Week 10 veg


420 Member
Any idea y the leaves are turning a little lighter green and curling a bit?

Welcome to 420 Paul
the lighter green leaves are actually good. The dark green leaves means to much nitrogen.
the droopy leaves could mean different things. to much or not enough watering, curling is usually when the light or the intensity of the light is to much.

welcome Paul

:thumb: more info please,
My fav color!
They are getting "Ready" to flower.

Is that final pot? What size is it? like @bobrown14 asked :)

Edit: added this...

And please provide us with as much grow details as you can, so We know All your grow info, to get best advice possible ;)
Hey guys sorry never seen all these reply’s I’m using a 5gallon pot and using flora nova grow once a week not sure if it needs to be used more watering every 2 to 3 days about a 1l per plant of water ph is around 7 humidity around 30 ish and I have a small heater running
Hey guys sorry never seen all these reply’s I’m using a 5gallon pot and using flora nova grow once a week not sure if it needs to be used more watering every 2 to 3 days about a 1l per plant of water ph is around 7 humidity around 30 ish and I have a small heater running
Also I’m on 11th week veg
hey paul,
in the green menu bar where it says 420 forums you'll find your threads. Every journal or thread you create will go to that section.

What is your potting soil? i don't use flora nova but i know that there members here that do.
hey paul,
in the green menu bar where it says 420 forums you'll find your threads. Every journal or thread you create will go to that section.

What is your potting soil? i don't use flora nova but i know that there members here that do.
Ok great I’m using fox farm
Also I’m on 11th week veg

5gal pots you likely are not watering enough. Lift your container or tilt them to check weight.

Do this, water to runout leave the water in the tray see how fast the plant drinks the water back up. If it sits there for longer than a day = too much water.. If she drinks it back up fast she's getting root bound or thristy AF.
I'm gonna bet thirsty AF. When you VEG plants that long 12 weeks - they begin to get ugly looking - they want to flower. What are we waiting for???
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