Weird looking leaf

I know I've seen this before, but I can’t remember where.
I know it was solved, but I don't remember how.

This is from an outdoor Cherry Bomb, planted straight in the ground, no feeding except what's in the soil.
There are small amounts of minor pest damage elsewhere on the plant, but nothing major. No sign of mites, including under a microscope.
If anyone has an ID for this I'd appreciate it.
Is it just the one leaf, or are there symptoms showing elsewhere, MH?
A few upper fan leaves are showing signs. The one in the pic is the worst.
The lower fans are all right, and the new growth is coming in healthy.
This has been bugging me - the only time I've seen similar was some kind of gall mite
Have a look on the underside with a scope and look for what looks like very fine white hairs
That's all I have for you at the moment Mel, but I'll keep checking my reference books
We did have a slight heat wave a couple of weeks ago. In the low to mid 30s for a few days.
And it has started getting up to 30 for the last few days. Not really anything unusual for around here (Southern Ontario).
But Cherry Bomb is supposed to be really good at handling lower temperatures, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's more sensitive to heat.
It's definitely a possibility. I'll keep an eye on her.
August is usually the hottest month around here, so hopefully she recovers.
Thanks for the responses!
Something that looks like your leaves
"magnesium deficiency"
Something that looks like your leaves
"magnesium deficiency"
Thanks, I considered mag deficiency until I got close enough to see the rough dinosaur skin texture of the leaf, and the mottled look to the lighter patches.
It also hasn't fully yellowed between the veins, despite no feeding being given.
The temperature is projected to drop to seasonal soon, so new growth then should tell me if it's still a problem.
This has been bugging me - the only time I've seen similar was some kind of gall mite
Have a look on the underside with a scope and look for what looks like very fine white hairs
That's all I have for you at the moment Mel, but I'll keep checking my reference books
Sorry, I missed this.
I did check for pests first as I thought it might be russet mites, or broad mites.
Nothing unusual except the pebbled leaf surface, and variegation.

It has spread across the top half of the plant now, and the new growth is affected.
It's still pretty hot here in the sun, but not at heat wave levels.
I'm thinking it might be a virus.
I've found two that have been detected in cannabis, Alfalfa Mosaic Virus and Cannabis Cryptic Virus.


Unfortunately all the scientific info on CCV, including the original source of that image, was hidden behind a paywall, and the other information was vague.

Anybody have any ideas?

By the way, I tried feeding her. First with Mega Crop a few times, then with Mega Crop and magnesium nitrate for a while.
No changes.
Sorry, I missed this.
I did check for pests first as I thought it might be russet mites, or broad mites.
Nothing unusual except the pebbled leaf surface, and variegation.

It has spread across the top half of the plant now, and the new growth is affected.
It's still pretty hot here in the sun, but not at heat wave levels.
I'm thinking it might be a virus.
I've found two that have been detected in cannabis, Alfalfa Mosaic Virus and Cannabis Cryptic Virus.


Unfortunately all the scientific info on CCV, including the original source of that image, was hidden behind a paywall, and the other information was vague.

Anybody have any ideas?

By the way, I tried feeding her. First with Mega Crop a few times, then with Mega Crop and magnesium nitrate for a while.
No changes.
Sorry Mel, I have no experience of plant virus, so I can't offer any help mate
Looks likely though based on the pics
it's a mosaic virus. hops get them all the time. sometimes it's even called hop virus. it spreads easily and can completely destroy your grow.
never handle other plants after dealing with one and disinfect all surfaces and yourself after.

it's speculated it can get into the soil and be heartbreaking to deal with yr over yr.

best course of action is destroy the plant.

i'm so sorry.
it's a mosaic virus. hops get them all the time. sometimes it's even called hop virus. it spreads easily and can completely destroy your grow.
never handle other plants after dealing with one and disinfect all surfaces and yourself after.

it's speculated it can get into the soil and be heartbreaking to deal with yr over yr.

best course of action is destroy the plant.

i'm so sorry.
Nature can be cruel at times, but you're probably right to take the hard line before the situation potentially gets worse
Nature can be cruel at times, but you're probably right to take the hard line before the situation potentially gets worse

it's been spreading for a few years now. once it gets into an area it never leaves. there is no cure for it.

edit : it's one of the reasons i stick to indoor grow. it's hard to avoid even indoor if it is in the area.
I'm going to copy and paste the post from my journal.
Ok. The consensus is that it's mosaic virus.
I don't know much about it, but I know there's no treatment, and no cure.
Even if it doesn't get into the soil, it remains in the root fragments left in the ground after you remove the plant, and it overwinters in perennial weeds.
I won't be able to plant cannabis in this spot again, and with the leafhopper situation, it's likely I'll get it again if I grow outdoors over the summer. I don't know how the other plants aren't showing any signs, but as long as they aren't I'll keep going.
I also have to think about my neighbours. One of them has a plant barely 6 feet away.
Unfortunately Cherry Bomb will have to be culled.
I have more Cherry Bomb seeds, so that's what I'll be growing this autumn/winter.

Sorry Mel, I have no experience of plant virus, so I can't offer any help mate
Looks likely though based on the pics

it's a mosaic virus. hops get them all the time. sometimes it's even called hop virus. it spreads easily and can completely destroy your grow.
never handle other plants after dealing with one and disinfect all surfaces and yourself after.

it's speculated it can get into the soil and be heartbreaking to deal with yr over yr.

best course of action is destroy the plant.

i'm so sorry.

Nature can be cruel at times, but you're probably right to take the hard line before the situation potentially gets worse

it's been spreading for a few years now. once it gets into an area it never leaves. there is no cure for it.

edit : it's one of the reasons i stick to indoor grow. it's hard to avoid even indoor if it is in the area.
Yeah. I agree.
I won't be growing indoors over the summer, but my autumn/winter grows indoors will still be going ahead.
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