WestBlunts Outdoor Blue Dream From Seed 2012 Grow

Do we know why the growth was stunted? Was it too hot for a young lady?

Without hijacking your thread (as a comparison), this was planted around the time u planted (July 15th):

Just seems crazy how different the growth rates were, I am also from socal.
I think it has to do with timing. If you notice, he started this grow in July which was just about the time that we here in So Cal were just going into flowering. So there was no time for stretching.

I had 6 ladies outside and 3 have already been harvested! I am not that far from his location.

I think it has to do with timing. If you notice, he started this grow in July which was just about the time that we here in So Cal were just going into flowering. So there was no time for stretching.

I had 6 ladies outside and 3 have already been harvested! I am not that far from his location.


Yeah, the bud from that pic was planted July 15th, at basically the same time his plant was planted. I wouldn't compare it to something that was planted in April.
TruthSeeker & RelaxedLee I'm almost for certain that the reason why she's so stunted is because when she was a new sprout
-The soil was kept soaking wet
-She was Transplanted by getting plucked straight up out the soil 3 times.
-She was in a grow op that hit 120
-Maybe the late start into the season plus the heat too.
& that was all in the first 2 weeks of life

After all that, she was stunted for around 20+ days. But after I got her under my own personal care I nursed her back to par, and now she's doubling in seize weekly.
The transplant shock explains all of it.

Anyhow - I'd say if it has white pistils shootin out, then why not add some bloom booster? Since your accepting suggestions - I recommend FF TigerBloom - it has worked great for producing nice thick buds. Rake in that socal sun!

Yeah. Agreed. Feed that girl like you like fat women. Fattened her up. I am a BPN user until Corey no longer makes nutes, or seriously screws it up. Blue Planet Nutrients bro. I've said it before and I'll say it again. BPN can make a slack jawed troglodyte (like me) look like a great grower.
The transplant shock explains all of it.

Anyhow - I'd say if it has white pistils shootin out, then why not add some bloom booster? Since your accepting suggestions - I recommend FF TigerBloom - it has worked great for producing nice thick buds. Rake in that socal sun!


Alright bro I'll get on it. I'm about to put her in a bigger pot today or tomorrow.
Yeah. Agreed. Feed that girl like you like fat women. Fattened her up. I am a BPN user until Corey no longer makes nutes, or seriously screws it up. Blue Planet Nutrients bro. I've said it before and I'll say it again. BPN can make a slack jawed troglodyte (like me) look like a great grower.

So I guess that's a positive recommendment Ahaa :thumb:
Sunday I'll have a pic of mine to show you. After training she now has 16 sites all pretty evenly spaced and even height. She's getting ready to stretch. Should be a good one!!! Plus today I took 6 cuttings off my other 3 and now have those rooting. A couple more weeks of veg and a transplant and they will go to flower too. I love me some BD.
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