heya buddy,, good as heck to see ya back among the connected,, :ciao:

peace and love from kelowna friend,,

seems i can't find anyplace else to hang but home and here,, :oops:

but me missus just got a new knee so we shall soon have some mobility that has been severely lacking for a couple years now,,

so, i planted some outdoor plants and they have been keeping me near 100% cannabis focused this summer, and fall

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a cpl in pots,, i can get them out of the rain,, oh,, if we ever get any that is,,ha

a d a cpl in the ground,,


this one a lemon skunk,, the same that went crazy purple on me and won the photo contest,, so i expect this to get unreal beautiful, real soon

one of it's two main colas,, this plant is about five times the size of anything i have ever seen and grown,, 5ft high and as big around


a cpl of early picked buds,, i figure about 7 weeks now,, need two more,, for ultimate

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one a week old and one fresh,, about a hundred more to go,, ha

cheers friend,, y'all will have time to play gardner again big time soon i bet,,

karma sent friend,, smooth sailing
Dat's a beautiful world around you Nivek! It took me a moment to determine if that was a pine tree or a cannabis tree behind the Lemon Skunk.

Hey Weas.... my PCs look totally different than your droopy girls. I'm confused, but not complaining. They sure are sticky tho.... growing such a sticky girl outdoors really leads to dust and dirt in the buds. I see it every time I check trichs in the microscope. I'll have to give mine a good washing when I harvest.

Ahh that Lemon Skunk. Beautiful. I’ve got some in a jar that’s a few years old and smells like lemon candy.
The three PC phenos I’ve grown from seed were all very different Tead. And I’ve noticed that outdoor plants often have a different leaf pattern where they look more... bristly? Leaves sticking out horizontally or upwards, like a pine cone.

Before getting into discussing P Chunk, first let me see if I can address the posts from last time I was around ages ago- because I feel like a shit for not replying.
You mentioned flipping smaller plants. That's what I typically do. Mainly because of my height restrictions. But it's easier to control without much staking. Plus easier to trim

Yeah it’s a joy to trim those single cola ones alright :)
It took me a long time to realize that topping and training plants willy-nilly, like I used to do, can be counterproductive. Super bushy floppy strains like that PC1 pheno sure don’t react well.

After scrogging for a year or two I got jealous of the way PotChimp’s untopped plants looked. After I moved away from that topping/scrogging business things became simpler and I generally yielded at least as much. Sometimes more, sometimes less. The plants look prettier too, which is very very important of course ;)

I’m definitely going to have to go and look up La Niña - those flowers are very appealing indeed. What’s its story?

As far as I know it’s a Mr Nice strain- ‘...a cross of the original White Widow and the Aussie strain Mullumbimby Madness..’. (MM being supposedly an Indian x Brazilian cross). I got the seeds from one of your countrymen. Someone by the name of.... :hmmmm: Grogswill? Gristlewart? Greasewell? Grrr...eelzebub? I know I have it somewhere. PM me if you ever want to contact him I’m sure I can dig up something :)

Anyway, this GizzardWaltz guy used to get seeds from the MNS online auctions, probably still does, and I think he did quite well with that. I assume this is where these came from. La Niña is pretty strong stuff, slightly more of a ‘locked in’ kind of high than I usually like- but very good. She’s a very light feeder, doesn’t like much nitrogen, a pretty plant and extremely easy to trim -which is always a huge plus.

..300w Mars Hydro I just got for $280 USD
...My only complaint is that the cheap drivers get hot as hell

Thanks for the tip. So about $1675.00 Canadian then...

Prices must have really come down. On a watt per dollar basis that’s not so hugely different than the cost of ordering QB style panels direct from KittlyLights China Inc.
They last quoted me about $240 US for a somewhat smaller light- with half of that cost being shipping. And presumably not much customer service given they’re sooo far away.

My LED driver certainly gets hot as hell. Worrisomely hot actually- but I gather that this is normal? It is a Meanwell driver which seems to be standard.

