Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Pretty damn close lol. I just can't wait for all of the experimenting that is going to happen. A lot of concentrates will be made and cooking will be done. I've started to enjoy edibles a little bit more this week so I can see more of that in the future.

One observation I have made is that the buds are extremely dense under the cobs. The tops have a bit of purple to them and the previous run didn't. This time the temps were lowered to 68 at night for the last few weeks. Canna said they had a pink hue last week so it started then.

Dense is good Nis and Canna, more dense more weight, I envy you guys and your awesome grow, this is what it is all about. Enjoy your chop today.:goodjob:
Here is a sample of what my day is like. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

What are you planning to do with the trash bags full of sugar trim :)
you guy's are half way there does that mean all the tut is trimmed and now it's the dream way to go when you you guy's are all done sitting on that several pounds of bud it will be a happy time in the old house lol!
Well, we are half done with the Tut. Lol! One plant took 4 hrs to trim and get on the hangers to hang in the drying tent. Today I have my sights set on one more Tut then tomorrow the last one will be taken down. I'll rest Thurs and Fri, then I think the BD is coming down thus weekend. Well, some of it anyway this weekend. I don't tho k it's fair to make Nis spend his entire weekend trimming. There are Zombies that need to die, ya know. Lol
So awesome you guys, you two desirve a great harvest and we're hoping you pull 8 lbs from your big bins :) we are sure it's a hell of a chore chopping that many at once but at the same time it has to be very gratifying knowing you guys did such a spectacular job!!!

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft: Smoke break :rofl:
I'm not sure what we will pull for a total weight, but I will say I'm pretty happy about the tent filling up quite nicely with buds to dry.
:thumb:Just trying to catch up a bit :passitleft:
We are just harvesting away here. Lol!

Have a great day everyone!

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