salude amigo,, so pleased to see you oot and aboot,,

will return soon friend,, a quik pic of my latest mastik, a week maybe two theyll make me a star, oh, or, well, a week or two from done,, cheers friend,,

This going to be interesting.....
First grow so have never done anything myself, but just from being around it!!!
I have an idea assuming you haven't done it
Where it overlaps the inside of the splice to the outside of the stem on both sides, have you thought about shaving the outside stems, or probably just common practise!!

Probs sounds like a kook!!!
But give it to me boys if I am!!!!

I wouldn't know a kook if I saw one in the mirror, or 'common practice' either, so don't worry about that stuff. But yes, I did shave the outside of that section a little, you just can't really see in the photo.
I really don't know anything much about grafting. It sounds quite easy though. I did do some googling in the last while, and the 'normal' way to graft usually involves cutting off the end of a branch/stalk and then replacing the cut-off part with a short cutting from another plant, like a clone cutting- making the joint snug and wrapping it with tape while it heals up. That makes more sense than the way I'm doing it. But it generally involves a 'humidity bag/dome' around the graft area, with frequent misting to prevent wilting. I'm not around the grow enough to sustain that routine. Plus I just wanted to try it this way for fun.
But- there is a concept when grafting that the plant tissues should line up well. Normal grafts do just that. And that's clearly not the case with my plants and I'm surprised they are looking as happy as they are. I would expect some water or nutrient uptake issues.
But since all three strains seem to be growing at the same rate and everyone looks happy, I don't expect them to go downhill in the future. I'd normally expect the cut/grafted areas to grow together more, strengthen, and improve. But we shall see.
Nice to see you all here and I'm glad you found your way. The plant is looking great Nivek. I'm glad I kept seeds of that Thai Stick strain. Plus I have Thai Stick crosses of pretty much every strain I've grown. Not super convenient to grow out, necessarily, but nice to have stashed away. I guess making these crosses with landraces is sort of like panning for gold except it takes longer. Probably the next hex run I'll do some of those sativa crosses. I have a feeling I'll regret it too.
I wouldn't know a kook if I saw one in the mirror, or 'common practice' either, so don't worry about that stuff. But yes, I did shave the outside of that section a little, you just can't really see in the photo.
I really don't know anything much about grafting. It sounds quite easy though. I did do some googling in the last while, and the 'normal' way to graft usually involves cutting off the end of a branch/stalk and then replacing the cut-off part with a short cutting from another plant, like a clone cutting- making the joint snug and wrapping it with tape while it heals up. That makes more sense than the way I'm doing it. But it generally involves a 'humidity bag/dome' around the graft area, with frequent misting to prevent wilting. I'm not around the grow enough to sustain that routine. Plus I just wanted to try it this way for fun.
But- there is a concept when grafting that the plant tissues should line up well. Normal grafts do just that. And that's clearly not the case with my plants and I'm surprised they are looking as happy as they are. I would expect some water or nutrient uptake issues.
But since all three strains seem to be growing at the same rate and everyone looks happy, I don't expect them to go downhill in the future. I'd normally expect the cut/grafted areas to grow together more, strengthen, and improve. But we shall see.

Hey man!!

I'm hoping this technique works wonders, looks fascinating.
I only comment on that fact, that outside of it didn't really want to take did it!!
Hopefully she morphs that in a super trunk!!!

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Subbed in weasel :) i like your grafting experiment, always thought about trying it myself but with breeding im not sure what it will produce, with apple trees they use cheap soapy apple strains and then graft on the gourmet varieties, the seed that grows in the fruit will not get its genetics from the grafted branch but the original plant it was grafted to, which is why if you grow an apple seed it wont give the same fruit you ate :thumb: I have always wondered if its the same case with cannabis ;)
Well then the experiment is having a good mother base, graft to that for clones and breed to it for the Seed the mother produces..
Wow busy here. Welcome, o horde of journal subscribers and virtual friends, and yeah there's tons of room because we are all just electrons, except for me anyway. I'd never be able to hold a conversation with that many people. One is usually pushing it actually so don't expect coherent chat from me, at least for more than a couple days in a row. But I know you're all grown ups so I know you'll manage ok. Chat among yourself and shit... This is just a scrap journal anyway. I like to talk about ideas and hopefully have the occasional worthwhile flower to show off. No plan other than that, except I hope the journal stays educational.

I should make it totally clear in case it isn't already.
I don't know shit about grafting. You know almost as much as me if you know nothing.
Komatchi who posted a few posts back, is someone I met online outside 420 and he does know a bit about grafting. No Komatchi I haven't received the grafting tape yet, and I have to confess, it's not Parafilm, it's a knockoff brand because parafilm only seemed to come in huge rolls with crazy shipping to where I live. (Weddell Sea area -Antarctica). Hopefully the roll of tape I got is ok. If not I'll reorder.

Grizz, and Feral. I think so. And I hope so. I'm totally in the dark about what the future holds with the grafts, even a day from now, but since that's kind of the way I roll anyway with everything around here- it's fine. Your guess is as good as mine about wtf is going to happen and if you know, don't tell me. I envision that only good things can happen with a Panama, a Malawi, and this awesome Mama Thai strain together on a stalk. They're great strains.
What could go wrong? We'll see.
Light addict is grafting and last I heard he has a plant with 15 (I think) strains on one.
I'm trying to put together a post tonight about the Panama. That is the rootstock for both of the grafted plants I have in my grow. It looks to be a really nice strain and anyone would be proud to have it as their rootstock, I think.
Well then the experiment is having a good mother base, graft to that for clones and breed to it for the Seed the mother produces..

