Weed Tea

Maybe so, but I didn't spend it all at one time. lol
Riding motorcycles cost me half a leg, and almost my life, but I still ride.
They say quiting smoking will add 10 years to your life, but there the worst 10 years of your life. lol Technically, I should be dead from that wreck, so just being here now is a bonus. :)
Thanks for that GIF by the way, maybe it will help me quit.
I don't like to smoke, my brother lost his lower jaw to cancer so either I use my vaporizer or make edibles (baked goods) Once you learn how much your body needs to achieve your preferred level it's a snap.

wow, that really sucks about your brother, sorry to hear that. I saw a person on that show drugs inc. that used a vaporizer with a bag, and it was the coolest thing I ever saw. I have to get me one.

Thats how I feel about perscription drugs. Flush them all now ! lol Thats what I did.
Still smoking though. I just decided today actually, to cut myself back to 1 pack a day, and so far im doing ok, but it ain't easy. I got 5 more to last me till I go to bed, so im doing great, today anyway. I quit drinking, but that was a breeze. Did that in 2002. I was drinking a case of beer a day. lol Cigarettes is alot tougher from where im sitting.

quitting smoking was very tough, I just looked at how many smokes I was smoking, it turned out to be about every 25-30 minutes, so I made up my mind to quit on ney years, (my wife too) and I then made myself wait 45 minutes, for a week, then 1 hour, then 1hr 15 min.. etc.. the last week before new years I was down to 3 a day...

The funny thing is, I just want to quit because it's so damm expensive.
That will save me $200.00 a month. :)
at the time, my car was dead, had 2 kids, and needed a new , reliable car, between the two of us, we spent 300/month. that was our car payment.

Maybe so, but I didn't spend it all at one time. lol
Riding motorcycles cost me half a leg, and almost my life, but I still ride.
They say quiting smoking will add 10 years to your life, but there the worst 10 years of your life. lol Technically, I should be dead from that wreck, so just being here now is a bonus. :)
Thanks for that GIF by the way, maybe it will help me quit.

glad you are here with us freeonthree...
Thanks ! Glad to be here, but I will admitt, im a bit surprized at all the new ways people are using weed these days. Don't think i'll be switching to a vaporizer though. I'd look pretty funny on the side of the road on my trike, in a turnout, using a vaporizer. lol To me, weed has always been a smokable, and it's going to take me a while to get used to this, like no chrome bumpers on Corvette's. It just seems wrong. lol I imagine poor ol Zig Zag Man is rolling over in his grave. lol At 57, im just stuck in my ways. Im basically stuck in the 70's, and I still like it there. I know, im weird :)
Thanks ! Glad to be here, but I will admitt, im a bit surprized at all the new ways people are using weed these days. Don't think i'll be switching to a vaporizer though. I'd look pretty funny on the side of the road on my trike, in a turnout, using a vaporizer. lol

not only that,, but where would you plug it in :)

To me, weed has always been a smokable, and it's going to take me a while to get used to this, like no chrome bumpers on Corvette's. It just seems wrong. lol

lol.,,, I never heard of vaporizing before, then my friend got one, and I must say, it is a great way to get high. a nutty taste on the exhale, and that is it,,, no harshness on the throat, super smooth, hardly can tell you are even getting a hit..lol
I imagine poor ol Zig Zag Man is rolling over in his grave. lol At 57, im just stuck in my ways. Im basically stuck in the 70's, and I still like it there. I know, im weird :)

well, everyone is a little weird,, still got those bell-bottoms on, do ya? :Hookah:
No, I never did wear bell bottoms actually. I've always worn jeans for some reason.
Surely they make 12 volt vaporizers, don't they ? Some folks only have solar and 12 volt battery power.
I don't smoke to get high anymore. I don't like the feeling of being high these days. I smoke to keep my phantom pains at bay. Lost a leg at the knee, and the brain don't know it's gone. Feels like someone is stabbing me in the foot and/or ankle with sissors or something. Smoking a little weed stops it completely. If it wasn't for weed, i'd be taking fistfuls of perscription drugs for that. I've been using weed for this purpose for over 30 years, but now im legal, and it feels great ! If the vote this november goes well, weed will just be legal, the way it should be :)
just messing with ya on the bell bottoms :).. hehe,, and I am sure they make a batter operated vape.. they make battery operated just about everything now..

really sucks about the leg, and that phantom pain stuff... I read a bit on that a while back, really messed up,, I remember somewhere in that article it talked about how putting a mirror next to real leg, would cause brain to see the other one and stop sending the signals that casues the pain,, I don't remember that much of it,, it was a long time ago.. I am sure you have looked into every possible thing for it, and I am glad you have found MJ to help you... It truly is a wonderful plant. :peace:
Never heard about the mirror thing before. Thats sounds pretty interesting.
Yep, when I was young, I slammed into a pole at about 95 mph, so im real lucky that all I lost was half a leg, and not my life. That definently would have put an end to my riding. lol I don't take prescription drugs, except for maybe 10 to 15 vicoden a year, for the real bad days, and I will take antibiotics, but other than that, forget it. Prescription drugs kill more people than cigarettes, according to alot of stuff i've read, so I avoid them as much as possible, but sometimes, not often though, the weed just don't cut it for severe back, neck, or shoulder pain, and then I need the vicoden. Dennis
Never heard about the mirror thing before. Thats sounds pretty interesting.
Yep, when I was young, I slammed into a pole at about 95 mph, so im real lucky that all I lost was half a leg, and not my life. That definently would have put an end to my riding. lol I don't take prescription drugs, except for maybe 10 to 15 vicoden a year, for the real bad days, and I will take antibiotics, but other than that, forget it. Prescription drugs kill more people than cigarettes, according to alot of stuff i've read, so I avoid them as much as possible, but sometimes, not often though, the weed just don't cut it for severe back, neck, or shoulder pain, and then I need the vicoden. Dennis

yeah, I would say you are real lucky,, heck, if you were in a car, and hit a pole at 95 you would be lucky to be alive..
I wish you the best...
Someone visited my profile, and I couldn't reply to him because I havn't got 25 posts under my belt yet. Whats up with that ? hahaha ! Dennis
Prescription drugs kill more people than cigarettes, according to alot of stuff i've read, so I avoid them as much as possible, but sometimes, not often though, the weed just don't cut it for severe back, neck, or shoulder pain, and then I need the vicoden. Dennis

Dennis, Vicodin contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. It's the acetaminophen that is extremely dangerous and can cause death if abused. Tobacco products are responsible for over 450,000 deaths each year, far and above prescription medications and yet cannabis has not recorded a single fatality period!

You really should investigate other forms of ingesting cannabis besides smoking it. Also try other strains for your particular problem. (including tobacco smoking cessation!) Visit a local dispensary for additional information and be sure to bring your California doctor's referral with you. (It makes it so much easier to recommend the proper medicine for you) -Diane
Dennis, Vicodin contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. It's the acetaminophen that is extremely dangerous and can cause death if abused. Tobacco products are responsible for over 450,000 deaths each year, far and above prescription medications and yet cannabis has not recorded a single fatality period!

You really should investigate other forms of ingesting cannabis besides smoking it. Also try other strains for your particular problem. (including tobacco smoking cessation!) Visit a local dispensary for additional information and be sure to bring your California doctor's referral with you. (It makes it so much easier to recommend the proper medicine for you) -Diane

I only take 10 to 15 vicoden a year . The doc said I could take up to 8 a day safely. hahaha ! On the script drugs verses tobacco, I guess it depends what you read, but everything I have read said prescription drugs kills more people. Same goes with obesity. Guess we havn't been reading the same pages. lol I do understand you hatred for cigatettes though.
A few months ago, I had a complete bloodwork done, and she said I was fit as a fiddle. Of course, she's been telling me to quit smoking for years, but thats going to take time. Im half way there, so im doing real good I think. Dennis
Just like a regular fiddle, but their really tiny, so only people with small fingers can play them. Hmmm... no more bowl's for me :)
By the way, you have one of the most awesome usernames I have seen, I love it ! Dennis
Here's another option that will surely give you at least a light buzz and not only the taste. You take about an ounze of trimmings, dried or fresh, and simmer it for 10 or 15 minutes in four cups of water, then strain it and save the remaining water. Put the strained trimmings in the blender with two cups of warm whole milk, blend it until it dissolves. strain it again, discard the remaining trimmings, mix the water and milk, sweeten with sugar or honey.
Went through some of the posts under your question and saw a lot of bad and good info, stick with me I can be long winded but its good info you can learn from my mistakes and wasting $100's in trial and error. Alcohol (food grade) and butter are good at taking the THC and other good stuff out of the plant and moving into food, but booze may not be what you want in your tea good thing that ETOH (chem formula for alcohol or ethanol) boils off at a much lower temp about 171F and water at 212F and will evaporate off when making tea leaving its payload behind. Lucky for us water shows its temp by boiling so keep it at boil or just under. It does have visible oils left floating on surface of your tea. This is more for adding THC to your regular Earl Grey or what ever you like. I am not familiar with milk or honey's ability to transfer THC. I have taken my shake and put it in a jar with Everclear (when it boils off it leaves less taste- I use it to clean all of my 420 stuff too) for a few days then saved some liquid and left the rest out to evaporate naturaly in a stainless bowl. It leaves a tarish brown goo that is a super pure hash. Good for cooking, little too gummy to smoke but I havent tried it in the vaporizer. So if your still with me, weed tea made from ground dried bud is some of the best tasting stuff ever but doesnt pack a big punch without first ectracting the THC then adding it to the tea. I have added my spent grindings after vaporizing to my regular tea and the flavor is amazing, there is still a little ative stuff in there, not the normal high but a soothing body relaxation feel.
Re: Weed Tee

I, myself, have found that stems work the best. The bigger the stem, the better I say. Grind them up and put them in a loose tea strainer that has the wire mesh or use cheesecloth to make a pouch. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes in a covered pot. Let sit til cooled to your liking of temperature. Add sugar or honey. And enjoy.
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