That aforementioned Grosswarts fellow recently send me a photo of his panel. He had left the driver sitting on top of the heatsink, for lack of a better place to put it I guess, and it scorched the panel quite badly. As you can see. At least I presumed that was the cause.

Give me a minute I’ll post a pic. Here.

Hey Weasel, just checking in.

Pineapple Chunk IS a bitch but the smoke makes me keep trying with her as well lol

It’s totally retarded that this wretched excuse for a plant seems to produce the best bud in my grow. Does that make sense? Wouldn’t a vigorous and healthy type of plant normally grow better bud? Will I ever break free of her?

I’ve pretty well given up on the other two PC phenos. They are both decent, and produce much bigger and less troublesome buds than that original PC but nothing else really stood out about them as far as the quality of the smoke. Good but generic- whereas PC1 is what makes everyone say wow.

I started spraying one of the PC1’s with STS a week ago and will attempt to get some seeds from her. I’m curious what the seeds from this rather ancient clone will be like. Will they be more vigorous than she is now?

EDIT- I wrote the reply quite some time ago and since then I’ve sprayed and sprayed, but with little result. The PC grew a handful of nanners, which have now completely regressed and disappeared. I mixed more STS and am spraying another one now. Of course the PC would be the only strain to do this - wtf.

....have a bunch of g.t. crosses i made


....that grafted plant,, in flower,, it looks in the pic like it is planted outside

My grow space is in a out-of-the-way nook, and short of carrying the plant through an awkward tunnel, as I do at harvest, there’s just a little outside area I sometimes try to take photos in. It’s dark and the photos from there suck, but the ones from under the lights mostly suck worse.

I have a GT going now that looks promising. Sprouted at least eight months or more ago and I kept re-cloning her before I finally got around to flowering her.

This is what she looked like before I put her in flowering at the end of May Skinny leaves closest to left at front. Let me dig up more pics later of what followed.

Immediately after I took the photo I cut off about 2/3 of her branches before putting her in the flower room.

Good thing I did because she has been a bit of a monster. Stretched for six weeks and hit the ceiling. I removed a lot more branches and reluctantly bent the main stem over after she went past the light and I could raise it no more.

EDIT- that GT dragged on in flowering for month after month and I finally just said screw it and chopped her a couple days ago. Over four months in flowering and what I got is not even smokeable. Like something that flowered for three weeks. Another six months might have done the job? I needed the space.

The fishing has been wonderful :) So nice to just have local people out there catching their food for the year, without the out of control hordes of catch-and-release sport-tourists. All the more vulnerable resident fish populations like lingcod and rockfish, which get nearly eradicated every summer as unwanted salmon sport fishing by-catch- they are thriving right now. We know it won’t last but it’s a beautiful sight while it does.

Wish I could send some salmon to my friends. Things have been a little f’d here this summer, I’m sure you all know some version of the story.

PS. I’m not seeing it now, but I think you asked about how I timed the different strains on the grafted plant. I just made sure they were all about the same- 10 week strains.[/QUOTE]
Ok so that GT- As I said it was around for about eight months before I put it into flowering so it had no excuses for dragging its ass. But it was just the longest flowering plant I’ve ever grown in my life. Here are a couple photos of it, first at ten or eleven weeks and the second at seven weeks flowering

I eventually chopped it after 18 weeks flowering. I think she needed to go a couple more months at least. And I knew this- but she took up so much room that I just said screw it. I didn’t have a phone to take photos at harvest. Actually the drying plant is still hanging up in my back room, so if I wasn’t too lazy I would go take some photos of the wispy little buds for you. I smoked some and it smelled like burning hay and as far as I could tell there was no effect. Maybe a slight feeling of anxiety?

All my clones of it failed so far. I have two more in the cloning tray but I don’t think they are going to make it. For quite a while I thought I was onto a good thing. Maybe if I grew a very small version I might eventually end up with something good
I took the drivers off the panel and mounted them outside the room. I also rigged up 2 salvaged PC fans to kick on and blow across them during lights on. Your driver might have a port you can stick a Philips head screw driver into to adjust the light output. I found the factory setting (100%) was way too much and the driver got very hot. I estimate they're dialed back to about 65%, but they still have the fans as well.

