Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

No nothing I got things wrong :thedoubletake: I just read some place not to far back a post saying to use some :circle-of-love:
However its great for a minor Cal deff :thumb:Thats why i had to use it my stems were going red KJC recommended it :peace:

Oh..:) I am learning and did not know about the epson salt or how it works. I was thinking adding minerals to an issue could be bad.. (shrugging) I hope I did not create more issues
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Heck I never check my ru off water :lot-o-toke: I always have a PH of 6:6 they seem to grow good on that but I never really checked the run off water

I check mine . But are you in soil?
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I really think you should stop and give the plant time to recover from the shock of all the water running through her. It would be like you running 16 miles and needing a break to recover strength.

I am going to bed. you need to give the plant a break
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

LOL jaga, I just had that discussion not going to add epsom salts, amazing that over 65 gallons, well dispersed through 18 gallons of medium, going in at 6.4 and STILL! coming out at 5.7 barely, it's fluxys bed time, lights out, to be continued, good night, thanks again to jaga & LV!

:passitleft::passitleft::passitleft: 1 for each of us,

LV, jaga is THE coolest guy, just as unique as I am (sound about right jaga, lol) thanks for coming to help jaga!!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Morning Trichster

Sorry buddy, I was a bit fluxed after fixing up that darn broom and doing the yard (what's left of it)

I thought we got this all sorted, then I just found out you still got salt build up.

Like others are saying give her a break get some rest your self and continue later,

sounds like the PH is coming back up to normal levels anyways.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I check mine . But are you in soil?

I am in soil so what is a good run off 5:5 is my guess but I dont know :circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I am in soil so what is a good run off 5:5 is my guess but I dont know :circle-of-love:

i wish i was in soil today, I need to get over 6 jaga, your 5.5 is low for soil, maybe thats why KingJ mentioned your purple stems the other day. hows things at home, say hello to your wonderful Padma for me its 130 am, hav a niiiiiiice day, thanks for tryingto help, u didn what you could. are you crossponders, as bad with gallons and teaspoons, as I am w/ millileters? BB posted something in gallons today w/ out the metric equal, I fell out of my chair, he is way tooo polite , I calll him Mr Clean, cause his grow room looks like , nothing in my house, lol. good night again:circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I'm worried now because all my stems are purple! On all 3 plants.

Yeah bb is excellent for posting with and without the use of the metric system
His grow room is amazing....that's how they should be!

Have you got run off up yet triches?

I did my first flush last night but didn't have time to check run off...although not as important in hydro compared to soil.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I'm worried now because all my stems are purple! On all 3 plants.

Yeah bb is excellent for posting with and without the use of the metric system
His grow room is amazing....that's how they should be!

Have you got run off up yet triches?

I did my first flush last night but didn't have time to check run off...although not as important in hydro compared to soil.

Hey there HiddenK

Thanks for those kind words.

I think Trichster is down for the night (getting on for 3am over there)

Last reading over on the last page was 5.3 I think.

We will get this fixed, and I can understand his great concern, but his plant is

unlikely to die for sure.

Don't get worried about purple stems on you plant's either. There could be various

reasons for this. I'll get up to speed on your grow and chime in during the early hours

tonight. I work some odd hours and I'm just starting back today after the hols.

Good bud to you my friend.

Together we can sort this out.

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

i wish i was in soil today, I need to get over 6 jaga, your 5.5 is low for soil, maybe thats why KingJ mentioned your purple stems the other day. hows things at home, say hello to your wonderful Padma for me its 130 am, hav a niiiiiiice day, thanks for tryingto help, u didn what you could. are you crossponders, as bad with gallons and teaspoons, as I am w/ millileters? BB posted something in gallons today w/ out the metric equal, I fell out of my chair, he is way tooo polite , I calll him Mr Clean, cause his grow room looks like , nothing in my house, lol. good night again:circle-of-love:
padma is MMm fine
Heck no my run off isnt 5:5 I was just wondering what a good run off should be so 5:5 is low so would it be around 6:6 like the water that goes in or some place in the middle :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey there HiddenK

Thanks for those kind words.

I think Trichster is down for the night (getting on for 3am over there)

Last reading over on the last page was 5.3 I think.

We will get this fixed, and I can understand his great concern, but his plant is

unlikely to die for sure.

Don't get worried about purple stems on you plant's either. There could be various

reasons for this. I'll get up to speed on your grow and chime in during the early hours

tonight. I work some odd hours and I'm just starting back today after the hols.

Good bud to you my friend.

Together we can sort this out.


Daw back to work best of days to you BB,,thanks as well my stems were a concern for a little while but she seems fine and her leaves are a good colour :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Sending positive vibes your way my brother. Everyone has said it so just wanted to reiterate...breath in, breath out. Pause and do it again. Breath in and breath out.

Your Gurl will be just fine and so will you.

Do t like to see you stressing.

Let us know how she's doing.

Re: WTF! Watch This Flux, 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing, presents "Fluxy Lady" fully restra

Hey! u guys!! come BAAAAACK! I need answers!!

