Welcome To Our New Sponsor GROWant

im sure there were alot of us who asked for sponsorships that didnt get them but good for all those who did. that being said i wasnt one of them who got lights lol.so that being said i have 2 4x8 flower tents one i am using cobs but would maybe like to try something different in the other what do you recommend and do you offer any discounts on multiple lights or for 420 members i also have a 5'x5' veg tent i may be interested in lighting im going from a 600watt mh in veg tent and 1000 watt hps in flower but holy shit balls are they hoylt and a pain to try to cool.

My sponsored grow is right next to a tent with 3000K Timber COBs. It's going to offer a decent comparison between the two. After one week under the light panel I'm mighty impressed with growth and vigor.

That's great Sue. How many watts are the timbers?
Im looking for your pro series light to biy and im running in circles.
It's really hard. When i bought my first led I was considering so many options. This is a while ago and back then there was a lot of shit on the market and a lot of not so very ethical advertisements calling these lamps 1000 watt while in reality being perhaps 200. So it was really hard.

It's still just as hard now really cause today i bet most lamps being released to the market are doing a good job.

But as a huge fan of 420 mag and a very grateful one as well. The choices are limited to the companies sponsoring my favourite forum. So there is that
It's really hard. When i bought my first led I was considering so many options. This is a while ago and back then there was a lot of shit on the market and a lot of not so very ethical advertisements calling these lamps 1000 watt while in reality being perhaps 200. So it was really hard.

It's still just as hard now really cause today i bet most lamps being released to the market are doing a good job.

But as a huge fan of 420 mag and a very grateful one as well. The choices are limited to the companies sponsoring my favourite forum. So there is that .

Well said. There are a bunch of really bad lights out there. Go on amazon or eBay and you'll see some outrageous claims for LED's. That's why we decided to sponsor growers. That way the community can see how well our lights perform.
It's really hard. When i bought my first led I was considering so many options. This is a while ago and back then there was a lot of shit on the market and a lot of not so very ethical advertisements calling these lamps 1000 watt while in reality being perhaps 200. So it was really hard.

It's still just as hard now really cause today i bet most lamps being released to the market are doing a good job.

But as a huge fan of 420 mag and a very grateful one as well. The choices are limited to the companies sponsoring my favourite forum. So there is that
Yea, this confused me when I first started my grow journey and shopped around for my first light. Sketchy companies place "1000W" in the title to trick newbies.

If it weren't for this amazing community, I would have wasted money on sub par lights.

God, I can't wait to use the G400! I'm so intrigued with the attention to detail and customization. I mean, it simulates friggin clouds! .

It's thin design will be great for my veg chamber, which is a foot shorter than the bloom chamber.
Well said. There are a bunch of really bad lights out there. Go on amazon or eBay and you'll see some outrageous claims for LED's. That's why we decided to sponsor growers. That way the community can see how well our lights perform.
Today it seems to be necessary to sponsor a few growers to showcase the lights. I've seen new companies who refused to do that. I don't think they sold many lamps to put it that way because people have a healthy scepticism towards new brands and their fantastic claims. Especially when they seem afraid to let people showcase their lights.

I think sponsoring growers shows that the company stand behind their product and their claims about the performance and that they are not afraid to show it to the world. I think that sells a lot more lights because it feels so much more safer for the buyer.

I don't know. I'm not a shrink, I'm a retired scientists and professional musician so what do I know?
As i said. I'm not a shrink. But i know how i reacted and felt about the two different companies and their approach. I won't name the other company. They're a sponsor and speaking shit about people or companies is against my personal principles. At this point in life my principles are basically the only thing of importance that's left of what i used to be. Had this accident in the laboratory at work and lost a lot of myself there. Been disabled ever since. So I'll keep on to my principles very strictly.

The way growant approached this forum and it's growers made me feel that even if their claims seem to be on the impossible side they seem to have great confidence in their products and that they have a great willingness to prove their claims are legit by giving away lamps to so many different types of growers with such a varied level of experience and competence.

That's when I started thinking that these people may be for real. And now I am considering to build a new room and to fill it up with their technology. I love the confidence of this company.

Your approach generated more traffic to this thread in a day than the other company managed in 3 months or so
Anyone knows about a good anti blurple filter for android? Usually I just adjust the white balance on my real camera to get natural colors on my photos under LED.

But my computer broke down last night so now I can only access 420 on my mobile phone. I still need to update my journals and other threads so I need to find a way to get my phone camera to act a little bit more like a professional one. I downloaded an app named green camera that basically just apply a green filter. But it's not accurate enough to my taste


Asking in this thread in hope the led pros may know a trick or two
I like purp pics .

*nevermind I hate purp pics on 420mag since they always be lowering my resolution and having my plants look all pixely compared to the original lol..
Yea I got a cheap pair off Amazon. 20 bucks I believe it was. That's how I take my pics. Just put it up against my phone. Otherwise id have purple pics all over my journal. And I know how much I don't like seeing other ppls purple pics. So I can't be the only one.

That's how I take mine, Phone against the sunglass lens.lol I really need to invest in a good camera.
We have a Nikon D3300 and in the settings you can adjust the white balance with one of these 35% grey cards. Then every picture taken after that will be automatically corrected.

If you are using a smartphone you can adjust them using Adobe lightroom. This picture was taken with my phone a couple months ago using the grey card for white balance. Unfortunately we have 4 different spectrums in this single picture, so it wont be perfect since the card is only under the purple light. But as you can see it made everything correct that it could. If you only have a single spectrum of purple or white light, these pictures would be perfect.



Hope this helps.
Hi everyone. Im at a stage where I am wanting to purchase a beginner grow light for a small grow - single plant in a 2x2 space to start.

I would like to avoid buying one that is overhyped and/or overpriced but I have no idea how to do that.

Its a lot like buying a car and asking for recommendations. People will have their preferences, and their personal list of which ones to avoid.

What I have in mind is one like SweetSue is doing a sponsored grow with. That one or the smallest Mars Reflector are on my shortlist. I agree with a comment above that my universe should be limited to sponsors. I'm in Canada so shipping is a factor in the cost equation.

If anyone could PM me some guidance, or point me to a place where comparisons are made by independent 3rd parties that would be much appreciated.

I do not want to clutter up this thread though.
That's how I take mine, Phone against the sunglass lens.lol I really need to invest in a good camera.

Hell 100$ refurbished phones from ebay tend to be damn good cameras for the price lol..

Though I do realize you are with a company and want the best pictures possible lol
We have a Nikon D3300 and in the settings you can adjust the white balance with one of these 35% grey cards. Then every picture taken after that will be automatically corrected.

If you are using a smartphone you can adjust them using Adobe lightroom. This picture was taken with my phone a couple months ago using the grey card for white balance. Unfortunately we have 4 different spectrums in this single picture, so it wont be perfect since the card is only under the purple light. But as you can see it made everything correct that it could. If you only have a single spectrum of purple or white light, these pictures would be perfect.



Hope this helps.
That's how i do it. But my computer broke down last night so now I can only use the mobile phone
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