420 Member
So far, this is the most correct fact you can't get any more correct.The word lid referred to coffee can's plastic lid. Originally dealers kept their product "fresh" in coffee cans. They would take off the lid and pile product on top. All that could fit on top without falling off was "one lid". After that baggies (there was only one type of sandwich bag back then) became the measuring tool. The dealer would put product in the bag. You would hold the filled bag, open end up, pinching it between your thumb and index finger. If all your fingers hid behind the product it was a four finger lid. If only three finger hid it was a three finger lid. Later on dealers started using scales to weigh the product.
Might I also add that there were no such things as "four finger lids" and so on.
A lid was a lid was a lid.
If it happened to equal out to four fingers (or an ounce, or whatever the f#%%# you wanted to call it) then call it what you will.
You didn't go out looking for "an ounce" , you were going out to score a lid.