What are some causes of slow plant growth?

General cause of stunted growth are root bound/plant pot to small or transplant shock which goes away in a week or so. But if root bound it needs bigger pot. Other reasons are generally nute problems or over/under watering. But I see no sign of either. Try repotting if you find roots massed and curled in knots at bottom of pot it is root bound. :goodluck: :ganjamon:
I’m an intermediate grower. I am trying a new system of root/plant training & I am wondering if root bunching can cause canoeing leaves. My ph is 6.4 and my nutrients are up to par as always. Watering after a day of dry soil, my roots exploded in the 3rd week of veg. About to transplant outdoors but I have a couple more weeks until the weather permits. There’s no rot what so ever and the lights are 18” above the plants. No sign of bleaching or heat stress. The room temp is a steady 78° and humidity is around 60%. Perfect conditions which makes me suspect that the roots are trying to push through. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am stumped too

They are also growing slowly

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Don’t use 100% Coco lol

7 Bubba Kush seeds from CKS. All popped. Planted in soil, indoors under a ViparSpectra 300 watt LED. They popped up fast once under light, but now two of the seedlings have yellow leaves, and they're all growing slow. Please let me know how I can help them improve....


It's been one week under the LED light - which is about 12 inches above plants.
No nutes. I water them morning and night with collected rain water as they look quite dry.
Humidity 40.
Temp 68 degrees.
5 planted in jiffy peat pots. 2 with yellow leaves live in small clay pots.
Organic soil.
All plants are about half inch tall.
Window in room is cracked during the day for air.
24 hour LED light cycle.

All thoughts are greatly appreciated!

sounds like you are over watering it only needs water once every 2 days or when needed
1 x 1 x 1.4 tent i have a 400 or 600 hps what one will be best to use please? And hello from brisbane Aus
Looking so sad... help please... now we wre going lighter green maybe yello from centre new growth and now on edges ..

Much love and thank you in advance


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Mine are so leggy no matter what I do. No matter what pot. The light is right on them. I am such a fail at this. I wish I found this forum before I grew so many seedlings. I remeber back in the day you could throw seeds outside in your back yard and forget about it; then sooner or later you had a plant. I dont have any kids but this kind of care has to be close. Ph, temperatures, heat mats, keep them moist, Dont over water, but give them lots of water, keep the boys from the girls and don't use foul langauge around them etc.

Mine only have two leaves and they are going to be two weeks old. I had to do surgery on a few of them they were suffocating in their seed husks but were three inches high. I want to move them outside but they are filming Invasion of the Insects part III in my yard. They are bunk. Or I am...

Probably me.
Mine are so leggy no matter what I do. No matter what pot. The light is right on them. I am such a fail at this. I wish I found this forum before I grew so many seedlings. I remeber back in the day you could throw seeds outside in your back yard and forget about it; then sooner or later you had a plant. I dont have any kids but this kind of care has to be close. Ph, temperatures, heat mats, keep them moist, Dont over water, but give them lots of water, keep the boys from the girls and don't use foul langauge around them etc.

Mine only have two leaves and they are going to be two weeks old. I had to do surgery on a few of them they were suffocating in their seed husks but were three inches high. I want to move them outside but they are filming Invasion of the Insects part III in my yard. They are bunk. Or I am...

Probably me.
Got any pics ? Maybe we can help you out but need to see what's going on. What kind of soil & nutrients do you use ? How often & how much water do you give each plant ? Did you use solo cups or pots to start your plants ? If too big of a pot they will grow real slow at 1st because the roots take longer to stabilize. Several things can cause it.
I'm having the same issue with DWC right now; but it's my 1st grow using this method so have to figure out what the plants like still. Been growing for over 3 years in soil & coco though so I know the method pretty well. I'm trying to get to a method I can get a pound per plant. Got 11.1 oz., 10.5 oz. & 9.4 oz. off my last 3 plants so I'm getting closer. Every grow I try something new just to see the results.
Nice Info Mate, This is wt i face faced and had a little knowledge over it. The 1st thing we have to consider is weather the seeds or old, using the older seeds has lower germination, and the second is overwatering.
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