As far as I know it’s a Mr Nice strain- ‘...a cross of the original White Widow and the Aussie strain Mullumbimby Madness..’. (MM being supposedly an Indian x Brazilian cross). I got the seeds from one of your countrymen. Someone by the name of.... :hmmmm: Grogswill? Gristlewart? Greasewell? Grrr...eelzebub? I know I have it somewhere. PM me if you ever want to contact him I’m sure I can dig up something :)

Anyway, this GizzardWaltz guy used to get seeds from the MNS online auctions, probably still does, and I think he did quite well with that. I assume this is where these came from. La Niña is pretty strong stuff, slightly more of a ‘locked in’ kind of high than I usually like- but very good. She’s a very light feeder, doesn’t like much nitrogen, a pretty plant and extremely easy to trim -which is always a huge plus.
Thank you! That’s grizwald you’re remembering... mns fan, and for good reason. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Mullumbimby Madness was around quite a bit during my early years of smoking (Late 80s)
know it won’t last but it’s a beautiful sight while it does.
:thumb: must be really nice indeed.
It took me a moment to determine if that was a pine tree or a cannabis tree behind the Lemon Skunk.

oh,, ya, right,, my cloning project,, glad you noticed tead,,

that is a california pine tree,, has the largest cones on the planet,,


i grafted that onto the lemon skunk,,

this is a pic just after the graft

that pine tree grew a few cones on it a cpl years ago,, they were growing like mad then, poof,, some squirelly critter or similar came and chowed down big time on them,, immature tho they were. oh well, they gotta eat,, right?

i am starting to harvest this beast,, bit at a time,, tho the weatherman says another usable week at least

but,, i am now appreciating the folks who complain about the labour intensity of the trimming process

tho,, fresh into the harvest, i am not yet amongst the complainers,, but,, sheesh,, these buds are freakin huge,,

weaseley,, never thot about the lack of outsiders and the obviously so noticeable, for a local, rapid reflection of all that,, must be so darn local right now,, as it is so many places,, but not too many places on earth can get more local than there.

i still so recall riding my bike down the middle of the 'highway' without a car in sight,, oh, and a halibut in my backpack with it's tail sticking out over my head. dif bikeride but same place.

i force myself away from envy friend,, but,, i could do it so easy,, the missus,, perhaps not

Ahh that Lemon Skunk. Beautiful. I’ve got some in a jar that’s a few years old and smells like lemon candy.

that plant is indeed one of the first gifted seeds from you friend,, still circling in the rotation from so way back,,

so many of my fav plants are,, i have so many 'mack' crosses,, i grow always,,

mack,, mama thai/thai stick, first two and last two

cheers friend,, massive watering day this aft so i am done for now,,

Not my cloning project. Sheesh. I needa smoke more pot.

My grafting project ya sillies
Incredible grafting skills Nivek. POTM material for sure!

Re the comment on the isolation here. I keep my head pretty well buried in the sand, am in my own little bubble here so I’m pretty damn oblivious at the best of times. But yeah, there’s good and bad that comes with it. Mostly good on my end, but I’m sure that’s not true for many people. We’ve lost a lot of our healthcare options among other things.

factory setting (100%) was way too much

Funny, I’d just gotten around to cranking mine up to 100%. Because they’re mixed in with the HPS light I have trouble getting a handle on how well they’re working so figured I’d turn em up.

That’s grizwald you’re remembering

Ahh that’s it. Gizzwald :). Haven’t seen him around lately...

Chopped a Chocolate Mint last night. The stuff makes me terribly paranoid but I keep it around for its colour and also I know an old lady who says it helps her pain.

First half of flowering most of the plants look decent. On the Mega Crop they tend to take a dive around mid flower. Certain strains more than others. In particular the Carnival hates the stuff from the start.

Do you alternate with plain waterings? I used to throw in a mid bloom flush as it seemed that plants were slowing down their consumption after then, so I figured the salts were getting backed up in the root ball.
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