I guess i'll let her rest tomorrow, what do you think about the direct sun tomorrow?

when can I hit her again. I think it was a bad idea, when i put the 3 gallons of soil in the coco.(18 gallons of medium)
The water is still coming out light brown ph ran as high as 5.7, but the next 20 gal flush pushed her down to low 5s

60 to 75 gallons run thru it for hours, and hours, i wasnt lookin at the time. going to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ:green_heart:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I myself was not sure on the epson salt. I do soil and not coco. So, I hope I did not mess him up? I just figured if questioning don't do it.
Epsom salts are not a bad or terrible thing, when used sparingly a for certain types of problems (PH, Cal/Mag Def) etc. But it is salt so you can never over due it.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey Trichs,

I know you are resting up now, you deserve it. Look at it this way, at least she is flushed now with the many gallons of water that were pushed through her last night, wait until see how she recovers first. We know that there isn't any salt build up left in the pot , so you just might to continue adding nutes and watch for signs of progress. She is going to be very hungry after all of that water.

Re: Watch This Flux - Even BB can get PH problems

Hey Everyone

While we're on this topic here's a little problem I got

just recently.

Below is a pic of my LA Confidential at around 38 days. Oh she looks

great you might think. But she's not as good as she ought to be.

I've noticed a little rust spotting on some of the older leaves.

And slight leaf deformation higher up. Also I'm in no way an expert

on this strain, first plant I've grown in fact.

Each strain has its own little foibles so we have to watch and learn.

She's in coco and due for potting up and flowering in a few weeks.

She's on full strength nutes at ph 6.2.

Here's the thing, I tested her runoff this morning and found it too high.

See pic. PH 6.6

I guess some of the alkaline solubles in my tap water are not being absorbed

properly so my nute Ph needs to come down a bit.

So gimme a few days and we'll see if she is any better for it.


Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

THNX you2 , i gotta warm the water that's been sin 30 gal container w hot water on the stove

Don't make it any warmer than room temperature. You can burn the roots with hotter water than that. I haven't been following closely the last week or so...sorry about that.

What exactly is going on right now? Remember what I once said; when a plant is in stress the less you do to remedy that the better. If you start doing this and that you will make more trouble for yourself. I don't like coir, personally. Not for a container grow. I don't know how well it works with hydro, but it has a high salinity content on its own, but there is new coir products coming out of India now which have much lower sodium levels. That said, when using coir in an outdoor, container grow it is a good idea to mix the coir with live compost, a little peat moss, and anything else to improve drainage be it perlite, vermiculite, but I prefer lava sand or granite sand.

Granular fertilizers which are mixed with soils work better, IMO, because they break down in the container slowly as they should, eliminating the need to flush or be overly concerned the plant is getting too much or too little. The fertilizer is in the container and is available as the plant requires.

The reason this should be organic fertilizer is due to the way it is available to roots. However, when you feed soil like this with granular fertilizer you are doing the most important part of all, you are providing food for the micro and macro organisms in the soil, which break things down and nourish the plants with the exact amount of nutrition they need. It's like the soil and the plant form a relationship along with the mycorrhizae. If you are not using organic fertilizer, you are wasting your money on mycorrhizae.

None of this may be the answer to your direct problem, but these are the cultural practices which will give your container plant the best possible conditions. Point me to when this started and I'll read it, but I have ten million things to do from today till Monday with my teacher visiting us. I'll do whatever I can to help you...if i can help.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

In regard to the original posters problem, the problem most likely stems from the initial growing medium. As we have already said, when you act too quick trying to fix something that may or may not be what you think the problem is, you can start a chain reaction and cause many more problems. It appears to me to be a fluctuating pH problem, meaning she's not sure what her tummy can digest. If my memory serves me right this is a coco medium, which I have never grown in, which isn't an actual soil. A plant this size needs a full on organic growing medium, she also needs a pH buffer. Having to play with the pH at all unless you are growing hydroponicly should not be a topic of concern for regular soil growing. It seems like we are in a cloud of smoke in regards to what's going on. But I'll bet that this problem was inherently going to occur anyway, given the initial substrate of the growing medium. I don't think blasting 50 gallons of water through is going to be of immense help either, but I suppose anythings worth a shot at this point.

If it continues to get worse, I would have her transplanted into a proper growing medium and then hope I could just brush my shoulders off after applying a fresh medium with the buffer.

That isn't from cold nights. It's southern California lol. At first I thought we were seeing normal purpling of the tissues, however now that this thing has progressed, we are learning more about her story. I don't think snipping the dead tops is going to do any good just yet - maybe soon though, might just cause more harm than good. I believe unless it's a P def. that it is most likely a metal ion def. The leaves appear to be necrotic, and appearing on newer, younger growth. It is possible in the root zone, that although certain elements were replenished when you dug the whole and added your "potting soil", that there is still a depletion of very important metals that were possibly used by the plant you grew there last year (I think you grew one there). I think a Boron def. is certainly possible... check your labels to see if theres any Boron, or metals such as Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum.

I also requested information on your metal levels of your nutrients, this information was never provided to me.

Hopefully we can get her back on track, I also don't understand why you are bringing her inside under the lights anymore, I would say just let her grow, putting her from the fresh outdoors and into that little grow shed for the measly lighting probably does more harm than good, you would be surprised how much work these things are doing on a cellular level in darkness. Fresh air is important, I also hope she is of stable genetics, flashing her with Sunlight and then artificial light is definitely not an ideal situation, you want her adapted to her home, she needs to make peace with the Earth and mother nature. All of this crazy intervention and speculation is not making her feel good. Sometimes less is more.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Less is more.

One of my favorite beliefs.

Some good points there Lester.

I'll be back in about 9 hours, gotta pay the bills.
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