Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Happy Sunday

If you haven't walked on panda film with socks on before...be warned that you build up A LOT of static electricity lol. Working on the ducting and exhaust now then we are hanging the lights. Right now all of the girls are in the veg room. Had to stop at "lights out" time last night and sneak them back into the darkness. So hard at it again today. Will be done today and have plenty of pictures up. :thumb:

All that hard work is good for the soul! Lol hope you all are having a good day, also was wondering about where you stood on using perlite as a top layer for pest prevention? Thanks as always and have a great productive day in the garden
Guys, I hope you don't mind my sharing this here. AngryBird and I have launched a new thread dedicated to home remedies. If you have a favorite remedy you'd like to share with the community we'd appreciate your adding it to what we hope will grow to a great resource for everyone. You can find us by following the link.

Home Remedies: A Community Project
Flower room remodel

The last 3 days we did an entire overhaul of the flower room. The veg room will be getting a couple modifications along the way as well. We will take you back to the beginning. On Friday Canna went into town and picked up 95% of what we needed and the other 5% we picked up today since we had no idea how we would run the duct work which took over an hour of planning, but we will get to that.

To start it out we took everything out of the room, cleaned it thoroughly, and then put down 1/2" foam board insulation on top of the concrete. Sealed it to the walls and together so that if there is any moisture there, it will have a hard time getting out. The tape we used is made for sealing out acids and chemicals so it should be good enough for our needs.


Then on top of the insulation we put 1/2" plywood down to make it a nice firm surface to walk on. We then secured everything down by drilling through the wood, insulation, and into the concrete so nothing is going to be going anywhere. Then we wrapped the entire room in panda film. Had about a little over 12" of excess on both the ceiling and the floor.


Then we sealed the floor with another roll of panda film. No we don't have to worry about messes that we can't control anymore. if we spill a bit of water, so be it. Cleaning will be loads easier as well. We then ran the duct work for exhaust and the AC in the flower room and the AC in the veg room.

Then finally we were able to hang the lights. We hung up the light mover for the perfect sun 1000 and got it moving. Man is it a sight to see. The combination of an extremely powerful light and the reflective panda film is amazing. Then the Amare 450 and the Viparspectra 900 were put up. We ended up removing 2 lights and adding the PS 1000 and there is more useable light in there than there was previously.



Here is one of the bubble bombs under the PS 1000. It started moving away as I took the picture.


And here they are all moved in. They look entirely pissed off and sad since the last 2 days they haven't had anything for light really and they were watered tonight.


That's all we have for tonight. it took a lot out of us to do all of this since we were on a time restraint with the light schedule. Hope everyone had an awesome weekend.

Great work guys! That room looks so professional and dreamy. Just awesome. Now to watch all your hard work pay off! :thumb::goodjob:
Well another positive about the panda film is that with the foliar sprays there will be a mess. So we can slide them out of the and actually mop the floor. Also if we ever have a Pest problem we can literally sanitize the entire room. Oh it's going to be awesome.
Nice, That panda film on the floor really brightens' up a room. I hate to see alot who waste alot of light by not whiten up the floor. I had hardwood floors and ended up using the whitest lino I could find. But before that, I was panda'ing it also. Nice setup. Hopefully you'll get good pentration with the LEDs. GL and Keepem Green
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Ok guys! I'm gonna toss you a few pics before I put the finishing touches the remodel. The veg room exhaust needs to be installed with the tube lights, and the filter. Then we should be running awesome temps with superb light coverage in both rooms. I've missed you guys. I'm on the mend and feeling so much better. It just took a swift kick in the ass from Nis, and a gentle nudge from Sue to get my head back in the game. No more feeling sorry for myself. I got this!

A group shot of the "before" today. They look so much happier this morning. Poor girls were looking pretty upset last night. I'm happy they have bounced back.

And of course, the diva in the purple dress back there was crying for a photo op. Who am I to say no to that pretty lady. Lol!

Over here is the "before" to the veg room for today's work.

Please keep in mind we are still under construction, so please excuse the mess. Time for me to get busy! I'll be back later. I have big plans for today folks!

Is your runaway sativa still alive? I was doing some searching for someone else, and I came across a picture of an example of nitrogen toxicity during late flower that could have been the same plant, lol. Such a state could cause a cannabis plant to be almost unable to finish (one with a high percentage of sativa genetics in it, at least).

BtW, your grow spaces are looking quite professional. Kudos!
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Is your runaway sativa still alive? I was doing some searching for someone else, and I came across a picture of an example of nitrogen toxicity during late flower that could have been the same plant, lol. Such a state could cause a cannabis plant to be almost unable to finish (one with a high percentage of sativa genetics in it, at least).

BtW, your grow spaces are looking quite professional. Kudos!
I'll give you a hint of what else I've been doing today.


Thanks for the kudos! We spent 3 full days working on making it more efficient. It has paid off already.

Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

I'll give you a hint of what else I've been doing today.



Thanks for the kudos! We spent 3 full days working on making it more efficient. It has paid off already.


That settles that.:thumb:

Looking like you guys are growing outward and upward and in all ways. Awesome.:green_heart:
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

I'll give you a hint of what else I've been doing today.



Thanks for the kudos! We spent 3 full days working on making it more efficient. It has paid off already.


you found Cousin It!! :rofl:
She's getting decarbed, then made into oil for capsules in my new MB2 that Duggan was so kind to gift to us. I'm taking tons of pics to share, and will also be doing a product review on the MB2.

This is going to be awesome! :party:

Sounds great! Excited to follow along with you all. Never heard of the MB2, or of decanting so I'm definitely excited to follow this one
Sounds great! Excited to follow along with you all. Never heard of the MB2, or of decanting so I'm definitely excited to follow this one

Giggle this, " Magical Butter Machine 2".

"Decarb", is a process that takes a carbon molecule away from the chain making the oil psychoactive. :passitleft: Hope you don't mind Canna n Nis. I was :tokin: and seen this.
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