Hey, Weasel.. Looking good, my friend... Man I wish I had some space to play with..
That Venom Lemon... Wow...
Yeah, I usually tend to focus on kinks, and problems and issues in the grow, not good plants. Not sure what to do without issues to try and solve, or problems to spice things up. I'll wait and see what happens, the grow devils will bail me out of this terrible dilemma eventually. Twists and turns are interesting. Screw ups are funny. Good plants are nice, but -Make an interesting journal, out of good plants? Yawn...
Will improvise.

If you need issues to fix you're always welcome to take a look at my plants Weaselcracker, I still can't get this organic stuff right just yet. The chemical girls on the other hand (finally doing that side by side) would have you in the same position. I posted them in the help section if you really would like to tax your brain :thumb:
Oops I'm sad I lost the connection and have to type this post all over again.

HH I did see that thread when you first posted it. I couldn't think of anything useful enough to say there that it was worth posting. And I still can't- though it's interesting to see soil growers talking about ph- my main grow devil.
Do you visit the 'building a better soil' thread? Some top notch soil growers in there who can give way better advice than I can.
A lot of the plants I just killed, to make more room in veg, were destined for some side by side tests I wanted to do. Among them I wanted to do another high/low ph test, but even higher/lower than the last time. I just want to see what the effects are when you push certain conditions, so I can recognize them when they start to crop up in everyday circumstances.

That's probably the best advice I can think of- is to make some educated guesses about the problem, and inflict 'cures' on a few of the plants, but not all of them.
I find if I change the conditions for the entire grow when they're having issues, it makes it harder to actually learn something. They're already showing issues, which makes it confusing to read them, and generally after my 'cure' they just show even more confusing issues. Then I come along with the next cure to fix them worse.
There might be that ultra rare time when it works and everything starts looking better. But usually it doesn't work that way for me. I just end up on a sort of confusing merry-go round each cycle, where I never quite know wtf is going on. Learning is extremely slow this way.
Yeah I know.. don't say it.
If you believe in reincarnation I suppose it's easier to sleep at night.
I think it works better to deliberately push the conditions in a few different directions, if I can. Otherwise each flowering round ends up being a sort of test run anyway, which is kind of the normal way to do it. But with no contrast among the conditions it's harder to gauge wtf is happening.
Maybe a little harder to do with the organic time scale, but you should be able to force some ph changes, and maybe vary a few other things?
Oops I'm sad I lost the connection and have to type this post all over again.

HH I did see that thread when you first posted it. I couldn't think of anything useful enough to say there that it was worth posting. And I still can't- though it's interesting to see soil growers talking about ph- my main grow devil.
Do you visit the 'building a better soil' thread? Some top notch soil growers in there who can give way better advice than I can.
A lot of the plants I just killed, to make more room in veg, were destined for some side by side tests I wanted to do. Among them I wanted to do another high/low ph test, but even higher/lower than the last time. I just want to see what the effects are when you push certain conditions, so I can recognize them when they start to crop up in everyday circumstances.

That's probably the best advice I can think of- is to make some educated guesses about the problem, and inflict 'cures' on a few of the plants, but not all of them.
I find if I change the conditions for the entire grow when they're having issues, it makes it harder to actually learn something. They're already showing issues, which makes it confusing to read them, and generally after my 'cure' they just show even more confusing issues. Then I come along with the next cure to fix them worse.
There might be that ultra rare time when it works and everything starts looking better. But usually it doesn't work that way for me. I just end up on a sort of confusing merry-go round each cycle, where I never quite know wtf is going on. Learning is extremely slow this way.
Yeah I know.. don't say it.
If you believe in reincarnation I suppose it's easier to sleep at night.
I think it works better to deliberately push the conditions in a few different directions, if I can. Otherwise each flowering round ends up being a sort of test run anyway, which is kind of the normal way to do it. But with no contrast among the conditions it's harder to gauge wtf is happening.
Maybe a little harder to do with the organic time scale, but you should be able to force some ph changes, and maybe vary a few other things?

The threads of wisdom that flow thru those words combine to form a damn rope!
A few pics before I pass out. Had a long day and the decided to cut the Cheese tonight which took quite a few hours. Vaporized my tiny brain into the next dimension. I'm soooo tired. Zzzzzzz.... and it's not even three am yet.

~CBD Therapy~

Semi random photo. because it was there. Yellow lighter down there for reference.


Looks happy enough to be alive. A little bigger than I intended to grow it. I'm not sure what I'll do with all the bud if doesn't do what I want it to do, cure all my pain (seems like a reasonable request to me goddamit).





I did a recount and realized it was actually 100 days flowering today, so decided to chop her. Also the next few weeks look pretty busy and I wasn't sure where I'd get another chance.




