What is super cropping?


New Member
High everyone, I'm planning on growing a strain that responds well to super cropping. However I don't know how to do it. I've looked online and all I got was a head ache. Can anyone help me, or show me some pics as to what to do?
From my viewpoint, "super cropping" is a variety of techniques, including topping, bending, crimping and tying. More generically, it's the crimping aspect that is usually referred to as "super cropping". Here's a little more detailed explanation...

Supercropping - a tutorial


Okay, makes sense now. I just watched a video on youtube where this guys pretty much crushed his branches on his plant. That hurt to watch.
From my viewpoint, "super cropping" is a variety of techniques, including topping, bending, crimping and tying. More generically, it's the crimping aspect that is usually referred to as "super cropping". Here's a little more detailed explanation...

Supercropping - a tutorial




If your still around I want to thank you for that link. It answered all my questions about the different technics for super cropping and topping. I plan on topping because I have limited height in my growing cabinet.

Great information in that link.

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