Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

I don't know Jay, My lady just told me to tell my imaginary friends goodnight. She'll have to wait though because I'm down to only 11 imaginary friends left to visit. LOL


I can't even think about keep up 3 pages in a day guys come on :) I keep telling yea half the time I feel like I am running around with my hair on fire. On flip side off next week big reason for the fire "Carl Wave" :circle-of-love:

I know a couple weeks I can here with a lady not looking good well she looks great but I got another problem. i put in a environmental controller and I have another problem. Every time I look into my box now it is 85º and 50% humidity. I love this thing Titian controls look them up cool stuff :peace:

Oh yea all Auto fire extinguisher put one in your grow. I am sure most box look like mine a sea of extension cords that are no where close to be up to code. Lose your plants or your home ?
I can't even think about keep up 3 pages in a day guys come on :) I keep telling yea half the time I feel like I am running around with my hair on fire. On flip side off next week big reason for the fire "Carl Wave"™ :circle-of-love:

I know a couple weeks I can here with a lady not looking good well she looks great but I got another problem. i put in a environmental controller and I have another problem. Every time I look into my box now it is 85º and 50% humidity. I love this thing Titian controls look them up cool stuff :peace:

Oh yea all Auto fire extinguisher put one in your grow. I am sure most box look like mine a sea of extension cords that are no where close to be up to code. Lose your plants or your home ?

That's a great idea Carl...my question is if I burn my grilled cheese in the kitchen will my 700 cfm of fans suck in the smoke and set it off?...I don't know how they work ...just wondering ...thanks
That's a great idea Carl...my question is if I burn my grilled cheese in the kitchen will my 700 cfm of fans suck in the smoke and set it off?...I don't know how they work ...just wondering ...thanks

no Jay the ones I am talking about use heat to go off like 150º to go off. They look like industrial sprinkler heads probably same. So there is a fire you mount them above your grow hit u tube and you can see them in action. Also this is not my idea to protect yourself it come from Captain I follow his blog here and he has smart tips like that all the time
I have already lost a litre and a half to mold :straightface: (that's almost a half-gallon in Empire Measurements)

You got bud rot in the jars? :bitingnails: Im very sorry to hear aout this.

Merry Christmas from the Spimp Family to All the Rico's. :xmas: I hope your travels, visiting, and remembering brings joy to the hearts of you and yours sir Rico. :)
This journal IS NOT COMPLETE! Who do you think your fooling Mr. Suavay?
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