This one really got piled on the screen. I feel like I pretty much passed the maximum screen capacity of bud for the amount of light I have on it. The bud is very nice so no complaints, but it felt like it was just piled up too thick and a bit of it was so buried that it was missing that extra 10% of stickiness and oomph. Brighter light could have made for less trim and generally more perfectness. Since I don't have any plans to get more light, I'll try to prune the next screen a bit thinner.
As it was I got 640g wet which will be 5+ oz dry, as well as lots of trim. So she did well.
Not nearly as purple as it was the first round, but still has some nice colour.




I can still see that Critical Cheese symmetry shining though. Can barely see at all- at this point...

Goodnight earthlings
Well done..she mightn't be as purple but there beautiful flowers mate,really pretty..
NOTY prizes have begun trickling in, while negotiations continue over some other ones that haven't been sent yet.
Nobody wants that Terpinator hey?
Yesterday I got two nice little stash jars, made by Jarz. I modified one this afternoon to put a lanyard on it and make it more practical for my life. I'll do something similar to the other one and give it away to someone. Possibly the GF.



Inside is a glass jar which slides out.



I had some copper pipe which fit tightly, cut off a slice of it, soldered in some rings to the side to attach the lanyard, and slid it on. It was really tight.


This is going to go well with the vape pen. I'll put a nicer string on when I find the stuff I'm looking for.
1st, i'm sorry i haven't been around more--life got suddenly hectic-- but just wanted to check in and catch up, then say hey, wave big

2nd, those PURPLE BUDS...are so....... PURPLE. redundant or not it has meaning. but seriously...those are so lovely, not just qua buds but qua like natural "stuff" in the world.

3rd that lanyard thing you made turned out surprisingly stylish looking...very nice work there.
Damn Weaselcracker! Envy..... :love: That's a lovely creation, and so useful. I don't use the pen much at home, where I have a bong, but out and about it rocks! I used mine in the doctor's exam room the other day. Lol! When the nurse practitioner finally came in she suddenly stopped talking and looked confused. "It smells strange in here" she noted. "That would be me" I responded with a smile. I went on to explain my pain medication was administered by vaporizer and I was in too much pain to wait on her any longer.

That was the last she mentioned it. :cheesygrinsmiley: The Kind pen is a wonderful accessory.
Damn Weaselcracker! Envy..... :love: That's a lovely creation, and so useful. I don't use the pen much at home, where I have a bong, but out and about it rocks! I used mine in the doctor's exam room the other day. Lol! When the nurse practitioner finally came in she suddenly stopped talking and looked confused. "It smells strange in here" she noted. "That would be me" I responded with a smile. I went on to explain my pain medication was administered by vaporizer and I was in too much pain to wait on her any longer.

That was the last she mentioned it. :cheesygrinsmiley: The Kind pen is a wonderful accessory.

Ummmmm..... somewhere, in the back of my mind, there's a 3yr old singing "Smokin in the boys room.."

Not much going on. They're slowly morphing still, trying to turn into normal looking plant joints.




The one I made backwards, which I think was the first one I made. The stem on the right is the graft- Malawi, and the one on left is the Rootstock- Panama. It's pretty ridiculous looking. I haven't been able to detect whether the deformed joint is slowing the growth of that particular Malawi graft or not.
At one point, after the initial graft was finished and I took the bandage off- I had the lower part of the Malawi cutting wrapped thoughts tightly against the Panama stock, just to give it support, and the two stems grew together while they were wrapped. You can see it near the bottom in the photo. This was a totally separate incident from my first graft. I'm not sure if any fluids are travelling through that part or not. I'll dissect it all someday.


The smaller of the three-way graft plants. Clockwise starting at closest section- Malawi- Mama Thai- Panama.

- Hex plants

They're kind of boring right now, but otherwise healthy and growing fast. The stretch is slowing now. Speed and health of growth in the coco is really great.


I'd have taken that Terpinator off your hands Weasel if I was but closer, or on the same continent even lol. Nice bit of handywork with that Lanyard, looks pretty damn good mate. I love seeing those grafts working for you, I'm looking forward to seeing them grow, and of course the chop chop when we get to see the dissection and whether it was carrying fluids or not.

