harvest time. enjoy the plant last light before she get chop. also last time i post a update its on the Hasplant i said it wrong it was actualy day 46 not 36. i miss count about ten days on that. or alittle less or alittle more somewhere around there. i not sure.
Hashplant April 1st harvest day yesterday. on day 50 or 55 somewhere around there.
ok so the same thing happen this plant stop growing and it die back on me, this plant also. so i had to harvest it early but not untill some of the bud on so of the branch flower out on i believe there seconde stage of flowering process. which is cool i think that they did that right before the day i harvest it and as you can see on some of the branch belew alot of them not even get down flower the 1st stage of flower and some not get to the second stage. i believe some plant can flower up to 4 stage of flowerinh if not 3 stage before they are done. but this pheno type of strain is won't happen for me this time so i have to harvest her early.
Wonder women i harvest her about a week ago she just wasn't producing any bud and she way dying back also, and yea just not producing much this pheno type. i will find a better for this pheno and grow it again one day, and i do belive i have some few good seeds left of this strain. and i do believe this plant can be a great producer but. sadly this bad pheno i got is very sativa and just airy bud, i just not have a good enough skill to grow this plant to produce much right now. final weight is 15 gram and i fail on this plant also LOL. harvest day 40 or 45.
Hashplant all the bud dry and branch of this plant. final weight i didn't weight it but i'm sure is almost to a oz or to 25 grams.
all cut up Hashplant bud and ready to be stored.
a closer look on some of those plant bud, is growing very sativaly like and iam fine tuneing now for more indica stucture for this plant to grow bigger faster bud in flower time soon. because i do belive this plant is can grow like that if i can keep the plant growth much shorter. like at 2 feet maximum this plant was almost 4 feet before it start reaching out to some of the top branchs is taller than 4 feet.
a close up shot of some of the main colas.
thanks for stoping by i hope yall enjoy the show and i will be having more grow and mainly flower plant on here later my update in about a month with just a few moe plants. but you will see the same strain as well from clone and growth much more differntly stucture from this plant from seed. and hopefully a better yield and big bud, as far as the veg time it has better by x3 so far so i see yied of the cola i think i have fine tune this strain for super fast bud produce and i learn that how now. but maybe on each plant it won't be as much branches as this harvest plant here today. but it will be close and the harvest i think one plant versus one plant. it will be almost compare if not only by alittle less from the clones plant. as for timinig much quick on the clone by x3 already and my next on a few hasplant clones i hope will be much faster flower time biger flower in the end of flower time and more flower bigger floer on each single branch othe the plant? i hope and more more flavor and thc too i hope. Thanks for checking my grow out and welcome you all to comment or comments. i see you all soon on my next plant grow time. untill next time later guys peace out all to the 420 member and everyone.