Thats it mate, its a cool experiment, would be interesting to see the variation between the seeds from different branches, even would be interesting to see if it affects the flower in any way :)

Wow busy here. Welcome, o horde of journal subscribers and virtual friends, and yeah there's tons of room because we are all just electrons, except for me anyway. I'd never be able to hold a conversation with that many people. One is usually pushing it actually so don't expect coherent chat from me, at least for more than a couple days in a row. But I know you're all grown ups so I know you'll manage ok. Chat among yourself and shit... This is just a scrap journal anyway. I like to talk about ideas and hopefully have the occasional worthwhile flower to show off. No plan other than that, except I hope the journal stays educational.

I should make it totally clear in case it isn't already.
I don't know shit about grafting. You know almost as much as me if you know nothing.
Komatchi who posted a few posts back, is someone I met online outside 420 and he does know a bit about grafting. No Komatchi I haven't received the grafting tape yet, and I have to confess, it's not Parafilm, it's a knockoff brand because parafilm only seemed to come in huge rolls with crazy shipping to where I live. (Weddell Sea area -Antarctica). Hopefully the roll of tape I got is ok. If not I'll reorder.

Grizz, and Feral. I think so. And I hope so. I'm totally in the dark about what the future holds with the grafts, even a day from now, but since that's kind of the way I roll anyway with everything around here- it's fine. Your guess is as good as mine about wtf is going to happen and if you know, don't tell me. I envision that only good things can happen with a Panama, a Malawi, and this awesome Mama Thai strain together on a stalk. They're great strains.
What could go wrong? We'll see.
Light addict is grafting and last I heard he has a plant with 15 (I think) strains on one.
I'm trying to put together a post tonight about the Panama. That is the rootstock for both of the grafted plants I have in my grow. It looks to be a really nice strain and anyone would be proud to have it as their rootstock, I think.

I know stuff all about grafting too :rofl: only what i remember working on an apple orchard when i was 16, thats 20+ years ago now :rofl: i never got to actually do any grafting but was helping the guy who did a lot, we used to sneak off for bong breaks, never thought that info would be used again lol. Cant wait to see your results :)

Flowering this one for the first time. I caused it some issues with my incompetence.
I ❤ something about this strain. The smell doesn't seem overpowering, but it manages to dominate the flowering room even though there are some very smelly plants in there right now. Lemon and pine. It's a lanky sort of plant with nice structure and large features. Seems really vigoruous. Buds are large and sticky. I'm going to go try to get some decent photos of them now and I'll put some below if I manage to get a pic, which isn't always easy with my phone.

Here is a bit of info from Ace Seeds on this strain.

Panama combines 3 excellent sativas from Panama. It is one of the most popular, powerful and high yielding sativa in our catalog.

Very elaborated hybrid of great potency and vegetative vigor. It produces beautiful, large, dense flowers full of trichomes, often showing reddish and pinkish pistils when flowering, traits usually associated with the mythic Panama Red and Colombia Punto Rojo strains.

Panama is probably the best american pure sativa hybrid bred in the last 15 years.

Its aroma and effect are reminiscent of the best Colombian and Panama Red sativas from the 70’s.

My Panama was showing small spots and blemishes throughout flowering. It started getting worse a few weeks ago, and I started a thread trying to figure out the problem. I had a few dumb theories. Then a week ago it totally went for shit whereupon I started another thread for help and contacted a few people and emailed Ace.
I got some good advice which confirmed that I have been drastically under feeding her and starving her to death. I had been feeding her at the same levels as a couple other sativas I grow, Ace Malawi, and Mama Thai. So yeah- this strain needs up to twice the feed levels I've been giving her.
She lost all her big fans. I picked all the shrivelled remains of them off tonight.

Here is a progression of pics, starting in early flowering.

- Jan 11, 2017- 3.5 weeks flower.



-Jan 25, 2017 -5.5 weeks flower


Jan 29, 2017. - six weeks flower. Been showing spots for the last month but now seems to be getting worse, faster.


Feb 12, 2017- 8 weeks flower.
Major issues developing and many fan leaves died of starvation around this time.




Today- Feb 18, 2017 - 9 weeks flower











The buds are very spiky looking, which for some reason seems hard to capture in a photo. Almost everything on the bud is straight and pointy.
I ran into the same issues with my first Panama. She almost wanted to eat as much as the Blue Dream in my first grow. I ended up top dressing with some Osmocote+ and Shake and Feed during flower to pick up the slack. Seemed to do pretty well. I have a clone of her flowering now and she is a least in my little 2x4 :)

I somehow just assumed that it would feed the same as the other pure sativas I've grown, all of which have needed roughly the same low level of nutes. Weird how I made that assumption. I thought all sativas were light feeders.

I don't know much about this strain. I'm hoping it will work as pain relief, though so far I haven't found much solid info or encouragement, from the journals I've followed, about these CBD strains curing the dreaded pain. I really hope it does something.
I don't even know it's genetics at all since when I looked online I couldn't find that info. Anyway- it looks very indica. I would post CBD Crew's blurb here but it's pretty long winded.
This plant is supposed to grow CBD/THC levels of between 2:1 and 20:1. Lot of variety there.
If anyone knows about this plant or has had it cure their pain let me know.
It's sort of fun to grow such an indica heavy strain. I don't normally have them around.



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