I think it's safe to say that things are looking good over here too, the DIY COB lights that I built I had one driver blow (driver cost was refunded) and the other 4 have been happily lighting up my plants since. Total cost, £25 per 50w COB! They look like shit to be fair, but they give out light and lumens and PAR etc whatever the plants want. Not bad for someone with no DIY skills :thumb:


I replaced the 300w CFL which was covering half the tent and replaced it with two of these:


I filled in some gaps in my flower tent too. Rottweilers are still going strong as they should at £220 apiece shipped here, likewise the Growmau DIY Cree kits at £140 apiece shipped here. Then you get the ugly ducklings, but that price eh? :)


Now I'll crack on with the chemical and organic side by side. I know the taste is better from organic but the plants seem much healthier with the chemicals :thumb:
Thanks lexort and scrogdawg ;)

Ummmmm..... somewhere, in the back of my mind, there's a 3yr old singing "Smokin in the boys room.."

Pretty much what I was thinking. Remembering the bad old days of sneaking around. Comparing what it used to be like doing that, to how it is now.
Vapin in the doctors office...
Legal or not, the protective bubble of 420 forum and places like it, have helped brainwash us into forgetting to worry about the legalities out there. At least that's how it works for me. Once this many people forget to follow the rules... well it's really hard to stop a brainwashed horde. Generally not a good thing, but...

"It smells strange in here" she noted. "That would be me" I responded with a smile.

We've come so far so fast. Really amazing when I look back even just a few years.
Sue you've got so many threads going - I'm surprised I see you out at all. It must be a lot of work. Even having one is a mini obligation.

I'm a bit of a lightweight smoker, especially in those situations where I'm forced to be dragged out of my bubble and dealing with the world. Which is way too often as far as I'm concerned. The vape pen has a bit lighter effect and I know I'm not going to smoke and then be suddenly blasted through some portal into a paranoid hell as my third eye opens with awful clarity and I realize that everything is totally and completely wrong. Man, I used to do that all the time.
I don't get any of that paranoia smoking the (rapidly shrinking) Golden Tiger anyway, or most sativas, but the vape is even that much gentler, on my wimpy mind.

1st, i'm sorry i haven't been around more--life got suddenly hectic-- but just wanted to check in and catch up, then say hey, wave big.

Thanks Bob. Never any need to say you're sorry around these here parts. Guilt is just something the church invented probably, and whatever this place is, it ain't no church. The people who subbed to this journal are totally free to come and go however they feel, (I have a feeling most of them have already gone, Lol) and likewise I'll try to just post here when I'm feelin it somewhat, and that way try to dodge any my own journal chitchat maintenance guilt. Keeps the quality up that way, hopefully.
well cool we're on the same page then--shocker. actually, you're prolly right about church...cuz the closest i've ever come to what a believer reports as being why they like/what they get from attending (the sincere ones, not the fake ones) is when i used to take my dog to the dog park every day. one time i just felt very VERY at peace and like maybe the world wasn't quite as bad as i was sure it was. it was a cool thing to have happened. alien for me but cool.

that graft where it grew down and under and around or whatever happened there under the tape....excited to see what you find upon dissection. if it grew somehow to form truly functional xylem/phloem/line itself up properly to attain that....well, that'd be a really really neat thing to have discovered.

i meant ^^^ to apply just to the bottom part not the original graft. obvs the original graft took.
I'm pretty happy with the grafts. They've worked out way better than I expected- since, as usual, nature is going ahead and doing most of the work. I didn't realize they'd work out the way they have.
I had a person tell me that because the tissues wouldn't line up well with this type of 'side graft', the grafts would probably always be starved for water and nutrients, and the plant might eventually reject them and let them die.
I actually couldn't find any examples of this type of graft out there on the internet. Which makes it more fun- feels like I'm exploring new ground here. I originally got the idea from a post by Cannafan on a friend's thread. Nobody there had tried it- it was just an idea floating around.
The original set of N shaped splice meant that only about half a stem's worth of stem tissues could line up at the most. Now the part of the splice containing the tissues which actually did line up is the part that's growing into a new complete stem. I've got no idea what's going on in the lowest part where the stems grew together.

I shouldn't get too deep into the church comment. I actually know even less about church than I do about grafting. I was just thinking how guilt is a useless emotion. Then I thought - it probably was actually an extremely useful emotion for churches over the millennia. Don't need it here though.
Which makes it more fun- feels like I'm exploring new ground here.

yes, this. this so much. actually if i'dve known how much freaking FUN and technical this was i would've decided to risk most everything much sooner!! actually i couldn't cuz up until 2 yrs ago i was always only a name on a lease. but yes, THAT particular part of the hobby has actually been WAY more gratifying and fun and just overall good than any end result that may happen.... i know that's cornball corny but it's true.

I shouldn't get too deep into the church comment. I actually know even less about church than I do about grafting. I was just thinking how guilt is a useless emotion. Then I thought - it probably was actually an extremely useful emotion for churches over the millennia. Don't need it here though.

well i thought it was interesting/insightful...but i hear you on forum/audience...
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