Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden


Great to see you and the garden Archie :ciao: :passitleft: Those outdoor kids look about perfect! Excellent work. Are you finding the drench amounts we talked about for the raised bed all those months ago are in the right ballpark? Whatever you’re doing, it’s obviously just right.

All best to you with all the busy-ness. Glad it’s all fun :Namaste:
Hi AG! Old comment but your inquiry about the amounts I’m feeding is a good question. I’m feeding heavier than we discussed.
My watering method consists of, don’t laugh okay, a 30 gallon trash can that I fill with water and a two gallon watering can. I give the raised bed around 18 gallons of water and then on my last watering can I add 15ml of drench and a generous splash of tea.
The growth has been wonderful and the only trouble I’ve had has been some slight mid-bloom fading.
Your garden is looking great - both inside and out! :thumb:

So are you pretty sure your environment is to blame for the SPOG-like growth? I'm interested because Mexican Airlines is on my potential list for next year's growth. I'm might be reconsidering now.

Looks like both you and @Agemon underestimated the success of your first outdoor grows. They really like that big light bulb in the sky, and they need lots of room to spread. :morenutes:
Hey Beez, hope your grow is going well. I wanted to clear up the MA spog deal. So my best friend grew MA out and it was a gorgeous specimen. I have an update that I’m posting moments from now with a few shots of MA. She was definitely stunted and I’m almost positive it was my temps. I hope to elaborate here in a few. Cheers!

Hey Doob! Hope your doing well man.
Hello again everyone. I’ve got some photos to share, but first I wanted to say thank you for everyone who posted during my absence. Most of you know that I’m fairly hamstrung by depression and anxiety and it has been a difficult summer.
I want to keep things positive here so here we go:

I’ve made some decisions going forward about how my grows are going to go down. Essentially, I’ll do an outdoor grow followed by a fall/winter grow in my tent in the garage.

I’ve determined that 600 dollar electric bills suck and that no amount of air conditioning can keep these plants happy when it’s 105F in my garage.
The final straw was the harvest from the two Durban Poison clones that I took down about four weeks ago. They were just as potent and smelled identical to the mother, but the yield was pathetic. About two oz per plant and they were in seven gallon containers.
I should mention that in a futile attempt to save some on the electric bill, I grew them under COB lighting instead of my big MaxYield LED. That was a mistake as well.
Additionally, the Mexican Airlines autoflower basically just sat there for what seemed like two weeks doing nothing. She was around day thirty and didn’t show pistols yet.
After I harvested the DP’s I flipped my Green Doctor 2 and decided to put the MA in the flower tent as well. That’s where we are now. GD2 is nearing the end of week 8 of flower (ten week strain). That means MA, next to her, has been flowering just as long. She should’ve been done by my estimations but I guess she’s done when she’s done.

Last but not least, we have the outdoor ladies.
I’ve had to pluck about three of the dreaded caterpillars off the plants, despite using Monterey BT spray once weekly for the last three weeks or so.
I have grown very very lazy about foliar feeding and the truth is I haven’t foliar fed in weeks. I also failed to add recharge and earth worm castings. So the fading has as much to do with those two details than anything else.
The plants sit about 48” above the soil line and I’m certain these plants would have been much larger had I got them in the ground sooner.

Thanks for looking everyone :circle-of-love:
So my best friend grew MA out and it was a gorgeous specimen.
Thanks for the info on MA. I might still be considering that one for next year's grow. Will be interested to hear your thoughts on the smoke.
The plants sit about 48” above the soil line and I’m certain these plants would have been much larger had I got them in the ground sooner.
Your outdoor girls look great! Certainly considering this is your first outdoor grow. :welldone:
Archie!!!!! Welcome back man, glad you’re feeling better. Those plants are looking great man, that GD2 super hairy and pistoled! And you’re outdoors is AWESOME! Got me gelous, looks like urs are getting more sun than mine are! Glad you’re still here, and my offer stands if you want that bandsaw and make some bubble hash too.

