Yeah- from my observations it looks like the majority of people's world's are roughly 2.5" wide by about 4" high. Unless they're on an iPad or computer in which case they're somewhat larger (debatably).

Mine shrunk too I'm afraid.
I meant to take some photos of the veg situation but it turned out to be not all that interesting right now so I skipped it. I've chopped most of the larger plants in there to make more room, except for the grafted ones. So it's just a bunch of babies in 1 gallon pots.

I did some more grafting. Removed the tape and ties from the last grafting session- the one I posted on here. 3 out of four of the grafts took- which was actually better than I expected because I was crazy stoned at the time I made them and two were pretty screwed up.

I'm grafting the smaller of the 3-way sativa plants back to itself- creating more Panama/Malawi/Mama Thai grafts on the same plant. I mean to eventually have at least five sativa strains on it, and several grafts of each strain.
I tried grafting a couple larger stalks tonight- about 1/4" thick. These are easier to work with- so if they take, this may be a better way to go than grafting the delicate 1/8" stalks.



I also grafted a sprig of Golden Tiger A on to the 3-way plant, even though GT- A is not sexed yet. I'm tired of waiting for it to sex. I'll just have to remove it if it turns out to be male...

I would have grafted GT- B onto it as well but 3-way plant is getting so mangled that I thought I'd give it a rest for a couple nights.


Took a knife to the P Chunk to lollipop it a bit and attempt to somehow arrange it on the screen better, with questionable results. It's just a big sticky mess. I'll let it settle and keep trying to make some order of it in the future.



This plant is about halfway through flowering, and nowhere near the horrific level of stickiness it is going to eventually reach, but already it's totally gruesome to work with.

This is what happens when I touch the PC and am too lazy to go look for some gloves first.


Or a long sleeve shirt...


Meanwhile the phone that took the photos is glued to my other hand...:rofl:
Thanks Twox I'll be careful. Full body protection is advisable. I thought I might see a MOTM title next to your name just now but I see that GTHM got it. Congrats on a close race. I tossed a coin to choose between you and her. :laughtwo:

Hey Medicaltoker. :thumb: Welcome. This style of grafting is kind of a work in progress. It ain't the normal way to do it :).
I'll post some pics in the next week of the grafted plant I'll flower next. It's in its final 15 gallon pot. Maybe a couple more weeks. I've been doing a lot of pruning to try to keep the three strains about the same size- complicated by the fact that one of the grafts wasn't very well done, so that particular graft/strain tends to grow slower than the other two.
Thanks GG. Most of the splices I did were on stalks about 1/8" thick, so I'd say you could do it as soon as your stems got thick enough. I think stems thinner than that would be tricky to work with. No reason they wouldn't work though if you have the surgical skills.
Lol yeah maybe I can Gorilla glue them but on a serious note I thought about taking a young plant and trimming like topping but instead bend it in to an arc and back into the ground with rooting hormone and then doing some training as an experiment I did it in the past so I know it will take but a mole got it before I could get much farther lol
Yeah you can do that- I haven't managed to do it but I've seen others on here do it. Another similar way to do that rooting method is to attach some sort of rooting medium to the plant and keep it moist. Rapid rooters, rockwool, or whatever.

The graft I did last night with the thicker stem was much easier so this would be a good way to go if it works - which it should I think.
Lol yeah maybe I can Gorilla glue them but on a serious note I thought about taking a young plant and trimming like topping but instead bend it in to an arc and back into the ground with rooting hormone and then doing some training as an experiment I did it in the past so I know it will take but a mole got it before I could get much farther lol

Someone round here did that! Damn... was it Weas?!?!?
Dunno.... if I run across it I'll update.
As I recall, it worked fine.
I think AkGramma did some of that air-layering stuff. And Monsignor did some successful rooting with rapid rooters. I found it easier to clone- but probably if you had your system worked out well it would have advantages- it's like this style of grafting in that the plants get to stay alive for the process, so it's bound to be more forgiving than just chopping part off and putting it on life support.
I think AkGramma did some of that air-layering stuff. And Monsignor did some successful rooting with rapid rooters. I found it easier to clone- but probably if you had your system worked out well it would have advantages- it's like this style of grafting in that the plants get to stay alive for the process, so it's bound to be more forgiving than just chopping part off and putting it on life support.

Yeah I heard of air layering once, even saw a picture of it, but can't really find where. Basically the score off the skin to get to the xylem, like some people recommend to do to a cut before putting it in whatever rooting media that's going to be used. However, like you're saying they do it to a branch that's alive and attached to that plant, and then they tape a tea-bag around it, pack potting soil in the teabag around the stem, and then seal the bag off. Once they see roots popping out of the bag they know they can snip it and plant it.

I think it might also help appease plant count laws if you have your clones on one single plant.

I'd like to try some of this grafting and maybe some air-layering some day, but for now I'm just trying to keep myself supplied some medicine. The colloidal silver is about the most advance stuff I've done yet.
Any tests between the grafts flowers and the original mother? Be interesting to know the change (if any) and when it occurs..
How early can you splice them? I love this thread btw ! Very not only usefull but also entertaining thanks lol

WC: A question relating to GG's: can I plant two seeds close and they will grow into one plant? Trees usually engulf each other when they touch. Will I need to scrape the sides of the stems that touch and tape them? I'm thinking about using larger bins and doubling up, which, once they merges, will count as ONE plant under the law.
Scrape and bind or twist slightly fracture and bind..
AkG I am have done it before every once and a while they will consume one of the others not often though and as far as dwc I am new to this and can't even get my single babies to stay alive since my hydro shop gave me some horrible advice ... And as far as law it still counts as two plants if it came from two seeds and isn't grafted I would imagine not for sure though probably depends on how much training yoh put in to actually connecting them above ground some time a damaged seed with grow as two above ground plants I have seen this on the rare occasion but for the most part I'm a noob I am now wanting to make t his my full time hobby which for me means all day and night lol since I own my own business so for me it's tv or this I want to be the best I can be and learn all I can and have fun doing it so anything you learn on it I would like to know myself .. weas sorry about the rant I'm board
Two root systems, two plants but you'd be unlucky, you'd more than likely be done for one..
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