Weed Wars: Five-Year-Old Takes Medical Marijuana On Reality Show

Oh, Lord Indica...blame President Clinton for giving China PERMANENT MFN trade status. This is the same president that campaigned on human rights from China *before* any MFN status were granted.

We keep getting sold out, president after president.

How hard is it for these powerful men to stay out of our business? I just want to work, worship, and raise my family in a free country that hasn't been at war the entire lives of my children. I want to work in a world where the CEO salaries are somewhat sane and stupid people who make stupid financial decisions aren't bailed out--whether those people are car companies, AIG, or the "victims" of the so called subprime mortgage business..

I don't care if someone else's house is over leveraged. My tax dollars shouldn't be used to fix that "problem".

:adore::adore::adore:I was wishing for a double like on some of your posts but alas their is but only one. LOL. I think we all see eye to eye here. I for one do not want anymore of what we have been getting and what we been getting taste like sh!t to me! I am know of the mind that no matter what we do the control will continue to get tighter and the laws geared more toward the easy money which is busting non violent Mj offenders! Thats what all the laws (I started to type lies) were designed to do, "catch the end user to send a message". Well, the message has injured a country by putting almost 12% of it's population behind bars for various non violent Mj offenses. Not to mention the hardships on the families of those that were incarcerated. Oops, did I just get started again? How bout that egg nogg?
With such a controversial subject and ratings being an important thing to keep all shows alive, the media is going to portray what they want. They have contractual obligations with the show, but you can bet that they have left some "wiggle room" to make the show what it is. I believe that public image is very important. But anyone who works with people in the medical or behavioral community you have to be compassionate and real. I am sure everyone realizes that you loose a lot in translation when you have to edit for a time slot, but still get the message across to an interested audience.

I guess what I am trying to say is: I watch "Weed Wars" I look for the message and ideas on how I can support my community in a positive and educational manner. I don't judge. I have worked in the behavioral and medical health community most of my life and it takes a certain kind of person to see the people behind the "ailment". I commend the people who put themselves on the line when it comes to caring for other people. I think the brothers are doing a great job with their staff in creating a professional, compassionate environment for their patients. I cannot thank them enough for all that they are doing.

I'm sure that I am preaching to the choir, but thanks for listening anyway

With such a controversial subject and ratings being an important thing to keep all shows alive, the media is going to portray what they want. They have contractual obligations with the show, but you can bet that they have left some "wiggle room" to make the show what it is. I believe that public image is very important. But anyone who works with people in the medical or behavioral community you have to be compassionate and real. I am sure everyone realizes that you loose a lot in translation when you have to edit for a time slot, but still get the message across to an interested audience.

I guess what I am trying to say is: I watch "Weed Wars" I look for the message and ideas on how I can support my community in a positive and educational manner. I don't judge. I have worked in the behavioral and medical health community most of my life and it takes a certain kind of person to see the people behind the "ailment". I commend the people who put themselves on the line when it comes to caring for other people. I think the brothers are doing a great job with their staff in creating a professional, compassionate environment for their patients. I cannot thank them enough for all that they are doing.

I'm sure that I am preaching to the choir, but thanks for listening anyway


Well said and I commend you on your sense of compassion, indeed. :bravo::Namaste:

Your exactly right, it does take a certain kind of soul to take care of people in their mind, body and soul, instead of just throwing a prescription at them and shoving them out the door. ;)

Hmm, that sound's just like some licensed doctors I've been to? You?

I'm sure the network just want to put substance and comic relief in the show but these brothers are making damn sure they are sending a strong positive message of compassion as their "showcase message" to the people that are paying attention and really care for people, that's what I see too and that's exactly why I love Weed Wars and Harborside so much :adore::Namaste:

I would like to think that some of their positive vibes would not only rub off on the people here but people everywhere...The jury is still out on that one?
Then, when he got in to office, he started just doing what ever was on his own personal agenda.

I just can't see how everybody missed this, why was everyone just so taken in by him? He is such a BS artist! Always was, always will be!!!

I don't know if it was being taken in by him. In my case, it was McCain talking about our economy being sound as my 401k & ROTHs were going down the toilet. McCain & his antics during that time ("Let's stop the election so we can get back to the Senate to fix the economic crisis") did not come across as "Presidental". A complete turn-off & cost him my vote.

But you are correct about BHO going after his own agenda after taking office. And, instead of fixing Wall St., he hired them to his top posts.
I think he is keeping his campaign promises--except on medicann. His agenda is like every president's agenda, win a second term.

