Watering seedlings

Thanks for the info but I’m still kind of new to this and after loving my last attempt to death this time I’m wearing 2 pairs of kids gloves. All 5 of my Tangie Matic auto’s just sprouted and are looking good in their plastic baggie mini greenhouses.

plastic baggie greenhouse is bad for seedling, good for clone. you stand the risk of the seedlings dampening off or cooking. don't leave them on too long.

why are you beating yourself up growing autos to start ? so much better to learn on photos and easier. and bigger harvests. and more potent ...

there are few advantages to autos for a new grower unless you are forced outdoor and face a short growing season.

Doesn’t everyone hate to fail? Especially on a tight income but getting back to my grow I live in the Windy City and growing outdoors is legal (YAY!) but it’s been unseasonably HOT I can’t afford lights but from what I read a bright led will suffice until I harden them off for outdoors. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.
Doesn’t everyone hate to fail? Especially on a tight income but getting back to my grow I live in the Windy City and growing outdoors is legal (YAY!) but it’s been unseasonably HOT I can’t afford lights but from what I read a bright led will suffice until I harden them off for outdoors. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

start up a grow journal with some details and throw a few q's at the faq. there's a few things about autos you will need to know, and some basic info it helps to have so members can help.
... getting back to my grow I live in the Windy City and growing outdoors is legal (YAY!) but it’s been unseasonably HOT
We have about the same weather. I am in the southeast corner of Michigan so I am used to the unseasonably hot spells along with the cool ones. Big bonus is that Lake Michigan can warm those Northerly winds up a couple of degrees in the fall.
Wouldn’t that stress the seedlings cutting off roots?
Hey Cap, lets see..

These are on day 54, day 19 flower, 61 days from seed. In solo cup. So, about 11 days ago, i started kratky method for the solo cups, ( just letting roots grow out into coffee container with nutes, no air pump) after about day 5 of flip to flower.

Today, i just cut them in half because they are filling the bottom, and cant keep more then an inch or 2 of nutes or they will drown. So, lets see what happens.

I also used a strainer for the first 35 day from seed for my 2 gallon plants, and then filled buckets up to let them grow into the new media ( coco/peat) so essentially let them air Prune for the first 35 days, then technically UPpotted, but not.

the last 2 pics are of the solo cup i just trimmed so we can see if there are any ill effects going forward.







Hey Cap, lets see..

These are on day 54, day 19 flower, 61 days from seed. In solo cup. So, about 11 days ago, i started kratky method for the solo cups, ( just letting roots grow out into coffee container with nutes, no air pump) after about day 5 of flip to flower.

Today, i just cut them in half because they are filling the bottom, and cant keep more then an inch or 2 of nutes or they will drown. So, lets see what happens.

I also used a strainer for the first 35 day from seed for my 2 gallon plants, and then filled buckets up to let them grow into the new media ( coco/peat) so essentially let them air Prune for the first 35 days, then technically UPpotted, but not.

the last 2 pics are of the solo cup i just trimmed so we can see if there are any ill effects going forward.







I know by the pictures that you have a very healthy root ball but was wondering if cutting a auto would slow the growing of plant for the energy used regrowing roots?
I know by the pictures that you have a very healthy root ball but was wondering if cutting a auto would slow the growing of plant for the energy used regrowing roots?
we will see. Even tho its not an auto, its flowering right now. Cannabis is cannabis, whether its an auto or photo. Alot of growers think roots stop growing once flower starts, which if is true, then these roots wont grow, BUT the root growth you see in my pic, WAS during flower cycle.

JMO, roots dont know what time it is, their job is to feed and search for water, regardless what cycle the plant is in at that time. More roots, more fruits!
Hey Roy I’m still kind of new to this and it might be a stupid question but how do you water from the roots up?
Hi - I stand the pot in shallow water for 5-10 mins, the medium should suck it up so it'll feel heavier
Or you can gently (don't force it) dunk to halfway up the pot for 30 secs or so then let it drain
This does become more difficult the bigger the pot ;)
we will see. Even tho its not an auto, its flowering right now. Cannabis is cannabis, whether its an auto or photo. Alot of growers think roots stop growing once flower starts, which if is true, then these roots wont grow, BUT the root growth you see in my pic, WAS during flower cycle.

JMO, roots dont know what time it is, their job is to feed and search for water, regardless what cycle the plant is in at that time. More roots, more fruits!
Well Mayne that just makes a lot of sense, thank you brother for the schooling.
Hi - I stand the pot in shallow water for 5-10 mins, the medium should suck it up so it'll feel heavier
Or you can gently (don't force it) dunk to halfway up the pot for 30 secs or so then let it drain
This does become more difficult the bigger the pot ;)
Thanks for the info.I’m going to start watering that way, it sounds like the best way to water.
Watering from the top pulls oxygen down deep into the soil. Bottom watering does not. Bottom watering or dunking will work if you let the plant dry out between immersions so that the oxygen can get pulled down by the sinking water table, but if you keep the medium wet with bottom watering, I can't see how it would be good for the plant.
Ok guys I’m really glad I’m not high right now, can’t believe I said that but now I’m not sure what’s better. Maybe a good time for a little experiment.
Ok guys I’m really glad I’m not high right now, can’t believe I said that but now I’m not sure what’s better. Maybe a good time for a little experiment.
Sorry, crossed lines I think
The message is that however you find it convenient, let it dry out a bit so the roots can absorb some oxygen between waterings
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