Hey Cronichemphog I used Fox Farm potting soil, perlite, & a small bag of Bone meal. Really nothing special. When I started it was what I could afford at the time. I get fresh soil this weekend & I will be transplanting my BigBud soon. What kinda of recipe do you have? All I have is like Home Depot & Wally World. Home Depot I'm sure has better soil than Wally World. Give me some options.
fox farm is ok if its all you can get theres a lot better to use but hell even down here where I am its very limiting
I cant get ahold of all the same soils as the guys in the us mainland, so ff is one of the better soils you can get here
I could make my own mix but its easier to buy a bag ready made soil lol.
only use soil for side stuff like moms or little clones im gonna flower in cups for a fem seed project, my main thing is hydro
I like the growth rates, but the daily maintenance I put for hydro makes it a bit more work, not much tho just check ph and adjust
weekly is res changes soil you can avoid a lot of it if the soil is good