Arrogant, ignorant, impetuous, presumptuous, petulant, insolent, juvenile... I'm debasing myself hard this morning.
I played stupid games, and I won stupid prizes.
"What's the stupid game?", you ask????
Refusing to do a Proper Defoliation!!!
"What's your Reward Rhino, my main man???"
[Ding ding ding] *in announcer voice*
"It's Pooooooooowdery Mildeeeeewwwwww!!!*
Found it on a night-watch - down in the in the skirt larf - now I'm sick like a new-born pup with worms. Kicking myself for being a bitch with the clippers.
WTF was I thinking? These are monster cropped clones and I let them grow Wild???... what an asshole.
Fuck me right in the goat ass.
It's Chop Day, boys and girls.
Raze the plants to the ground.
Bleach and vinegar to any survivors in the tent.
I'll be back with photos of my Girls and the Chop when I return from my bid in Trim-jail.
Pray for me yall, this level of stupidity hurts like hell.