never use tap unless filtered. distilled water at wal mart is 7.0 and so it the drinking water which has gone through reverse osmosis. sping water is usually 6.5 6.6.
clorine is man made chemical and is in evertones tap water. my tap water ph is 7.8.
it kills the good bacteria and fungus in your plant. which could lead to root rot.
so if your using mycorrhizae or beneficial bacteria such as tarantula/ pirahna etc..
it will not work. always use anykind of water except tap. rain water,distiled, drinking or reverse osmosis. tap water is toilet water. sulfur is a good micronutrient to lower ph.
more acidic. lime is good to sweeten or raise the ph.. FF TIGER BLOOM is good to lower the ph slowly. but im only talking about soil or soiless medium. been growing in soil for the past 4 years. inside/ and outside. id be happy to share if anyone wants to.
because 4 years ago i knew nothing. until all the good people ay 420 where nice enough to answer my questions. and believe me i had 1 or 2 a day. my first grow was a big screw up. 2nd was ok the 3rd was right on baby. i try to keep it going all year w/ autoflowering and reg. plants, clones .i only use female seeds to save space. got no time for males. always checking for hermi. he can be a sneaky bastard. sully:
clorine is man made chemical and is in evertones tap water. my tap water ph is 7.8.
it kills the good bacteria and fungus in your plant. which could lead to root rot.
so if your using mycorrhizae or beneficial bacteria such as tarantula/ pirahna etc..
it will not work. always use anykind of water except tap. rain water,distiled, drinking or reverse osmosis. tap water is toilet water. sulfur is a good micronutrient to lower ph.
more acidic. lime is good to sweeten or raise the ph.. FF TIGER BLOOM is good to lower the ph slowly. but im only talking about soil or soiless medium. been growing in soil for the past 4 years. inside/ and outside. id be happy to share if anyone wants to.
because 4 years ago i knew nothing. until all the good people ay 420 where nice enough to answer my questions. and believe me i had 1 or 2 a day. my first grow was a big screw up. 2nd was ok the 3rd was right on baby. i try to keep it going all year w/ autoflowering and reg. plants, clones .i only use female seeds to save space. got no time for males. always checking for hermi. he can be a sneaky bastard. sully: