Well its that time seeds needs a popping.
Shout to anyone who MAY be in interested.
I will document this grow and much as possible.
Every thing used was of ZON or my Local grow shop. (apart from lights and mars fans)
I tend to get pretty good results in coco.
So hope a more detailed look at how i get them MIGHT help someone.
Being in the uk small stealth grows are the norm for us.
So getting as much out the space we use tends to be one of our issues.
I grow for myself and for the love of it not to make money or help others.
Only 3 people and you lot know what i do as a hobby.
Also the lack of products which can be found local can be another issue.
If i can help in anyway just ask if you spot an issues please say.
I am no expert and input in ALWAYS welcome.
I said it before i train ALOT some might call it plant abuse.
For me its a way of using all the space i have to play with.
If i grew out doors or if it was legal i would not train much at all.
Will be popping these ladies in water for 24 hour soak. (UK TAP WATER)
Then onto wet paper towel today happy growing happy.
@Mars Hydro
@Weed Seeds Express
@West Hippie
@Paul Squiggle
@Jungle Joseph
@Buds Buddy
@Modest Grower
@Dusty Kiefers
@Grand Daddy Black
@Cola Monster
@Tokin Roll
@Cola Monster