Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

A fine Skunkday to you Rico:)
good weed to you Rico como esta:)
Dayos quattro de la bumina







Maisy before;


Maisy after;


See what I did there? ;)
tuck and cover just like in grade school.?
Daisy in bondage,
Ill be your huckleberry,
soon her goods will show

Love it, lol...

And yeah, I'm totally with you on the GMO. My front porch has 10 container garden planters, several potatoe bags, a few topsy turvy experiments that I think will move to the back porch next year, lol, and about 26 different berries in large pots along both sides of the drive way. The smaller back porch has 2 large containers of herbs (and my grill, lol) and then the side garden has 7 raised beds containing other veggies. Over the winter I'm going to setup some indoor hydro for salad greens, heirloom tomatoes and peppers to see how that works out in cost vs store, then factor in nutrition.

I'm not going to juice right now, but once I have both tents running, we plan to try it. We do juice other fruits and veggies for the health benefits and we have both noticed a difference when we apply even irregular and moderate juicing to the diet, so I figure cannabis wouldn't be a bad addition. I did read an article the other day that while THC production (and of course THCA production) continues through flower and drying (conversion of THCA to Delta-9 THC) and of course, we know decarb will convert the Acids to the Alcs, but, the article stated that CBD production peaks at week 5 - 6 of flower and doesn't increase from there. That said, I think any leaves taken from flower defol would be useful for juicing, especially if you defol at week 6 or so (42 days instead of 45). I will be trying it likely on the next grow. Since we're both into edibles I'll likely turn a lot of hash and oils/butters this round as kief, hash, tincture and oil/butter are great for cooking various recipes. I made kief stuffed mushrooms browned in canna oil last week and they were great taste wise and released the meds nicely. A slow, warm buzz that knocked the fibro down to a managable level. My girl was all giggly, she at 1 more mushroom than I did, lol.

I can't wait to see how that bent over screening works out on this grow. I always assumed the screen needed to be higher so you can prune below it so airflow doesn't get cut off. I was wondering if something like this, wrapped into a tub, with a few plants planted vertically inside and trained outwards, with light coming from all directions would work. Kind of a "tower/column of bud", lol. Needless to say, high efficiency gardening interests me, lol. I love some of the innovative ways people have come up with for growing plants and producing crops of all kinds, both in the organics and in the hydro or combo systems you see. It's amazing. I love seeing some of the "greening cities" projects like the "green roof" gardens and "window gardens" and such. I'm a big fan of permaculture as well. I'd love to have the land to do some huge Hugelkulture mounts for planting outside, would love to experiment with those mounds with cannbis as well.

Ok, enough rambling, nice pics :)

smooth trellis bending
over delicate budlets
sweet resin soon falls

new car! caviar! four star day dream!
think I will buy a football team?
Thanks for all the replys and poetry

This is how to write a haiku :)

smooth trellis bending
over delicate budlets
sweet resin soon falls

Daisy in bondage,
Ill be your huckleberry,
soon her goods will show

This is how not to....

new car! caviar!
four star day dream!

think I will buy a football team?

Nice sentiment, but no reference to nature and the syllable count is wrong.

And far too much punctuation :)

But you knew that already ;)

Is 2046 a reference to the obscure japanese sci-fi movie?

I'm a big fan of permaculture as well. I'd love to have the land to do some huge Hugelkulture mounts for planting outside, would love to experiment with those mounds with cannbis as well.

I love Hugelkultur. The ultimate raised garden

This is new from June :)

I can't wait to see how that bent over screening works out on this grow.
I always assumed the screen needed to be higher
so you can prune below it so airflow doesn't get cut off.

I'm waiting til they grow a bit more, then i'm going to panic and fuck everything up ;)

I was wondering if something like this, wrapped into a tub, with a few plants planted vertically inside and trained outwards, with light coming from all directions would work. Kind of a "tower/column of bud", lol.

I'm thinking about doing that with the cannatonic outside.

I built the greenhouse today and may put her in there.

A singular hexagonal greenhouse scrog :thumb:
I'm waiting til they grow a bit more, then i'm going to panic and fuck everything up ;)

I'm thinking about doing that with the cannatonic outside.

I built the greenhouse today and may put her in there.

A singular hexagonal greenhouse scrog :thumb:

Naaah, just take your time with trimming and be patient, when space is confined, slow and patient gets you there.

Can't wait to see the circular trellis, I was thinking in 5+ gal pot, trellis around it, that way you could turn it every so often to get a more equal exposure to various sides of the column.

Thanks for the reps on the haiku, it was just off the cuff, thinking about the picture of the mini-scrog :)
just take your time with trimming and be patient, when space is confined, slow and patient gets you there.

I was being sarcastic, but forgot to be serious ;)

The trellis is tucked under the pots,

so as they grow it will rise and eventually I will trim the lower leaves

and affix the trellis to the outer container :high-five:

The cannatonic is in a 10 gallon tomato-bag thing with handles.

Should fill the greenhouse. she will be a good mother. :)
well see if I ever plagiarize another poem again!!
No! Japanese! Movie! or even., Chinese film either!>*$@:)
just the smoke of the day=P
So I watched a japanese sci fi moovy for nuttin?

Nice strain :) Maybe one for your future wardrobe?

[h=1]Medical Seeds Co. - 2046[/h]100% pure haze.
Growing Period indoor: 1-2 weeks
Indoor flowering Period: 110-120 days
Indoor Production (per m2): 500 gr. or more
Heights outdoor: 3 meters
Outdoor Flowering period: Late November
Outdoor Production: More than 1 kg.
THC: 20% - 25%
CBD: Very low
Genotype: Genuine Pure Haze

Selected for its incredible psychedelic power and its indisputable haze aroma. It is the variety of our most powerful bank. Patience is needed to grow this lady, but reward comes after 120 days. It has a difficult cultivation and is not suitable for novice growers, it can only be grown in S.C.R.O.G. or cultivated crops far height fastened with tutors. Enjoy this Flower, having been grown in optimum conditions, can be one of the greatest pleasures for any cannabicultor. Really very energizing in its power and its intense flavour haze is the best gift for the palate, enjoy the 2046!

Flowering Time Indoor: 104 - 106 days (~105 days)
Yield / Quantity Indoor: The crop of this strain is great.
General Impression Indoor: is all together insane strain - absolutely recommendable.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed insane strong and very long lasting.
Votings of our users: 2046 gets 9.67 of 10 possible Points in the average!

9.67 out of ten (only from 1 user, but still :) )
So I watched a japanese sci fi moovy for nuttin?

Nice strain :) Maybe one for your future wardrobe?

9.67 out of ten (only from 1 user, but still :) )

already done did it and a 9.67 is pretty close:)so make that two:)
very nice buzz:thumb:
Plot : He was a grower.

He thought he planted seeds in the future but it really was the past.

The flowers surprised him, the wind blew him over.

A mysterious strain left for 2046 every once in a while.

Everyone who went there had the same intention.....

......to get really Fish-eyed

It was said that in 2046, nothing ever changed.

Nobody knew for sure if it was true,

because nobody who went there had ever come back

- except for one.

He was there.

He chose to leave.

He wanted munchies...
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