What Am I Doing Wrong? Please Help


New Member
Here are some pics of my gorgeous SSH. One week into BioBizz Bloom and Grow, there is a change in her. Critical factors that everyone will need to know is:

I am a new grower, so some mistakes have been made.

What type of medium; soil or hydro? - Soil
What brand and type of soil? - Organic, Compost, Vermiculite
Indoors or outdoors? - Indoor, grow tent (Small inlet fan, larger extractor fan)
What strain? - SSH
How old are the plants? - 5 weeks into flower.
What type of lights and how many watts? - CFL (5 surround this plant and all are rated at 125W)
How far from the lights? - about 20cm
What is your watering frequency and source of water? - Still water every 3 days
What, how much and when was it fed? Two doses so far of 4ml/Litre of BioBizz Bloom and 1ml/litre of BioBizz grow.
What are the temps and humidity in the room? - Humidity is controlled by Dehumidifier. It is set to 50%. The small hygrometer on my carbon filter says 30%.Temps are ranging from 25 degrees C to 19 degrees C
What size pots? - 15 Litre?
Any bugs? Look real close. - Nothing
Soil PH - shows 7

Other useful facts.

Seedling grew up in a peat mix. I later added organic soil and compost and vermiculite. The plant has been growing well for months. Although, it seems to be flowering so slowly. SSH takes while right?

Because the original Peat mix is still there, I am reluctant to give too much water, just because I am led to believe the Peat retains moisture too much.

This plant has never had a solid flush of water and I am worried that if I do this, that the plant may die. I would appreciate your thoughts. Pics are attached. Note the twisting, claw and slight tip burns.

Re: What am I doing worng? Please help.

Dark green, clawed leaves, sounds like nitrogen overdose. Might need a flush. 19C is also a bit cold for minimum temps, 21C would be ideal for minimum temp. I'd also get the soil ph between 6.5-6.8, that's the best zone

Oh and here is how to post pics on this site: Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
NateToke, I can't answer your question. It's my first grow, I am doing what I think is correct. Mixing compost and soil seemed like the right thing.

Stealthboat, Rillos and Stonerthor, thank you. I'll flush her today and let you know.

As for the temperature. I live in the Southern Hemisphere, so the cooler weather is here. I have a min temp of 18 degree C set up on a heating system in the grow room. I also run the lights at night to help with the cold and the dehumidifier generates heat too. I run the lights at night specifically to help keep the temps up in the tent. The lights on, dehumidifier on temp is about 25 to 27 degrees C.

Should I bump the heating up to 22 Degrees C?

(Will get my posting of pics right next time.:thanks:)
Thanks StonerThor, we are from the same country, so you'll know that the temp has dropped recently.

UPDATE: I did the flush. I then put her back into the tent and she is sleeping now. I bumped the thermostatic controlled heater in the room up to 22 Degrees C. I threw a second Hygrometer in to see what the humidity is. The Dehumidifier says 50%, the one Hygo says 30%, so I'll see what the second one says tomorrow But the big thing is to see how she goes over the next few days after the flush. i won't lie, I am a bit worried.
Mmm nitrogen toxicity ah...

It is not going to sort it self out over night or even after a flush and may last in till harvest...

Ye i used biobizz nutrients when i first started out and had a similar problem with one strain !

The biobizz grow can be a little strong in N-nitrogen if used at full rate of application, i stopped using it & switched to the fish mix myself.
I had been using Nitrosol during veg and she grew so well. Actually, the only major changes in the tent was the addition of the dehumidifier. I started using BioBizz only two weeks ago. She has only had two doses of Biobizz. I used their bloom and (3ml/litre) and their grow (1ml/litre). Once she shows recovery, I will give 1.5ml/Litre bloom ONLY to every 1 litre water. (Maybe I won't give her anything actually, I'll see)
Not gonna rule out nitrogen toxicity just yet as i don't think it is a full blown bad ass case of it, but is showing signs of it.