And what you don't get in harvest weight you gain in knowledge for next time!

May not be the harvest we’re looking for but knowledge lasts a lot longer.

Knowledge is King ~ Kool Moe Dee
I’ve said it everywhere else already but I’ll say ot again - welcome back buddy, I’m glad you are :love:

the outdoor ladies.
:cheer: :yummy:
and then on my last watering can I add 15ml of drench and a generous splash of tea.
Excellent watering tech :thumb: and that sounds like the perfect about of drench - it’s in the upper range of what we talked about I think. My bed is twice that size I have used from 20-45ml (45 would be a pretty strong one) and usullay around 25-30 i think (last summer was a long time ago now tho and memory fades... notes exist somewhere tho :D )
the fading has as much to do with those two details than anything else.
I think completely, actually. Doc recently posted a note that the Recharge (plus castings) is for what happens at 6 weeks of bloom (so 3 weeks after application — and then as we know it feeds into the next run with that soil), so skipping recharge would exactly account for that mid-bloom fade I would think, and skipping folairs wouldnt help. Amazing how much we can lapse on some of these things and still come out with super duper produce.

They look gorgeous. I actually just love their size - I’d find that very easy to manage at harvest time ;)

Very happy you’re back my friend :passitleft:
Noice! Fade or no on the outsiders, they're both beauties. And what you don't get in harvest weight you gain in knowledge for next time!

Nice to have you back.
Thanks Shed. I’ve missed everyone here and hope to e around more :thumb:
Thanks for the info on MA. I might still be considering that one for next year's grow. Will be interested to hear your thoughts on the smoke.

Your outdoor girls look great! Certainly considering this is your first outdoor grow. :welldone:
Beez! Good to hear from ya man. I’ve found myself wondering how your plants have been.
I’ll be swinging by to check on your garden here very shortly! Thanks for swinging by :circle-of-love:
I’ve said it everywhere else already but I’ll say ot again - welcome back buddy, I’m glad you are :love:

:cheer: :yummy:

Excellent watering tech :thumb: and that sounds like the perfect about of drench - it’s in the upper range of what we talked about I think. My bed is twice that size I have used from 20-45ml (45 would be a pretty strong one) and usullay around 25-30 i think (last summer was a long time ago now tho and memory fades... notes exist somewhere tho :D )

I think completely, actually. Doc recently posted a note that the Recharge (plus castings) is for what happens at 6 weeks of bloom (so 3 weeks after application — and then as we know it feeds into the next run with that soil), so skipping recharge would exactly account for that mid-bloom fade I would think, and skipping folairs wouldnt help. Amazing how much we can lapse on some of these things and still come out with super duper produce.

They look gorgeous. I actually just love their size - I’d find that very easy to manage at harvest time ;)

Very happy you’re back my friend :passitleft:
Wonderful info on the recharge and castings application. I’ll be picking up some castings quite soon as I have a good deal of soil to cook before my winter tent grow.
The watering techniques we talked about way back, has pretty much remained unchanged. If you remember, I was unsure how often they would need a drink and so far they seem to need a drink every four days even in the hottest of the days. I regularly hit 100F for most of July and August.
It wasn’t until the last week or so that temps started tapering off into the low 90’s and some upper 80’s.

I’m very encouraged to continue my outdoor growing next year. The one pest I have that I’ve seen year after year is the leafhoppers. They don’t do a whole lot of damage but they’re annoying lol. Cheers guys and girls
Hey Archie! Happy to see you back to posting. Plants look very good! We all get a little lazy on the foliars from time to time. Some of us only do it every 2 weeks. Sounds like a solid plan taking a break indoors during the very hot times. Sorry about the Durban yield. Looks like you'll get a good deal more from your current plants.

very encouraged to continue my outdoor growing next year
:high-five: Glad to hear it!

