Cute looking little thing Nivek. I’ve never noticed one of those. But then I don’t pay close attention to stuff like that, my vision is bad (edit - has that written as ‘my bison is badly’ See what I mean...? ) and there are a lot of things I don’t notice in my grow- like those damn pipe cleaners I use to splint things up with but keep forgetting to remove or loosen and then later find strangling the plant

Grow it out :)

2015 blueberry
Wow I see you’re a bit of a hoarder too I’ve been vaping that ‘15 stuff lately and the taste is like blueberry cheesecake- amazing and really lingers. Not very strong anymore, in the high dept, though

Mark Knopfler

And Jimmy Page ❤️ Lately I’ve been trying to figure out his playing on Since I’ve been Loving You and I wish my fingers were younger :( He was really the guy who first made me want to play guitar. As obsessed as I was with them as a teen, in the last few months I’ve been going back to that Zeppelin stuff and finding that I just love and respect them even more. Now in videos they just look like kids to me - which is all the more humbling :laughtwo: Unlike Mark Knopfler, we only got about a half dozen years out of Page in the spotlight before things crashed and burned out, but still -a pretty amazing legacy.

Sometime when you’ve got half an hour. This was their first filmed performance not counting some lip sync thing. Earning their way. Can’t be easy nailing it down in broad daylight like this. These guys put in some practice time.

What off topic? Not possible. :passitleft:
Black Sabbath. I remember that album. Reminds me of the days of dwelling in my moms basement, annoying her nearly to death with Tony Iommi’s super piercing guitar solos :rofl:

Goodnight Dankman. :laughtwo:
wish I had enough to fill a bathtub....

The wax is awful

With pain oil I don’t want anything else in the mix except my favoured oil (I like sweet almond, pumpkinseed, grapeseed - all blended together). Just the oil and the infused canna-goodness. It soaks in well and definitely, in my experience (and others’), works much better.

still not doing what I want it to. Which is- turn into hash. :).
warmth and pressure. Pack it into a block, wrap it in some baking paper, or similar, and weigh it down a bit some heat. I’ve seen folks talks about putting in their show and walking around for the day (wrapped and well protected of course). Should get nice a sticky and come together - without the iso step. But anyway, that stuff you made using that technique looks delicious!

I have a mini dry-sifter (thanks to @dynamo1 ) and I make tiny amounts and press the soft together in my palms to press it together and it works out ok. If I pressed it warm for longer it would be better - but I usually just want to smoke it! So I only do enough to make it hold together enough to burn.
I think hash does cure, for sure.

great looking harvest and puked of buds. And that chic mint. Pretty pretty. :yummy:
heya weaseley,,

hey,, i wanted to add on the the hash conversation we was havin there

i posted these pics of my white widow/other trim hash after grinding thru the strainer


it does not take too long to dry,, 36 hrs or so

then i put it into a little jar, kinda like you had your kief in a little jar there

mine in the pic dried like that,, not a powder but little chunks,, it does not stick together at all

so i thot i would try something

i heated up a bigger jar/glass of water,, not boiling, but hot

then i put the jar with the kief in to the hot water for a sec or ten,, moving the stuff around a bit

i did this for just not even a minute,, then the hash kinda got all soft and mushed together real nice,, and pealed itself away from the side of the jar nice and clean and rolled into a nice ball of hash

i did it twice with two jars and it worked jim dandy friend,, both times

cheers friend,,
As it turned out, the little bit of beeswax I used wasn’t enough to thicken the salve anyway. So at room temp it’s quite runny. That’s no problem though I would have started with a different type of container if I had known. Pretty messy if the jar tips over.

I’ve used a lot of different heating tricks to try and make hash glom. Including the shoe trick. It boils down to how high quality the hash is, I suppose. Some is like fudge right out of the gate- other stuff takes work, and some never gets there. My revolutionary technique of heating it in the oven hot enough to turn the whole house into a vape chamber- that works great for stubborn cases.

