What the hell could this be

Checked em yesterday. Mites on the fabric pots but can't see nothing on none of the leaves. Not too long left so hopefully they be OK I spayed pots with bug stuff so hopefully be ok
Not sure what you mean by "Not too long left...". How long before you plan on harvesting?

There are several sprays available that will help get rid of mites and they can be used right up until the day or two before harvest.

Everything you do now to get an insect problem under control will help when you start a new grow.
Not sure what you mean by "Not too long left...". How long before you plan on harvesting?

There are several sprays available that will help get rid of mites and they can be used right up until the day or two before harvest.

Everything you do now to get an insect problem under control will help when you start a new grow.
I meant not long left till harvest. I don't know what the bug spray I got is called as I'm at work but it's for edible plants. Would it not create bud rot if I spray the plants now. Only about 2 weeks left on 2 of them. I've ordered new grow tent and completely getting rid of everything in that room and steaming before putting new tent up in there. Best to be safe that sorry for the sake of £140 for new tent lol
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