What are your favorite fertilizers and feeding routines/ methods?

I used fox farms OF soil with 30% perlite. I use the fox farm 3 pack for ferts. I feed to ff feeding chart. I PH all my water to 6.8. I only water when the plant starts to droop.

Simple method with great results. Oct. 2009 plant of the month winner.

This my grow this year so far. I have about 30 days veg left.


I'm down to only 2 females and one un-sexed now (if it's a male...I still might want to pollenate). Both females have their own 3 ft. dia. saucer made around them.

Both are been "fed" with dried banana peel tea poured into the saucer along with an equal or more ratio of water (filling up the saucer).

After most of the water absorbed into the soil I threw in a 3~4 inch layer of mulch filling up most of the saucer. I then sprinkled some water over the mulch - just moisten it up so it would like compact and form some good insulation from the heat and sun.

The soil stays moist under all that mulch. I don't have to water again for at least a week, maybe even 2 weeks, being in full sunlight, no clouds, and 100+ degree heat (w/ about 25~35% humidity).

One female is passed the pre-flower stage and her buds are developing very nicely.

The other female's got gob of (close to 50) pre-flowers and she'll probably be in full bloom by the end of this week, if not sooner.

I haven't forgotten my threads... just swamped in plants and kittens and new house. I don't know which is hogging more time, stray feral kittens or spider mites. When things slow down, I'll catch up with these and finish my journal. People have shared many helpful tips and photos that I will study and draw up plans for next season. I already dread growing indoors again... Outside is much easier, even with the mite issues. BTW FYI, lady bugs only eat young mites, not adults. Dammit Organic growing is not easy for beginners, not easy at all. No wonder organic buds in the dispensaries cost so much. :-((

Until then, happy growing!
No matter what, these nutes have to be affordable enough to use on my MJ plants, and hopefully all outdoor plants. Originally, I thought feeding with liquid nutes would be the easiest outside. Now, I'm debating on dry fertilizers scratched into the soil. It would be easier to carry a box of dry nutes to each plant rather than a few gallons of nutes in water to each plant. Any opinions here?

I'd like to go Organic, but it's not important so far.

It's a liquid program instead of a dry product that's just scratched into the soil, but sponsor BluePlanetNutrients has a special offer: If you agree to run a journal here of your grow, you can get the nutrients for the cost of shipping. (Or at least he did; it's possible that the offer ended at the end of August, I cannot remember. Might want to see the thread in the sponsors' forum or shoot him a PM to inquire.) He's got a two- and three-part nutrient set and also a full set of organics called Farmer's Pride (Grow, Bloom, Micro, Bio-Juice Soil Activator, Dark Matter Humate Tea, K-Bud, and a container of Root Magic Mycorrhizae).
Darn it, I missed this last post. That sounded like a good deal!! I ended up finding liquid bites near impossible to use outside. The surrounding soil sucks so much away and it takes so much to do each plant, I stopped. Next year, it will be dry nuts on soil surface and foliar spray only. This next round indoors, not sure what i'll do. Unless I feed every plant something different at one, and all from the same mother, I can't see how it's possible to really test nuts. Oh well...

OK, I know this is off topic, but I will put it in as many threads i've started, as I can. We have 3 days left to get the last 800 signatures on the Whitehouse petition to allow medical Cannabis for all veterans with PTSD, not just the ones in med states. This is a safe and reliable source, you just need to set up an email and account and sign away, then pass it on. I've received no spam or crap from this. If you are a veteran and don't know of the VMCA or Michael Krawitz who is the man responsible for getting the VA to let vets in med states use MMJ and not lose benefits, then check this website out at the bottom.

Our troops need your help, whether you agree with the war or not. Many of these poor soldiers are disposable and being medically boarded out with no awareness that they have rights and there is help out there. Please, help them. We can't know what they see and relive each time they close their eyes, but we CAN help get them the only treatment that works, Medical Cannabis.

Thank you for your support!

Only 862 more signatures needed for Veterans medical marijuana petition.

Please assist Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access in reaching our
goal of 5000 signatures by 25 October. Time is quickly running out!

We already have 4,138 signatures and are only 862 short of our goal.

Once we have reached our goal this petition will automatically be sent
to the White House for an obligatory answer and we will be using this
to kick off a series of actions designed to bring negative attention to
the recent federal escalation against medical marijuana. Your help is
a significant piece of that puzzle. We need you to sign and get as
many others to sign as possible.

As the leader of Veterans For Medical Cannabis
Access [VMCA] I helped the VA create a medical marijuana policy that
respects the rights of disabled Veterans using this important
medicine per state
laws. That policy has been made to look like a cruel joke given the latest
actions of this presidential administration.

In response to the actions of the president our
organization has crafted a petition that we have placed on the new White House

"Allow United States Disabled Military Veterans access to medical marijuana."

The fact that a Veteran in New Mexico can use cannabis legally for PTSd but
a similar Veteran in Florida will not only face arrest by state
police for using
the same medicine but face punishment at the VA
hospital as well is wrong. It is illogical. It is not the practice
of medicine it
is the practice of politics on the wounded and it is shameful and it must end.

Michael Krawitz is a Disabled United States Air Force Sergeant
and Executive Director of Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access.


Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access
3551 Flatwoods Road - Elliston, Virginia 24087 -- 540-365-2141 --
"Michael" <<mailto:miguet@infionline.net>miguet@infionline.n et>
Dirt Farmer, if you every see this, could you tell me if your greenhouse frame is an old carpet frame, or something you made? Next summer, I plan to expand my garden past the screened dog kennel, so there is more space between plants. I've thought about knocking on doors of people with old carport frames laying around. Perhaps I can offer to remove those for free. My screen house was perfect and I need only spray for ants and mites, no butterflies or large beetles can get in! :)

I have some pics about of this:)
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