The forum always had glitches with safari, and seems to be even more of a mess with i-devices now unless you have the latest operating system. The older phones don’t update that high. But I think even with the older phones you can get the ‘google chrome’ app and make it work with that.
But wtf... maybe someday one of you will have to go for eye surgery and my account of the process will have reassured and filled you with confidence.

Uh ...

Yeah, I'll feel reassured and confidant if I ever have to get ready for that scene of Alex in the chair in Clockwork Orange.

Thanks! :slide: No sweat!
:eek: Not the eyes!!! Nooooooo!:eek:

Quoting is the same process on all my devices (phone, iPad, desktop), although as the device gets smaller it feels a bit more fiddly

Cracker, here’s a screenshot of the “insert quotes” button as it appears on my iPhone, in portrait orientation

When you tap that, if there’s more than one quote, you can rearrange their order if you want...

You can also highlight smaller parts of a post to quote only that bit...

I’m right with you on getting back to the plants! Not because I don’t enjoy your tales from the world of the Weaselcracker, because I really do! But because that’s when life is the best, when you’re growing and grafting and cobbing and writing about it for all of us to enjoy ... :yummy:

Wishing you a happy return to your garden of earthly delights!

Filled with confidence :rofl::rofl: or a reason to wear safety goggles 24/7 :rofl::passitleft:
Thanks Amy. Definitely doesn’t show that stuff with safari on the iPhone 4s updated to iOS9 which is apparently the maximum state of updatedness a 4s can achieve. In fact I don’t even get a ‘reply’ button on it.
But the ipad does show the quote option. And it’s pretty cool we get to edit and arrange things like that.

Well I’m laughing at myself now cause I have to eat my words and work to inspire myself with confidence, for tomorrow. Bonzai don’t put your juju dancing costume away yet.
Checkup results showed that the laser weld failed and I have a hole in the retina, as well as it’s still detaching more.
So tomorrow I go for the real deal surgery. No more pussy footing around. This one gets out the tools. More needles of course, then they make several incisions in the eye. One receives the fibre optic line for the light to light up the inside of my eyeball. Another for a pump system to keep the eye inflated with fluid while operating so it will retain its shape. Another one, or I’m not sure how many, for the tools which I imagine to be Dr Seuss style choppers and cutters and crab claws on the end of long arms.
They’ll stitch and glue things up. The fluid in my eye will be sucked out and replaced permanently with some artificial goop.
Then... more laser surgery! :p :rofl:

It’s my bday tomorrow too. Looking forward to it all being over. It’s a six hour hospital stay with some prep, an hour of surgery, and aftermath.
I’ll be down here a while yet.
Fuck I’m sorry but this is still nothing at all to do with plants... :)
Can’t say how many times I said oh f*^* while reading that! I lost count.
I’ll pull out the juju dance for you as well. Power in numbers eh Bonsai!?

At least (I hope) they’ll put you out for this one.

Bear it up man. I’ll be here, sending the good vibes across the seas. :circle-of-love::surf::green_heart:
Yeah no worries I understand that it’s what needs to happen. And thank you.
It’s good to be getting worked on, I can’t complain about that circumstance. I am gritting my teeth a little in anticipation though. This is one birthday I’ll be happy to have behind me.
I’ll update at some point with the gruesome details cause I know you love it.
Oh gawd, there has to be some cosmic alignment going on somewhere. On your birthday ... just wonderful. It'll be one of the more notable ones. I was going to say memorable, but there'll be a lot of that missing ... or at least I sure hope so. It's a good thing thing we have that magic, eh?

But as uncomfortable as hospitals are, you're as safe as a person can be for now. Rest and resign. Tomorrow evening will come all by itself.

Thank you Graytail. It will actually be a little more memorable than I’d like, since I have to be awake for it all. I’m going to see if they’ll let me wear headphones and listen to music for distraction
This is all to do with plants brother.. they are reason for us reading this, caring for your well being.. they brought us all together, paved a way for friendships to start and a sharing of ourselves.. or to keep on topic, you could just say,

critical mass

Happy birthday bro
That's just no way to spend a Bday!
Keep that pirate patch around.... sounds like it may be handy for a while and it's much more stylish than the hospital issued device.
Hell... while you're in the city, sport it around some trendy city bars with an appropriately flavored line of bullshit... you might take home a young trout from those waters.

I keep getting shuttled from clinic to clinic and they all have all the information.

And so does the entirety of staff at your insurance company... disgusting. (hmmm... that might be US centric... I'm sure you have some version of those administrative moles)
With so many idiots having willy-nilly access to all that info, you know it's leaking everywhere and actively mined by various entities.
Our industry started so innocently with such good intentions. Sorry y'all... things went downhill quick when money came around.

Then you've never caught your nutsack in the zipper of your pants.

Zippers.... the bane of men since zipper day1.
Cheers friend on this day. I am running out of karm and i dont do hope so i am sending all the karma i gots left
Thanks friends. Things will be fine, I’m not so worried about that. It’s just temporary discomfort. That f$&king laser....:eek: I’ve really been lucky all my life and figure I will continue to be, though of course there were many times I was too stupid to see it. That area of my vision is working just fine at the moment though.

you might take home a young trout

Ha ha ha! I already have a young trout at home! A once in a lifetime catch if there ever was one.❤️ A fun idea though in these trout infested waters, and definitely much more likely with the patch than without, these days, if you saw that pic of how that eye looks.

your insurance company...

We don’t have insurance companies. It’s all free. The clinics just just take my medical number once in a while if they haven’t already. That’s pretty much the entire extent of it. I pay a small amount for medical in my taxes each year. If someone is very low income they don’t pay at all. I’m sorry/happy to say there’s no chance in hell my yearly contribution could even pay for a tiny fraction of what I must have cost this week..
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