I harvested the last couple P Chunks of the herd. I’ll try to upload pics later. Now I’m working on restocking the flower room. Excited to have a few plants in veg coming up from seed again. Cloning gets the job done but nothing is as fun as new ones from seed!

I admit I move like a slug in this grow! :laughtwo: But it’s getting close to time for a change since I am getting tired of the deficiencies with mega crop. I recently stopped using it in veg and went back to using up my old Botanicare stuff I had on the shelf, and the plants seem way happier and more vigorous. Why- I don’t know. I’m thinking to do a quick side by side thing between mega crop and a couple other mixes- just to see how they compare.
Also one of the light sponsors asked me about maybe doing some sort of journal with their lights, so if anything comes of that it would be a fun chance to try something new and shake things up a little. Maybe burn up some seeds and do a coco grow or something :thumb:
I insist you do the sponsored grow friend

I for sure wanna see that

I forgot to mention this super important fact

The hash. I got 11.6 grams of white widow/excess trim

You needed to know that

Put the dried trim/bud in the freezer overnight. Once it’s frozen I crumble it up more. Sometimes I toss the bubble bags in the freezer too for what it’s worth. Freezing everything makes it dryer and the frozen trichomes don’t smear or stick to stuff- if I crumble the material up they will stay intact.
I think... Actually that’s just my theory.
I find the more you crumble the more plant material you get
Yes colder the better, I do it outside when -30c
allows the trichomes heads to break off
I just use a 100 micron beer bag in plastic garbage bag
pour into my steamer pan, put on wood stove, stir & blend till sticky then squash into ball
I even shake my big leaf & get the stuff to come together in a ball
Also one of the light sponsors asked me about maybe doing some sort of journal with their lights, so if anything comes of that it would be a fun chance to try something new and shake things up a little. Maybe burn up some seeds and do a coco grow or something :thumb:

Did the sponsor give you any specs about the fixture they want you to try? Also, the fact that they reached out to you IMO makes them at least worthy of a mention.
Thanks Brewstwrman and Nivek. Now I wish I hadn’t used up all my trim on making salve.

Yes for sure Skybound. That was Atreum lighting. LED Horticulture Grow Light Boards Samsung LM301B SK S6 Full Spectrum I think Marsbadrock has dealt with them quite a bit in the past and invited them to the forum. At this point they’re just sending out feelers to a few folks I think, so we shall see if anything actually comes of it.

Not sure Amy would like this version either, but it has no beeswax in it :). The deer tallow is nice stuff if you refine it enough.

Busy working on some holiday packages to send out to family. At this point I don’t expect Canada Post’s fleet of racing ox to get them anywhere before next year. Seems like their oxen slowed way down once they were forced to wear masks, poor things. But my conscience will be eased if I know they’re at least in the cart, or the birch bark canoe or whatever fancy gear they use these days.
Deer tallow, now there’s a use for the stuff :rofl: Biggest doe I ever saw was one I got 20+ years ago. I took 2 shopping bags of fat out of her when field dressing her, and another 20lbs+ of tallow off her rump and back and ribs when I skinned her.

One day, when I no longer work at jobs that keep me away and take up so much of my time, I will get back to hunting and fly fishing. For a man who spent a lot of his life in the wild, even spending years living in the woods with my dog, I don’t get out there like i used to. Something I truly miss :)
Those bastards. I made the mistake of mentioning there was a small bottle of wine in each box and my nemesis at the post office said that it could ‘explode and kill someone’, so they can’t send it. Now I have to drive to the next town... sister took a big spike 2 nights ago(crossbow)...called her hubby to come with the sleigh and waited in the stand in case Mr Big showed up...took no less than 45 minutes for him to get there and locate the deer...wolves had ripped the gut open and had started chowing down!...and this is within city to save all the meat tho', so now I've got a sausage partner for the new year...cheerz... :high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Those bastards. I made the mistake of mentioning there was a small bottle of wine in each box and my nemesis at the post office said that it could ‘explode and kill someone’, so they can’t send it. Now I have to drive to the next town...
You know my feelings about the idiots at Canada Post :rofl:
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