If he liberalizes the administration's cannabis enforcement, that would be a step forward. It won't happen until after the election, though. I cannot get behind anyone right now but maybe Paul, and he won't even make it to Florida.

Our country has been going down the tubes for the last 50 years. Each president is just doing hospice care.
Whatever one decides to name this plant, based on how one chooses to frame this plant (as a legally prescribed medicine or as an illegal substance), the point is is that this plant is classified as a drug out of political expediency, and it matters not whether it has psychoactive properties or not.
Yes, there are still intimations of racism and xenophobia that still persist as baggage on this plant, however, the real issue of cannabis is that of control.
The left figures on a plant for strictly medical purposes, and a position that gives the state control over personal consumption and privacy, while the right-wingers, in general, maintain that prohibition, of all drugs, and denying one's right to drugs, unless legally prescribed, is a moral necessity, and a matter of preserving the status quo (in all fairness, many politicians on the left spill into this camp, too.)
Neither the left nor the right, broadly speaking, can claim that what it is doing is constitutionally sound. If we claim ourselves as citizens of a civil society, i.e., one based on the rule of law, then, I might cogently argue, there is no Constitutionally justifiable basis in this push for medicalization-legalization (only for those so medically sanctioned, to the exclusion of all other responsible adult citizens), nor for continued prohibition. The only tenable response, Constitutionally, is that govt. has no place in vouchesafing my tastes and predilections, any more than it does of what an individual decides to consume, be it ideas, food, or drugs. In short, the govt. has no business being in the business as moral police or medical statism!
While I don't disagree with you, your left-right model is antiquated. The libertarian diamond applies here.

For all: the Supreme Court weighed in on the constitutionality in Gonzales v. Raich.
While I don't disagree with you, your left-right model is antiquated. The libertarian diamond applies here.

For all: the Supreme Court weighed in on the constitutionality in Gonzales v. Raich.

For all intent and purposes, I think that there is very much a right-left discussion to be had over the status of the war on drugs (privacy) and the legalizing of marijuana. The war on drugs is unconstitutional, and I very much do not agree that the perpetuation of criminal prosecution and persecutions is justified by the Federal govt.'s role in controlling interstate commerce. Do I read Gonzales v. Raich correctly on this? As for the Libertarian diamond, I think this has no relivance to power politics and the scapegoating of drugs and its users.
You might want to take a closer look at the diamond then. It very much applies.

Left<=>Right paradigms are inadequate.

The tension between the "legalized" states and the federal govt. does not introduce any Libertarian solution, nor, for that matter does legalization-medicalization for strictly medical purposes. In realpolitik, and of the debate over the status of the war on drugs, Libertarianism is but a bumper sticker and an empty slogan. This is my opinion, and I am sticking to it.
I think he is keeping his campaign promises--except on medicann. His agenda is like every president's agenda, win a second term.

If he liberalizes the administration's cannabis enforcement, that would be a step forward. It won't happen until after the election, though. I cannot get behind anyone right now but maybe Paul, and he won't even make it to Florida.

Our country has been going down the tubes for the last 50 years. Each president is just doing hospice care.

Bro, your exactly right. I am in my mid forties:)thumb:) and the presidents that have taken office my whole life have NEVER told me the truth not one!
Wow!! What a world this has become. Our health has become a political stand. My people have been using all types of herbs and plant based medicine for longer than the USA has been a country.

People that take mmj as a medicine do not take medicine to get "high". I myself do not like to be "high" but I do like to be as symptom free as possible. It is interesting to me that as much as our political leaders think they know what is best when telling us what the standard of care should be. Do they know that there are other herbs also have narcotic properties as well as healing properties? Most of America grows them in their garden with out consequence? Really?

The way I see it, if our "leaders" want to get a handle on illegal drug trafficking, then regulate, tax and keep the legitimate mmj users and their suppliers accountable. I feel myself getting so angry over this subject. We have three groups of people: those that are educated, advocates of mmj; those that are ignorant about the benefits of mmj and base their opinions (and votes) by the "stoner" stereotype that they have known in their little world; and the politicians that are caught in the middle passing laws based on what the lobbyist (big drug companies) with the most influence say to do. This is why I love the DeAngelo's and the Jack Herer's of this world. Willing to take an "ass kicking" for what they believe in. I believe it will be a long fight and we won't win everyone's heart, but we have to fight for what we believe in.