I went back to check my numbers and yeah - you were giving yours about the same amount as what my standard dose was, so that’s quite a bit stronger for sure. I do remember Doc saying I could almost double it without doing any harm. I’ll play around with that a bit myself this summer :thumb: thanks

Remind me Archi, when did you drop those outdoor seeds?
Hey Archie! Happy to see you back to posting. Plants look very good! We all get a little lazy on the foliars from time to time. Some of us only do it every 2 weeks. Sounds like a solid plan taking a break indoors during the very hot times. Sorry about the Durban yield. Looks like you'll get a good deal more from your current plants.

Hey Ween! Yeah I figure if this is plants are doing this well, just imagine if I was spraying lol. I gotta get motivated again to spray.
Thanks for staying tuned in brother. :high-five: I hope to be around a little more.
:high-five: Glad to hear it!

I went back to check my numbers and yeah - you were giving yours about the same amount as what my standard dose was, so that’s quite a bit stronger for sure. I do remember Doc saying I could almost double it without doing any harm. I’ll play around with that a bit myself this summer :thumb: thanks

Remind me Archi, when did you drop those outdoor seeds?
AG, I feel like the amounts I’m feeding are pretty great. Having said that, not doing the recharge and foliars probably isn’t optimal. I think I put these girls out the first week in June. If I had put them out in April I would need a ladder to check the buds for the worms.
I did zero training aside from topping them and they’ve been very well behaved. I’ve had more grasshoppers eating leaves than any of my outdoor experiments previously but this is my first time with photoperiods outdoors.
Cheers AG!
I think all of us get a little lazy about spraying at times. I'm terrible at staying on schedule. I bet I spray brix about 3 times at the most on my flowering plants and I don't have any complaints.

Beautiful pink pistoled Carnival, I don't think I've seen that on that strain before. You have some pretty good luck with your phenos. That purple Durban was beautiful too.

I sympathize with you on the anxiety and depression. My wife suffers from that as well. We were watching a documentary series on Netflix about treating it with psychedelics and the research is very promising. Keep fighting and playing in living soil has been shown to help with depression. Something about microbes in the soil is supposed to help. Maybe that's why kids eat dirt at times, don't know but there seems to be something to it.
Welcome back @Archiweedies

I got similar issues with anxiety/depression etc.....although been under control for a while. One thing that works for me is Audiobooks...especially stuff like Krishnamurti or Alan Watts. They have a way to flip the switch for me.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

I think all of us get a little lazy about spraying at times. I'm terrible at staying on schedule. I bet I spray brix about 3 times at the most on my flowering plants and I don't have any complaints.

Beautiful pink pistoled Carnival, I don't think I've seen that on that strain before. You have some pretty good luck with your phenos. That purple Durban was beautiful too.

I sympathize with you on the anxiety and depression. My wife suffers from that as well. We were watching a documentary series on Netflix about treating it with psychedelics and the research is very promising. Keep fighting and playing in living soil has been shown to help with depression. Something about microbes in the soil is supposed to help. Maybe that's why kids eat dirt at times, don't know but there seems to be something to it.

Hey Neiko! I am having some great luck with colorful plants this year. :thumb:
I remember your wife suffers from some of the same stuff as I do and I feel for her as well. Thank you Neiko for your compliments and encouragement to keep fighting.
I think I might’ve seen the same documentary but I haven’t used any type of psychedelics in many years. I’m somewhat nervous that being in a fragile state of mind could become a bad trip real fast. Nevertheless, I am keeping an open mind about their possibilities.
Welcome back @Archiweedies

I got similar issues with anxiety/depression etc.....although been under control for a while. One thing that works for me is Audiobooks...especially stuff like Krishnamurti or Alan Watts. They have a way to flip the switch for me.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."


Thank you for the suggestion seedling and that could actually work quite well for me. I often wear headphones while building furniture.

That’s a great quote and I totally resonate with it. Thanks for sharing man.
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