip. the first hit i took burned my throght real bad and made my jaw tingle. after that i was wasted hit after hit off that volcanno fucked me up and for anyone who has ever seen the bowl on those vapes they are huge it was also the most kief i smoked in 1 time it was bomb i highly recomend trying this i dont think anything can top it
yo a week ago me and my friend smoked a little and then i went into a trippy kind of state,

i was watching the ceiling and i saw the beatles, yellow submarine movie being played in black and white horizontal and verticle stripes, and i sat there watching it amazed,

that was probably the weirdest high ive ever had,

occaisonly i see my self do stuff, and once i got really out of it and i like felt like i was watching my self in grand theft auto, i dont remember realy but i smoked like a gram of this incredibly dank shit,
The highest I have ever been...probably the first time I smoked with David. I forgot what was happening. I thought I was watching someone else on TV, I forgot it was me it was happening to. I dunno, it was really weird. We just drove around and I got him lost in Ashland. I remember very little of that night, theres like a clip of a stop sign I remember and I remember getting on the high way...I remember saying "See...told you I could get us home." too...even though I dont think I did get us home. That was a messed up night.lol. And ever since that night, smoking has pretty much been a regular thing for me. David is the best smoking buddy ever. :allgood: :bongrip:
I've had 2 times...first time was the first time I was high...I wear glasses, and I felt that if I looked outside the frames I'd miss something, like I was looking at a TV screen. It was strange.

Second time was um...Wednesday. I got some hydro from a friend...holy shit, that stuff is amazing...I still have some left so I'll probably post again tonight...
Last night I got into this really big fight with my dad, so I called David and we hung out. Got some Taco Bell and smoked. I was pretty stoned. Have you ever noticed thaqt when you get stoned you talk alot? Or maybe thats just me, but I can go on and on and on forever about anything. When David gets stoned he laughs alot, and tocuhes his face...He tries to follow what Im running my mouth about and is just like "Wait...what?" and then starts laughing and this one time he was going on and on about how the bic man on his lighter was going to stab him with the pen he was holding behind his back.(You all have seen the bic man, right?) So anyways, me and John were like, "Shut the hell up dude." and John told him to put it in his pocket and David was like, "NO! Hell cut off my dick!!" It was pretty funny. I love to be stoned with those guys. Anyways, last night I came home and my sister was roasting marshmellows and I was stoned. She was on one side of the fire pit and I was on the other and her marshmellow caught on fire and I was trying to blow it out for her from all the way on the other side of the pit. And then I just started laughing. But ya know I just realized this pretty much has nothing to do with this thread, but deal with it anyways because its getting posted.:passitleft: :bong: :passitleft:
I've been so fucked up I got sick and passed out on my friends floor. Then he was like "man, you can't lay on my floor, go outside and get some fresh air." so I did, but then I passed out on his front porch and I woke up to three of my female friends rubbing my back and asking if i was okay. I couldn't open my eyes because it was too bright, all I could do was sit down with my eyes closed and hope no one was fucking with me.

Time I got the highest without getting sick is when I smoked two big generation joints rolled up with the biggest randy wire papers you can get (made up of many many many many roaches saved up over the summer) and we had rolled another blunt of some green weed and one of my friends showed up holding a GINORMOUS blunt that weighed 5.3 grams. There was 5 of us only too, and we closed all his doors and put up blankets to enclose us in the smoke. I was so high after the one blunt of green weed the last blunt didnt get me any higher, just made me cough a whole lot.
The first times i was smoking years ago when i was only 15, the whole concept of smoking weed was so new to me, it was something special that you do on accasions and you just can't wait for that... i remember the waiting time when my firends went to get the weed and the excitment when you loose the patience and ask them half-screaming if they were able to get it... and when they say 'yes' then you know its party time :smokin:
So it was when i was only a novice noob, it was me and perhaps 3 or 4 friends, we went to a friends house while his parents were away, sat in his dark room, lit up some candles and began the ceremony of the bong... it past two or three times the row and it was pretty good, then came a moment which i won't forget in my life - a friend of mine switched the lighter burner from normal to max - giving it a huge flame and lit the smoke; in eyes half shut, caughing he signaled everyone that its great to burn it on max, next came my turn; i light it up inhale... and then it came... the most intense rush i've ever had, whether it was the weed or the laughter of everyone around me but everytrhing got so fast suddenly the most crazy things happened in that room including me spitting into my friends' mouth after he was trying to kiss me(or thats what i thought he was doing - he had his own version which i never heard btw) i remember myself lying in the side while that same good friend who was a more expreinced smoker than me was playing with his fingers to create shadows on the wall with the yellow candle lights.. i saw just about everything there in the shades on the wall - it was the most hallucinegenic experience i've had - there were creatures there, spiders, dinosaruses fighting each other, it was like being suck up into a different world... all that time i was half screaming around me to everyone of what i saw... they probably laughed their asses but i can't remember anything of what was around me; i was inside... man i feel high now and didn't even smoke...
oh but the most intense high was with Salvia Divinorum
i actually remembered 'who i was'
'from which planet i came'
'why i am here'
and 'i was many people at the same time'

and it still keeps going with me in my everyday life.
oh dude once a couple friends and i were standing around tokin' in my friend's basement. i got so high i fell over backwards into these shelves...i just remember falling in slow motion, the shelves made a huge crash and it was so cosmic. then my friends sat me down in a rolly chair and i just sat there....i felt like i was flying through a rain forest at like 70 mph, luge-style through the trees. wow i was stoned. :bong:
The last 14 months.. :cheesygrinsmiley:
we got some "cannaseur" weed and passed around the 3 footer half a dozen times. Next thing I remember is flying down the freeway screaming "We're gonna be late for the Seeger concert!...looking down at my speedo - 110! - holy fuck! and my buddy then telling me "It's 2:30 in the morning dumb ass. slow the fuck down." We laugh about that one still to this day....that was like 1985-86. LMAO
I got pretty high last night. I don't remember anything but watching grandmas boy on my sisters plasma and smoking a faat ass blunt with her and my friend.

but that was only around 11PM.

The most high I've ever been? A couple weeks ago my brother had some mad, high grade weed smoked out of a foily. After 30 minutes, all I remember is staring in the mirror and getting up really close and scaring myself. Then I sat down and watched Fairly Odd Parents on Nickelodeon, and there was this giant chasing the kid down the road, and he said something about the giants shoes, and the giant screamed WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY SHOES!!!!!!!, as he shook and crazy cartoon colors flew out of him. Most hilarious thing in my LIFE!
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