The way I see it, if our "leaders" want to get a handle on illegal drug trafficking, then regulate, tax and keep the legitimate mmj users and their suppliers accountable

This would be consistent with what Thomas Szasz has called chemical statism.Indeed, the govt., and its appointed agent, the physician, have taken on the task of telling the responsible adults what he can or cannot consume, and under what conditions. The war on drugs and draconian prescription laws (take the case of certain cold medicines that now require one to produce a form of state ID for its purchase and the outlawing of the selling of ephedra in many states) are prime examples of the control of the Therapeutic state on matters personal and private. I dare think what measures of accountability would entail, but I would not be the least surprised if this means even more severe legal sanctions for those using cannabis outside the law.
Wow!! What a world this has become. Our health has become a political stand. My people have been using all types of herbs and plant based medicine for longer than the USA has been a country.

People that take mmj as a medicine do not take medicine to get "high". I myself do not like to be "high" but I do like to be as symptom free as possible. It is interesting to me that as much as our political leaders think they know what is best when telling us what the standard of care should be. Do they know that there are other herbs also have narcotic properties as well as healing properties? Most of America grows them in their garden with out consequence? Really?

The way I see it, if our "leaders" want to get a handle on illegal drug trafficking, then regulate, tax and keep the legitimate mmj users and their suppliers accountable. I feel myself getting so angry over this subject. We have three groups of people: those that are educated, advocates of mmj; those that are ignorant about the benefits of mmj and base their opinions (and votes) by the "stoner" stereotype that they have known in their little world; and the politicians that are caught in the middle passing laws based on what the lobbyist (big drug companies) with the most influence say to do. This is why I love the DeAngelo's and the Jack Herer's of this world. Willing to take an "ass kicking" for what they believe in. I believe it will be a long fight and we won't win everyone's heart, but we have to fight for what we believe in.


I have to say that I do not always want to be high either but the effect of being high is acceptable to me if I do not have to be nauseated and suffering hell on earth with the pain. With that said, Their are times when I do want to be high especially at night when I am just sitting around with my wonderful wife and a good movie is on the tv. It's at these times when I have my best ideas and my heart is warmed by the euphoric coziness of being home with the one I love and puffing on some great dank. I love marijuana! I have since the day I discovered it and I see absolutely nothing wrong with using it for pleasure as well as medicinal purposes. The laws that are in place are ridiculous at best and I too get angry when I think about the political SOB's that are so easily bought. When will America see a president with integrity? When will American's stop choosing a leader based on what they say they are going to do and start choosing a leader because of what they have been doing? When will we as American's hold these liars responsible and impeach the ones that go back on their statements and promises once elected? What we did is elect Hollywood's favorite actor this past election and he snowed not only the American people but he snowed England and China as well. He is the worst one to date and if you don't know that your children will.
This thread is really picking up. I love the different point of views. Many of you have covered how I feel about certain things so there is no need to repeat it.
It looks as though Massachusetts will have mmj on the ballot this year and it seems like there is a real chance of it passing!!! Evedently California laws are a little more leinient than most of the other states laws so no Harborside Health in Mass. I thought about going for a license but it seems more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. I will probably get my card to be a caregiver to 5 people in need...:smokin:
I am going to ramble here into the subject and hope it is enlightening. I could have cared less but since you mentioned the old guy on Weed Wars....... He is part of an era back in the 60s. (People born between 1944 - 52) If you were at least a teen then, i.e. say a southmore in high school in 1964 you would be coming into in an atmosphere that would be complicated w/ political movements like racial equality, women liberation, etc, while groups i.e. black panther, weathermen, sds, and many cults ranging from budda to 'the way' and renegades like Charles Manson consumer advocates like Ralph Nader were sprinkled all over the vietnam war protests getting high w/ Timothy Learys and pot. All the time there were people moving i.e. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test thumbing rides from commune to commune. :peace: It was an open-ended social setting that was in a way like open-source industries now that have a certain amount of respect in their idealism. You were equal and had the ability to shape your world. Pot was just another value in the process it also added mystery. It seemed like at least half of the youth did pot or any drugs. The people that didn't smoke appeared deprived and neurotically controlled (like a former mayor of NYC). Anyone who went to Vietnam had no illusion of what drugs like pot were meant for, the fields were full. There was really a few types of pot that came w/ labels like acapulco, Thai stick, hash red and Lebanese but it was mild. These people were the johnny apple seeds of the future in fact there were several hippies calling themselves 'johnny apple seeds of marijuana' in the 60s planting all over the world.:peace:

Those were the days, Art my friend, those were the days.:Namaste:
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