What is wrong with these buds


420 Member
I planted Banana Auto flower outdoors in 5 gallon pots using Pro Mix HP with additional Perlite 30%.
I'm using the Fox Farm Trio, Big Bloom, Grow big and Tiger Bloom.

I planted on June 1, it was not planted on my residence so I only saw it once a month but I had someone water them
I came to harvest today Sunday September 1 and can't figure out what happened to them. Only 3 plants all Banana Auto have this problem.
The buds are messed up bad, some leaves are green so I don't suspect under watering and it rained here a lot.

Have a look at the brown buds and tell me what you think. Is it mold? Maybe a disease , can I still smoke it
Any ideas would be appreciated

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Good ol' "Bud Rot" as mentioned. At least it looks like what we see in many threads here on the topic of brown areas showing in stacks of buds.

Remove the plants with the problem. Cut off all brown areas, and be aggressive. Go past the brown and into the green buds. There is a good chance that the mold has spread further down the stack of buds. Sorry to say but some of the photos make it look like the plants already affected do not have enough good healthy green left to be worth trying to save.

If you do find enough to be saved then a good bud wash is in order. I would recommend that all of the harvest, even from the other strains, should go through a bud wash.

Move all of those plants away from the others. This kind of stuff can start spreading quickly.
Good ol' "Bud Rot" as mentioned. At least it looks like what we see in many threads here on the topic of brown areas showing in stacks of buds.

Remove the plants with the problem. Cut off all brown areas, and be aggressive. Go past the brown and into the green buds. There is a good chance that the mold has spread further down the stack of buds. Sorry to say but some of the photos make it look like the plants already affected do not have enough good healthy green left to be worth trying to save.

If you do find enough to be saved then a good bud wash is in order. I would recommend that all of the harvest, even from the other strains, should go through a bud wash.

Move all of those plants away from the others. This kind of stuff can start spreading quickly.
Sorry brother it’s bud rot from high humidity. Definitely don’t smoke the brown stuff. Try to save the rest
Thanks for the response much appreciated.
Good ol' "Bud Rot" as mentioned. At least it looks like what we see in many threads here on the topic of brown areas showing in stacks of buds.

Remove the plants with the problem. Cut off all brown areas, and be aggressive. Go past the brown and into the green buds. There is a good chance that the mold has spread further down the stack of buds. Sorry to say but some of the photos make it look like the plants already affected do not have enough good healthy green left to be worth trying to save.

If you do find enough to be saved then a good bud wash is in order. I would recommend that all of the harvest, even from the other strains, should go through a bud wash.

Move all of those plants away from the others. This kind of stuff can start spreading quickly.
Thanks for the response much appreciated.
Good ol' "Bud Rot" as mentioned. At least it looks like what we see in many threads here on the topic of brown areas showing in stacks of buds.

Remove the plants with the problem. Cut off all brown areas, and be aggressive. Go past the brown and into the green buds. There is a good chance that the mold has spread further down the stack of buds. Sorry to say but some of the photos make it look like the plants already affected do not have enough good healthy green left to be worth trying to save.

If you do find enough to be saved then a good bud wash is in order. I would recommend that all of the harvest, even from the other strains, should go through a bud wash.

Move all of those plants away from the others. This kind of stuff can start spreading quickly.
Thanks for the response much appreciated.
Good ol' "Bud Rot" as mentioned. At least it looks like what we see in many threads here on the topic of brown areas showing in stacks of buds.

Remove the plants with the problem. Cut off all brown areas, and be aggressive. Go past the brown and into the green buds. There is a good chance that the mold has spread further down the stack of buds. Sorry to say but some of the photos make it look like the plants already affected do not have enough good healthy green left to be worth trying to save.

If you do find enough to be saved then a good bud wash is in order. I would recommend that all of the harvest, even from the other strains, should go through a bud wash.

Move all of those plants away from the others. This kind of stuff can start spreading quickly.
Thanks for the response much appreciated.
Aaah that's too bad.. damn you rot!!!!
If you grow outside without shelter from the rain and you live in high humid environment or rainy place it's well best to shelter them or have good practices like go shake off the morning dew each day and when it has rained go shake them dry, especially like when the buds get big and swell, they soak up water like a sponge, very hard to avoid bud rot that way if they get exposed to water in that stadium.

Don't be touching the plants when you handled the rotted bud, I'd just pinch those off and put them away, wash hands and tools and just get harvest everything that's good so you got a little thc something salvaged and dry it in small nugs not touching each other and keep an eye on them.
I planted Banana Auto flower outdoors in 5 gallon pots using Pro Mix HP with additional Perlite 30%.
I'm using the Fox Farm Trio, Big Bloom, Grow big and Tiger Bloom.