I'm not to sure on how regular you feed ya planets, once a week in most case's is good enough.

How ever floppy leaf like that can be shared by both under & over watering symptoms, i suspect a jolly good flush had some thing to do with that tho but should pick in a few days time.

Relative humidity / RH... ye move hygrometer of ya carbon filter RH, temp going to be a lot different up at the top of the tent than lower down it is what one may call a micro climate, so ye move hygrometer about ya get different reading... i balance my own in the plant canopy over branch or some thing... lol

If ya RH is really 30% & lower that may effect leafs being floppy, it could well mean it is to dry in their effecting the transpiration of the plant... bit like sweating to much which may increase moisture uptake by the root system & maybe nutrients also which might of lead to the nitrogen toxicity issue :Namaste:
Well, you hit something now. You see, after I added the dehumidifier, one of my unknown strains curled up and died. The SSH seems to be doing something similar, not saying it's exactly the same. If I switch the dehumidifier off, I get white powdery spots on the leaves. I can run the dehumidifier on a timer and have it come on every 4hours and switch off 1hrs after that. I can hand-manage the spots by cutting any affected leaves. I don't really want to chop leaves up, but as I am a first time grower, i am rather uncertain.

The Guava ghost train next to the SSH is still going well.
PM or powdery mildew will occur with high RH & poor air flow which should not be to much of a problem if suitable ventilation & air flow is in place along with RH.

RH for veg 40% to 70%

RH for flowering 40% to 50%

RH may spike during lights off, so you may wish to check the hygrometer when lights first come or shortly afterwards to get an idea on night time RH.

I run my own dehumidifier during lights off to keep things in check.

You might want to get fan to help improve air flow around the plants to aid prevention of PM.


Low stress training (LST) may help to spread canopy too improve air flow..


A long with a little defoliation if canopy of plant has a lot leaf or many plants cramped to together.
I switched the dehumidifier off for now. I'll keep a very close eye on things and see what happens. I replaced the dehumidifier with a fan. I have always had two small fans on top of the tent blowing at 45 degree angles down. I now have a fan blowing from the ground up, so let's see. The dehumidifier is still there and ready in case. When the plants ripen up, I will put the dehumidifier on or if I see any mould.
An update. Nearly a week now since the flush and she still looks unhappy. What i did was i took a soldering iron and used that to punch lots of small holes in the pot sides and then I cut the bottom of the pot off. The small section that came off was compacted with wet soil. The ONLY reason I did this was I was fearing root rot. The was a small section of root left in the base that I cut off. I picked them up and smelt them, they smelt like soil. No stink, not slimy, so I think I can rule out root rot. I then had a second pot of the exact same size. This was also punched with holes. I put a little bit of soil in the bottom and inserted the existing pot into the new one. (Like you would stack them when they are empty.) There is a very small gap between the soils (like about 2mm) I have a fan blowing on the lower section of the pot now in the hope that I can get some drying done. I am sure that I had N toxicity or 'overwatering' from the soil not drying and thus leading to the plant struggling to breath. I am sure that I probably had some sort of nutrient lock out too since the plant had never been flushed.

I spoke nicely to her and told her that this was going to make her feel better. Jeez, I really hope so!
Keep ur Fingers crossed B52. Sounds like you're getting some good advice, and your applying it, and figuring a few things out on your own.... perfect.

Hope it works out for you, I'll be watching....
Just been looking through the first post of the thread & noticed that you had used vermculite !

Well that stuff retains moisture & works a bit like a sponge i'm afraid it does very little to aid drainage of the soil...

So ye it could well be over watering in the long run with classic symptoms of droppy clawing leafs along with dark green leafs leading to suspect nitrogen toxicity which may also be strain related some have darker green leafs than others or a tad to much nutrients.

More likely over watering & the use of vermculite.

Mmm 15 liter pot going to take some time perhaps several days to dry out may be longer ? it may mess with the feeding regime tho & may expect a def to appear ?

So it may require careful managerment watering wise in till harvest...
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