What are you thinking?

Living in the Yellow Submarine with the Beatles!!!
i say smoking with roger waters and david gilmour while the play guitar and bass
*stares off dreamily*
Ringo could teach me his drumming skills....
SeXy VeXy said:
Living in the Yellow Submarine with the Beatles!!!

Yeah, and fight those fuckin Blue Meanies. :biggrin:

Hmmm... flying to Ethiopia right now for the celebration of Bob Marley's 60th birthday.
johnnypotsmoker said:
Yeah, and fight those fuckin Blue Meanies. :biggrin:

Hmmm... flying to Ethiopia right now for the celebration of Bob Marley's 60th birthday.

No shit, that would be tight!!!!!
Sitting on the beach with bob and smoke all day long, and then make a song together...
It involves a hot sunny day on the beach or a boat, nudity, my 'beautiful' friends, weed, cocktails, jammin', and an obscene night of debauchery w/ my babe and chosen other(s).

Or just hangin' w/ my buds smokin', playin' and singin' music.
SirSmokealot said:
Sitting on the beach with bob and smoke all day long, and then make a song together...
that would be pretty tight, or id like to just smoke with snoop. really dont like his music but he always has a blunt, and he flies in his shit before each concert, so you know its some kill shit.
Going to the first woodstock and jammin with the grateful dead, ccr and hendrix. U know doing it really really high to
Being Able To Fly.... :peace: :bong: :joint:
It involves a lot of dank ass weed... and no responsibilities...
Right now...hot chicken sausage gumbo or roasted garlic chicken parmesan? I'm the one who will have to cook it, the lady gets to eat it. :hmmmm:
Overall,..I'm contemplating on my plan of action for tomorrow. Pick up the bud first, or pre-load with cocktails before heading downtown?

Fuck it..I'm sure everyone concurs to go with the bud FIRST. :biggrin:

As far as my wild imagination can take me, I'm thinking of a rainswept volcanic island, right after a night of activity. The magma has settled to a silly-putty consistency, and as hot as sun warmed sand. The pooling craters have made natural steam bogs, shrouding most of the island in a veil of white satin. The air is pungent with burnt vegetation and seawater. From the soft, hot breeze I can smell a melody of white plums...perfumes of European origin, and the unmistakable potency of well-bred Mary Jane. My senses lead me through the wisps of fog like a seeing-eye dog. I come to an encroachment of fiery rings, imbued with deep bastions of bubbling hot sea water, much akin to that of a hot tub or a dry sauna. There are Dryads of ancient origin materializing through the ethereal before my eyes. My head is racked with pain as I attempt to defer dreamstate from waking conciousness, as this string of impossibilities melts before my unbelieving eyes. One of the creature..er..women,...of mythos approaches.... no......glides.. to my front as quickly as a hummingbird floats to a swollen bulb from an empty pistil. Her eyes gleam like starfire, and her voice echoed like a song of seraphic tintinabulation. The long, bamboo pipe is placed to my lips by her delicate hand, and she gestures for me to inhale the roasting ambrosia mounted within the pipe's etched out chamber. I take a long hard hit, and the smoke seems to crystalize in my lungs, sending a crack like cold lightning through my respiratory system. I choke, struggling to maintain a sliver of composure as the Dryads attempt to unsuccessfully stifle their giggles of schoolgirl fashion. I open my eyes, painfully, to the steam bath before me. Without thought, without interruption of the deemed Ego nor hesitation of foot-I glide to the central pool of unimaginable rapture. Just as my feet slip into the thick, soupy waters...the Dryads draw nearer to me. I unwittingly open my arms, either in a comforting embrace or maybe a triumphant grasp (as if I had conquered Rome itself, from its glory days). Whichever it was, I soon took hold of one Dryad by her bronze shoulders. Using her metaphysical body as a buoy, she floats towards me with ease and grace. I embrace her essence then, unlike any mortal has done since...when? About to taste a pleasure that no man, no woman, no being of Earth has done in over a millenia or two. I teeter on the brink of mind-snapping euphoria, as she braces herself against my chest with a solid sigh of passion, her nails raking my chest as if it was an urgent plea for release...............

Shit...then I wake up. :icon_roll
I just want to go to the moon with out a space suit and smoke while I walk around....
What a fucking beautiful day by the BAY! What meds shall I use today?
Equilibrium, my friend and i just read what you wrote and that's some pretty good writing. I might add that i'm really mellowed out. Damn! That story had me like nothing before. Thanks man!

Also, someone wrote "being able to fly" and that would probably beat everything.

My friend just now: "I just had an orgasm in my mouth"...Ahahaha i gave him a chocolate covered candy...Another friend just got here...i'll just have to smoke out him too.

Peace until next time.
Thanks SirSmokeAlot! Starting about four years ago, a friend and myself started to write short stories on Notepad and send them to each other via email. Both he and myself used to be writers (non-professional, of course). We would get really lit, and if it so happened that we were at our computers we'd create some whacked out stories to chuckle at. Other times we'd be in the same room, baking, and do a compilation. A joint effort, pun intended :grinjoint: .

Thanks for the input!! :allgood:
the coolest thing i can think of??

i think that would have to be -

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