I planted on June 1, it was not planted on my residence so I only saw it once a month but I had someone water them
I came to harvest today Sunday September 1 and can't figure out what happened to them. Only 3 plants all Banana Auto have this problem.
The buds are messed up bad, some leaves are green so I don't suspect under watering and it rained here a lot.

Have a look at the brown buds and tell me what you think. Is it mold? Maybe a disease , can I still smoke it
Any ideas would be appreciated

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I planted Banana Auto flower outdoors in 5 gallon pots using Pro Mix HP with additional Perlite 30%.
I'm using the Fox Farm Trio, Big Bloom, Grow big and Tiger Bloom.

I planted on June 1, it was not planted on my residence so I only saw it once a month but I had someone water them
I came to harvest today Sunday September 1 and can't figure out what happened to them. Only 3 plants all Banana Auto have this problem.
The buds are messed up bad, some leaves are green so I don't suspect under watering and it rained here a lot.

Have a look at the brown buds and tell me what you think. Is it mold? Maybe a disease , can I still smoke it
Any ideas would be appreciated

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Not positive but I do know you don’t wanna feed synthetic fertilizer to autos, stay organic and stay lite.
Aaah that's too bad.. damn you rot!!!!
If you grow outside without shelter from the rain and you live in high humid environment or rainy place it's well best to shelter them or have good practices like go shake off the morning dew each day and when it has rained go shake them dry, especially like when the buds get big and swell, they soak up water like a sponge, very hard to avoid bud rot that way if they get exposed to water in that stadium.

Don't be touching the plants when you handled the rotted bud, I'd just pinch those off and put them away, wash hands and tools and just get harvest everything that's good so you got a little thc something salvaged and dry it in small nugs not touching each other and keep an eye on them.
That rot has been at it for awhile. Cannabis is a dessert plant. Rain yet humidity alone will wreak havoc. I just had some AmH start rotting right at week 9 of flower. Luckily it was just a single node bud but it was on the main cola top.
That rot has been at it for awhile. Cannabis is a dessert plant. Rain yet humidity alone will wreak havoc. I just had some AmH start rotting right at week 9 of flower. Luckily it was just a single node bud but it was on the main cola top.
It sure is a delicious dessert plant, or an appetiser :)
Yeah biggest ones first unfortunately.
Indeed humidity alone is enough as even the buds sheltered from the rain can get it and there's also the temperature drop.
I'm in Northern Europe and well growing outdoor sucks! Vegging here is great but when flowering time comes the Sun hides behind clouds and the weather goes cold & humid.. You need an early strain that is able to finish late September anything that needs to bloom longer is lost to rot or is underdeveloped and airy.
Hello this is James , yes that mold sucks! Always try and look at your buds everyday if you spot it clip it out it usually goes up the bud spot early save top cola.. also I spray with organic lost coast plant wash it can smother it, works great as a insecticide and fungicide. Happy growing bro! 😎🌞🍄
Hello this is James, another tip for you is usually auto flowers don’t react well to synthetic fertilizers I would stay organic put amendments in soil and let them breakdown then plant autos and give ph water… 6- 6.5 !!!! Happy growing! 🌞😎🍄
What do you base no synth nutes on? I've used several different synth ferts (Fox Farms, Bud Doublin, etc.) on autos in soil, over the last ten years, never had an issue. Almost all coco grows with autos are synth nutes. There is absolutely no difference in the nutrients taken in by the plant in synth or organic, only the delivery system is different. Once past the seedling stage, there's little difference in feeding, photos or autos, in fact, in my experience, auto can be very greedy feeders, because of their fast growth.
What do you base no synth nutes on? I've used several different synth ferts (Fox Farms, Bud Doublin, etc.) on autos in soil, over the last ten years, never had an issue. Almost all coco grows with autos are synth nutes. There is absolutely no difference in the nutrients taken in by the plant in synth or organic, only the delivery system is different. Once past the seedling stage, there's little difference in feeding, photos or autos, in fact, in my experience, auto can be very greedy feeders, because of their fast growth.
Oh very interesting I’ve always had sensitive plants it seems like, sounds like your at least flushing your roots well, yeah that must have been mold my bad just throwing some opinions out there. Happy growing bro! 😎
Oh very interesting I’ve always had sensitive plants it seems like, sounds like your at least flushing your roots well, yeah that must have been mold my bad just throwing some opinions out there. Happy growing bro! 😎
I always water to about 10-15% runoff. I never flush, unless there’s a lockout from salts. I feed every other watering. IMHO, most problems in growing cannabis are a result of either too much water or
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