What Happened?

I think we all sympathize with 420 Magazine's position and understand their decision but the root problem of this dilemma, which is out of 420's hands, is that the cannabis nutrient industry as a whole hypes overly complicated multi-part expensive lines to maximize profit but MegaCrop takes the exact opposite approach being dead simple and dirt cheap. Hard to blame MegaCrop for building a better mousetrap at a fraction of the price that sells itself.
Single-part nutrients are great for "good enough." There are several that get used for cannabis growing. They're like one-size-fits all t-shirts. They fit a lot of bellies. Even most, if the wearer is happy with good enough ;).
I like the product but not their approach to sponsoring. I do use a product from a some what recent sponsor, Kind LED and I love it! Got the K5 series 750 and it did great for my first run of autos! Hope that wasn't too off topic.

Edit: I guess the renewed their sponsor.
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